Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mr. Sensitive and Mr. Independent

Mr. Sensitive:
Just like his brother at this age, Gavin has very sensitive skin.  We're in a seemingly constant battle with his eczema.  We currently have 3 prescriptions--one for his face, one for his trunk, and one for his scalp.  The pediatrician also gave us an over the counter lotion, but it ended up burning his little face, leaving it bright red and raw.  At one point, we also had an antibiotic for a rash that the doctor thought was becoming infected.

The cradle cap and dry skin on his scalp is clearing up nicely.  We were warned not to use the prescription for his face often because it could cause some discoloration, but it seems that as soon as we stop using it, the rash reappears!  We're starting to discontinue the prescription for his trunk because it seems that it's making his skin even more sensitive and painful when we apply lotion.

We suspect that heat makes his skin worse.  Hopefully with the right prescriptions, daily baths to re-moisturize, time for his skin to mature, and frequent lotion and/or Vaseline applications will help!  We go back to the doctor in early January for his next checkup and can discuss our plan of action again if needed.

Mr. Independent:
Brennan has definitely reached the stage of independence!  We appreciate his efforts to do things by himself and he typically does a good job with a little extra time.  We often here "I want to do it by myself!", "No, you can't help me!", etc.    

Thursday, December 20, 2012

4 Months!

Gavin is already 4 months old!  He's such a joy and we're so blessed that he is part of our family!

~He's a smiley boy!  His entire face lights up when he smiles!
~We've heard a few giggles and he also shrieks in excitement!
~Gavin is working on his vocal skills.  He frequently squeals and gurgles.  He has several other sounds, including "oohs", "ahhs", "A-goos" and something that sounds a lot like "uh oh!"  He's also starting to blow raspberries.
~He's very close to rolling from his back to his tummy.  With one more umph, he'll be there!
~He's getting better at tummy time and tolerates it for longer periods of time.
~Gavin is getting much better about drinking from bottles.  Since my return to work, it's been quite a journey.  He's gone from fighting and screaming when attempting to feed him, to drinking small amounts at a time, to drinking entire 5 oz bottles with no fighting!  We're very thankful for our patient babysitter!  He's gone from drinking as little at 2.5 oz during a 10 hour day, to 15 oz!
~He almost consistently sleeps through the night.  Every once in a while, he'll wake up to eat and usually goes back down easily.  Typically, he goes to bed between 7:00-8:00pm and wakes up between 5:00-6:00am.  Naps aren't too consistent yet, but he normally takes 3-4 naps a day.  He takes better naps in a vibrating chair/rocking chair rather than his crib.  We're hoping to convince him to take longer naps in his crib!
~He's definitely a big boy!  At one of his recent doctor appointments for his eczema, he weighed 16lbs 8oz! We'll have more specific stats after his 4 month check up in early January.

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

With my return to work comes rushed mornings and chaotic evenings.  I'm trying to capture every moment we have as a family in the hustle and bustle.  Here's a list of some of my favorites:
~The look in Gavin's eyes when he sees me, especially when it's paired with kicks of excitement and a huge smile
~Talking with Brennan about his day while we have our family dinner
~"Talking" with Gavin
~Our nightly "family hugs"
~Listening to Adam read bedtime stories to Brennan
~Snuggling with Brennan while I sing him bedtime songs, sneaking in as many kisses as I can
~Watching Gavin drift to sleep as he nurses before bedtime, holding onto one of my fingers
~Snuggling with Gavin and giving him kisses before putting him in bed

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

3 Months Old!

Our not-so-little Gavin is 3 months old!  He's growing and learning every day!

