Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Almost halfway there!

I had another check up with the OB today. Everything looks great! My blood pressure is "very good" and baby's heartbeat ranged from 148-152.

I asked about the ever popular H1N1 vaccine. The doctor was undecided about it, expressing concerns about unknown side effects and the rush to increase production. He said the American Board of Obstetricians has not decided if they support it yet. He seems to have the same viewpoint I have: if I need it, I'll get it, but I don't want to be a guinea pig, not knowing possible side effects, etc. His official answer right now: "I don't know."

I go back for another appointment in 5 weeks (September 23rd) for another check up and an ultrasound!

Next week: Follow up appointment with the Peri, complete with an ultrasound! Let's hope baby cooperates and doesn't cross it's legs!

I've felt the baby move more often! It's wonderful! I'm anxious for the day that Adam can feel it moving, too!

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