Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Getting closer!
We met with a potential in-home babysitter this evening. She was highly recommended by one of the principals that works in my school district. We enjoyed chatting with her, her husband, 15 year old daughter, and 11 year old son. I think we've found our babysitter! She has ~21 years of experience, is located very close to our house, and was very kind and knowledgeble. It's a relief to know that we'll have someone to watch him once I go back to work.
Latest pregnancy symptom: Body heat! I'm used to being constantly cold--wearing layers and blankets throughout the winter. Not anymore!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Merry Christmas!!
On the 26th, the entire gang traveled to our house for dinner. Initially, I was afraid that we wouldn't have anything to entertain the "kids", since we don't have many toys for them to play with and it was too muddy for them to play on the swing set in the backyard. Boy, was I wrong! They loved the Wii, including participating in several Wii Fit activities. The laughter and giggles were nearly shaking the house!
After dinner, everyone headed out. During our goodbyes, I came to the realization that next time we see them, we'll be introducing our little guy!
We hope that all of you also had a wonderful, blessed, and enjoyable Christmas!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Still baking!
The nursery is almost complete! We have a few more things to organize/put away, and then all we need is a baby! Pictures to come soon.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Baby Shower!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
35 Weeks!
I asked the doctor if he would be present for the delivery, or if it would be the doctor in the practice that is on-call. I've had a not-so-positive experience with one of the doctors-basically not feeling like he listened to what I wanted in regards to determining if I have MTHFR. My doctor's response was that I'll have whomever is on-call unless I'm willing to be induced. Depending on my natural progress, he thought it may be a good idea to be induced late in the game because of the MTHFR. After learning about the possible negative effects of inductions, basically forcing your body to do something it's not ready for yet, I'm hesitant to go this route. Right now, I'm thinking I'll wait and go into labor naturally. If I have the non-preferred doctor, Adam and I will make sure that we're not talked into things we don't want to do unless absolutely necessary.
I'm meeting with my substitute at work tomorrow. I'm lucky to have a sub and am very thankful! I know her from graduate school and know she's reliable and will do a good job. I've been working hard to get ahead on cases and prepping my school teams for my leave...but it's impossible to get everything done and predict what will happen while I'm out!
The comments I'm getting from others continue to amuse me. In the matter of a day, I could hear, "You don't even look pregnant" to "You're really popping today!"
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Pomp and Circumstance
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
6 Weeks To Go!
Only 6 more weeks until our due date!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
I had another doctor's appointment this afternoon. Adam was able to come along and meet the doctor. Everything continues to look great!
Blood pressure: 120/70
Baby's heartbeat: 148-152
Weight: "Pretty darn awesome"
Measurement: "Right on target"
We decided last weekend that we would get our H1N1 vaccines. Adam was my final persuasion, reminding me that I work in several schools with sick kids and that we want to do everything we can to protect ourselves and our son. Our experience was pretty uneventful. We were at the location (nearby fairgrounds) a little after 7:00am, with vaccines starting at 7:30am, and we were on our way by 7:45am. It took a bit of pleading to convince them to give Adam the vaccine, too. The nurses gave us the shots through the car windows and we were on our way.
Our house is wonderful! We have a few pictures to hang and organization to finish, but we're all moved in!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
31 weeks down, 9 to go!
Blood pressure: "Nice and low."
Heartbeat: "Good and strong."
Measurement: "Perfect."
Water retention: "None, looking good."
My next appointment is in two weeks. Let's hope the good news keeps coming!
We're loving our new house! We're continuing to work on cleaning and have a few boxes left to unpack. We've also worked on insulating our windows in preparation for the winter. Our large picture bay window is wonderful, but probably not the most efficient in the winter! Most of the work is done on the weekends...I'm typically worn out by the end of a work day and complete a small amount before I'm ready to call it a day.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Home Sweet Home!
We received our keys on Sunday afternoon. Throughout the week, we brought over boxes and began cleaning. Adam also worked hard on painting the nursery, which turned out great! Most of the moving and cleaning occurred over the weekend. We're very thankful for everyone that traveled to help us out. The to-do lists continued to grow as the weekend progressed as cleaning projects and simple fix-it jobs became more labor intensive than originally anticipated. We were able to meet many of our new neighbors through treat-or-treating. It was a very exciting and tiring process. Thanks again to all of our helpers! We couldn't have completed the packing, loading, unloading, unpacking, deep cleaning, repair jobs, and organizing without you! A special thanks to my parents, who completed all of the above jobs three days in a row!
It's a great feeling to be in OUR house! Visitors are always welcome!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Third Trimester!
