Monday, July 6, 2009

Meeting the doctor

I met the OB for the first time on June 26, 2009. While reviewing my information, he noted that I was going to be “a challenge right from the start”, referring to being diagnosed with MTHFR, my sister’s pregnancy and health history, and two sets of twins already in my immediate family. Upon being diagnosed the MTHFR in September 2008, the perinatalogist I saw did not recommend using additional anti-coagulants such as the daily injections my sister received. Just to be sure, the OB referred me to another peri for a second opinion. He did recommend continuing my daily concoction of medicine: prenatal vitamin, 2 folic acid pills, baby aspirin, and Expecta.

The most exciting part of the appointment was hearing the baby’s heartbeat! The doctor chuckled when I asked if there was only one heartbeat. He replied that there is one and that I’m measuring on target for having a singleton.

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