Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Growing big and strong

I had another follow up appointment with my ob this morning, including an ultrasound. Everything looks great! My blood pressure is good and the doctor was impressed that I'm not retaining any water.

Baby and I are measuring at 24 weeks (due date Jan 13). My original due date was Jan 21, based on time lines. Since it's less than 10 days difference, they aren't officially changing my date. Since all signs point to Jan 13, that's what I'm sticking to. Based on the ultrasound, his estimated weight is 1 lb 7 oz.

Before my next appointment (10/21), I need to complete a blood glucose test and receive a rhogam shot, since my blood type is A negative.

Baby has been very active recently. I love it! He even surprised the ultrasound technician a few times this morning with his kicks and punches. She explained that he's building his muscle tone by moving around...if he keeps this up, he's going to look like a body builder by the time he's born! Adam has been able to feel and see him move,'s great to share this experience with him!

Baby's face! What a handsome little man!

Baby feet!

"Bleacher shot" (Dear son, please forgive me for posting such exposing pictures!)

Hand (thumb is hidden). Hello, world!

Side shot of a lounging boy. Arm is on top, bent. Leg on bottom, bent.

Right to left - Head, arm/hand, leg.