Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Still baking!

Today marked the first of my weekly appointments with the OB! Everything with baby and mommy continues to look good. His heartbeat sounded "great" and my blood pressure is 104/74. No dilation or effacement, so baby still needs some time to bake. He continues to lay head down. According to the OB's measurement, he's measuring around 34 weeks, which wasn't significantly larger than my last appointment two weeks ago. The doctor wasn't concerned about this and said we should expect an "average" sized baby, which he clarified to be around 7 lbs. Later in the appointment, during the question and answer portion, I asked if I would have another ultrasound. I was told by the ultrasound technician several weeks ago that it may be a possibility due to the MTHFR. "Just for kicks", the OB scheduled me for an ultrasound in two weeks to check on the baby's growth, amount of amniotic fluid, weight estimate, etc. Baby continues to move around frequently and especially likes to stretch. He also gets the hiccups several times a day. The OB explained that this is a good sign that he's strengthening his diaphram and moving fluid throughout his lungs.

The nursery is almost complete! We have a few more things to organize/put away, and then all we need is a baby! Pictures to come soon.

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