I had my glucose test over the weekend. The drink wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I had heard horror stories about it being carbonated and the drink's texture. My beverage wasn't carbonated, nor did it have an atypical texture. It reminded me of orange snow cone flavoring, without the typical dilution from the ice. I haven't heard back from the hospital, so I'm assuming I passed. No news is good news! Since my blood type is rh negative, I also received my rhogam shot. Two needle pokes before noon on a Saturday isn't my idea of fun, but I'll do whatever it takes!
We're signed up for Childbirth Education classes. Our class is a Friday night and all-day Saturday in early December.
I had another monthly appointment with my OB this afternoon. Everything continues to look good! Blood pressure is good. No water retention/swelling. Heartbeat at 155 bpm. I'm measuring at 28 weeks. I asked him again about the H1N1 vaccine. I've received my regular flu shot, but haven't decided on this vaccine. He explained that the CDC is recommending that everyone receive both vaccines, yet he does not feel comfortable getting the H1N1 vaccine. He continues to worry about the lack of research on pregnant women. Instead of getting the vaccine, another option would be getting TamiFlu immediately (within 48 hours) if I start experiencing symptoms. He explained that, with the swine flu, symptoms hit hard and strong and would be obvious. TamiFlu has been researched on pregnant women. Obviously, the decision is up to us, but I'm leaning towards this option. My next appointment with the OB is in three weeks. Afterwards, I'll start going every other week.
In other news, we close on our house this Friday! We'll get the keys on Sunday and have until the following Saturday to vacate our apartment. Next week, we'll take car loads of boxes over, clean, paint, etc. each night. Adam will be doing most of the work and I'll help out as much as I can. We have help lined up for the weekend to move big items, etc.--Thanks in advance!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Only 10 more days until we close on our first house! We're scheduled to gain possession on the 25th and have until the 31st to be out of our apartment. We've been keeping busy organizing and packing.
I'm planning to do my glucose test this weekend. The OB nurse described the liquid I have to drink as "flat orange pop". It should be interesting! I'll also get my rhogam shot while I'm at the hospital.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Growing big and strong
Baby and I are measuring at 24 weeks (due date Jan 13). My original due date was Jan 21, based on time lines. Since it's less than 10 days difference, they aren't officially changing my date. Since all signs point to Jan 13, that's what I'm sticking to. Based on the ultrasound, his estimated weight is 1 lb 7 oz.
Before my next appointment (10/21), I need to complete a blood glucose test and receive a rhogam shot, since my blood type is A negative.
Baby has been very active recently. I love it! He even surprised the ultrasound technician a few times this morning with his kicks and punches. She explained that he's building his muscle tone by moving around...if he keeps this up, he's going to look like a body builder by the time he's born! Adam has been able to feel and see him move,'s great to share this experience with him!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Future Occupation: Heart Model
Movin' on up
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I received a call today to schedule my fetal echo. We're heading back to Toledo next Tuesday to meet with the pediatric cardiologist. Then, it's back to the ob on Wednesday for a check up and an ultrasound with their technician. It will be a busy two days of appointments, but I'm excited to see him again and make sure that he's growing big and strong!
In other news, we put an offer on a house tonight! We've been looking at several houses in the immediate area and found one that is perfect for our growing family. We'll keep you updated on the progress!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
It's a BOY!!
The doctor would like me to return in four weeks for another check-up and a fetal echo with a pediatric cardiologist due to a history of a heart condition in my family. They also want me to undergo additional bloodword to verify that I'm not a carrier for any chromosomal heart defects.
Everything looks great and he is measuring "perfectly!"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Outfits, Crib, and Kicks, Oh My!
We may have found a deal on a crib! One of Adam's coworkers was planning to put their crib on Ebay. Prior to posting it, the offered it to us. Adam took a look at it today and everything seems good and safe. He'll likely bring it home with him tomorrow. Now we just have to find a place to put it...
Adam felt the baby kick! He wasn't able to feel each of them, but he felt one kick last night and smiled from ear to ear! I'm typically able to feel movement after lunch and in the evenings. Baby also likes to kick when I wear non-maternity/elastic waist pants. It's as if s/he is saying "Hey Mom! There's no room in here!"
Ultrasound on Thursday afternoon!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Almost halfway there!
I asked about the ever popular H1N1 vaccine. The doctor was undecided about it, expressing concerns about unknown side effects and the rush to increase production. He said the American Board of Obstetricians has not decided if they support it yet. He seems to have the same viewpoint I have: if I need it, I'll get it, but I don't want to be a guinea pig, not knowing possible side effects, etc. His official answer right now: "I don't know."
I go back for another appointment in 5 weeks (September 23rd) for another check up and an ultrasound!
