Wednesday, December 9, 2009

35 Weeks!

I had another doctor's appointment this afternoon. Everything looks good! My next appointment is in two weeks. Starting at that appointment, I'll have more in depth exams to check my progress, so I'll have different types of stats to report. I'll also start going weekly. Baby remains head down and is very unlikely to flip this late in the pregnancy, which is good news.

I asked the doctor if he would be present for the delivery, or if it would be the doctor in the practice that is on-call. I've had a not-so-positive experience with one of the doctors-basically not feeling like he listened to what I wanted in regards to determining if I have MTHFR. My doctor's response was that I'll have whomever is on-call unless I'm willing to be induced. Depending on my natural progress, he thought it may be a good idea to be induced late in the game because of the MTHFR. After learning about the possible negative effects of inductions, basically forcing your body to do something it's not ready for yet, I'm hesitant to go this route. Right now, I'm thinking I'll wait and go into labor naturally. If I have the non-preferred doctor, Adam and I will make sure that we're not talked into things we don't want to do unless absolutely necessary.

I'm meeting with my substitute at work tomorrow. I'm lucky to have a sub and am very thankful! I know her from graduate school and know she's reliable and will do a good job. I've been working hard to get ahead on cases and prepping my school teams for my leave...but it's impossible to get everything done and predict what will happen while I'm out!

The comments I'm getting from others continue to amuse me. In the matter of a day, I could hear, "You don't even look pregnant" to "You're really popping today!"

1 comment:

  1. I saw the on-call schedule for my practice hanging on the wall and studied it to make sure my least-fave doc was not on call for the next two days before having my membranes stripped ;-) Hopefully you'll get the doctor you want at delivery, but in reality the nurses do the vast majority of the work and the doctor just comes in to catch the baby.
