After looking at ultrasound pictures, the peri was concerned about an area of additional fluid. Unfortunately, we're unable to determine what the fluid is. He recommended immediately discontinuing daily baby aspirin, in case the fluid is blood, and prescribed rest and relaxation. For the next 4-6 weeks, no exercise other than walking, lots of rest, etc. I'm horrible with coming up with questions on the spot for doctors, but of course, had many immediately following the appointment. Luckily, I have an appointment with my OB this week and hope to get more information.
The absolute best part of the appointment was the ultrasound! I was bummed that Adam wasn't there to share in the first experience, but the technician promised that I could take pictures with me. It was amazing to see the baby, watch it kick and hiccup, see the heart beating, and know that it is growing inside of me! It's heartbeat was 154, which I was told was nice and strong. Based on it's size and development, Baby's due date was moved up! He or she is now due January 13, 2010! That's right, it's a week ahead of the original schedule...we have an advanced baby on our hands!
Enough talk...let's see pictures!!
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