Next week: Follow up appointment with the Peri, complete with an ultrasound! Let's hope baby cooperates and doesn't cross it's legs!
I've felt the baby move more often! It's wonderful! I'm anxious for the day that Adam can feel it moving, too!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
First Flutters?!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What does that say?!
I received the results of my First Trimester Screening tests. Everything was normal!
Tribute to a Hero
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Back to the OB
I'm continuing to measure on target and the baby's heartbeat was in the 140's, nice and strong!
Next appointments:
OB: August 19
Peri: August 27 (The *big* ultrasound!)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Appointment with the Peri
After looking at ultrasound pictures, the peri was concerned about an area of additional fluid. Unfortunately, we're unable to determine what the fluid is. He recommended immediately discontinuing daily baby aspirin, in case the fluid is blood, and prescribed rest and relaxation. For the next 4-6 weeks, no exercise other than walking, lots of rest, etc. I'm horrible with coming up with questions on the spot for doctors, but of course, had many immediately following the appointment. Luckily, I have an appointment with my OB this week and hope to get more information.
The absolute best part of the appointment was the ultrasound! I was bummed that Adam wasn't there to share in the first experience, but the technician promised that I could take pictures with me. It was amazing to see the baby, watch it kick and hiccup, see the heart beating, and know that it is growing inside of me! It's heartbeat was 154, which I was told was nice and strong. Based on it's size and development, Baby's due date was moved up! He or she is now due January 13, 2010! That's right, it's a week ahead of the original schedule...we have an advanced baby on our hands!
Enough talk...let's see pictures!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Michigan vacation
Meeting the doctor
I met the OB for the first time on June 26, 2009. While reviewing my information, he noted that I was going to be “a challenge right from the start”, referring to being diagnosed with MTHFR, my sister’s pregnancy and health history, and two sets of twins already in my immediate family. Upon being diagnosed the MTHFR in September 2008, the perinatalogist I saw did not recommend using additional anti-coagulants such as the daily injections my sister received. Just to be sure, the OB referred me to another peri for a second opinion. He did recommend continuing my daily concoction of medicine: prenatal vitamin, 2 folic acid pills, baby aspirin, and Expecta.
The most exciting part of the appointment was hearing the baby’s heartbeat! The doctor chuckled when I asked if there was only one heartbeat. He replied that there is one and that I’m measuring on target for having a singleton.
First appointment
I had my first doctor’s appointment on June 3, 2009. I met with a nurse to review medical history, took a blood test, and received a bag full of reading material. I thought they might check for a heartbeat or do an ultrasound, but I would have to wait for a later appointment. They confirmed our due date as January 21, 2010.
So far, I can’t complain about pregnancy symptoms. My main symptom is fatigue and naps are a regular occurrence. Luckily, the school year at work is winding down and summer break is just around the corner.
Is this some kind of announcement?
Adam and I were planning to go to Cincinnati for the weekend shortly after discovering we were pregnant. We thought it would be perfect time to begin telling people because we were going to see several family members. I told Adam about my thoughts on Christmas morning. My primary thought was using a posed picture to share our exciting news. Taking the picture by ourselves was comical…figuring out the camera timer, propping the camera, finding the best angle, making sure not to block the flash, etc.
Just after sitting at the table to eat, we handed the picture to my parents. The room fell silent. My dad opened the envelope, commenting that it was a nice picture. Then, he smirked and asked “Is this some kind of announcement?” My heart was beating out of my chest and I was bursting with excitement as I nodded with a smile from ear to ear.
We didn’t have immediate plans to see Adam’s parents, but didn’t want to keep them out of the loop. While still in Cincinnati , he called them to relay the good news. We were planning to tell Matt, his brother that is living with us, in person when we returned to Sandusky . While we were still out of town, their mom called Matt to ask if he was excited about being an uncle. Matt, very confused, immediately called Adam for clarification!
Is that a line?!
Coincidentally, the earliest date we were able to test with decent accuracy was Mother’s Day weekend. Adam and I had discussed waiting until Sunday. Early Saturday morning, I woke up excited and anxious. After tossing and turning with anticipation, I woke up Adam and asked if I could take the test a day early. Groggily, he agreed although he reminded me that we were going to wait until Sunday. I hopped out of bed, took the test, and forced myself to not look at it for the mandatory three minutes. A very, very faint line appeared and I ran the test to Adam, still in bed.
Our conversation went something like this: “Is that a line?!” “I think it’s a line!” “I think it’s a line, too, but I can barely see it!” “Is that really a line?!” After researching online, everything I read told me that a line is a line!
Thankfully, the tests were buy one box, get one free. So I was able to test again on Monday, a few days later, and a few days after that to reassure myself. There was no doubt a line was present anymore!