~I've returned to work and Gavin has joined Brennan at the babysitter's house during the day.  Despite countless attempts and numerous different types of bottles, he does not like to drink from them!  In his four days at the babysitter's house, he's drank between 2.5-4.5 ounces during the entire day!  While we're not sure how much he drinks while nursing, it's most certainly more!  The babysitter reports that he's happy during the day unless she's trying to feed him, but has started to fight her less when she tries to feed him.  He's definitely hungry when Mommy gets home from work!
~He's sleeping through the night, typically sleeping between 10-12 hours.  He has started to wake up earlier since Mommy's return to work--perhaps due to wanting to stock up on food for the day?!
~He typically cat naps in the morning and takes a longer nap in the afternoon.
~He enjoys talking and "singing", attempting to repeat the sounds others make.
~Gavin has quite a bald spot on the back of his head.  With his long, dark hair, it's pretty noticeable!
~He enjoys kicking on his activity mat, but also enjoys snuggling.
~We made two attempts at his 3 months pictures.  At our first attempt, the photographer was running late and didn't do much to engage him.  We got a cute picture, but wanted to try again to capture his adorable smile.  We tried again the next weekend.  While the second portrait studio was also running late, we were able to get another cute picture.  He didn't give any big smiles at either appointment, but we were able to capture a few adorable pictures!
~We're starting to wonder if he's going to be a thumb-sucker.  He doesn't like pacifiers and has been mouthing his fists and fingers more regularly.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Master Negotiator

Brennan is becoming quite the negotiator!  Like most parents of toddlers, we frequently use "First/Then" or "If/Then" strategies and incentives for positive behavior.  At times, Brennan likes to negotiate the terms of these tactics.  For example, instead of being able to watch one show, he asks "How about two shows?" or we ask him to eat a particular number of bites of his food, he'll respond "How about ___ bites?"  Sometimes this plan backfires for him because he suggests a higher number!

In other news, he's able to count to 30 independently.  He has been able to verbally spell his name for awhile and is now able to verbally spell Gavin's name.

Gavin has found his fists and is more talkative and smiley every day!  He sleeps 10-11 hours at night and takes several cat naps (20 minutes-1 hour) throughout the day.  We're still working on him drinking from a bottle.  He doesn't enjoy it, but will drink...eventually...sometimes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2 Month Appointment

Gavin had his 2 month check up today.  He charmed the doctor with his coos and smiles.  He was impressed with his tolerance, attentiveness, and sleeping habits. The pediatrician also commented several times about how Gavin was very happy.

Current statistics:
15lbs 7.5oz (95th percentile)
24.25 inches (95th percentile)
40 cm head circumference

In regards to his dry skin, the pediatrician explained that it is too early to determine if he has eczema.  He predicts that he will have sensitive skin and suggested putting Aquaphor or a similar product on the dry areas.  He also recommended putting it on his dry scalp.

We're still working on Gavin drinking from a bottle.  We think his poor latch is causing him to get painful gas after drinking.  We talked to the pediatrician and I also called the lactation consultant at the hospital.  Overall, the recommendations are continue to give him bottles and use trial and error to find the best kind of bottle/nipple for him.

Gavin received four vaccinations today, 3 shots and 1 oral.  Luckily, we had the nurse that gives the vaccinations quickly and he calmed down with snuggles and a brief nursing session.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

2 Months Old!

Our handsome little man is 2 months old today!  It's amazing to watch him grow and learn every day!  We spent the day together and went to the local mall for trick or treating.  Brennan, dressed as a pirate, and Gavin, dressed as a parrot, were a huge hit and looked adorable!  We were a bit late in singing him "Happy Birthday" at 5:24pm, but in our defense, he was sleeping!

~Gavin began sleeping in the crib in his nursery around 6 weeks of age. He goes to bed between 8:00-9:00pm.  His first stretch of sleep ranges from 6-9 hours.  Depending on the length of this sleep, he'll typically go back to sleep until between 6:30-8:00am.  With the exception of 2-3 nights, when he appeared uncomfortable, he goes back to sleep easily.  Overnight feedings take about 45-60 minutes, including several minutes on the changing table.  We've learned to give him time on the changing table to finish his business, or you're likely to go through multiple diapers before he's done!  I also sneak in a few snuggles before putting him back to bed.
~He'll typically take a brief nap about an hour after he wakes up.  He takes a few cat naps in the morning, a longer (~3 hour) nap in the afternoon, and another brief cat nap in the early evening.  Naps are in a vibrating chair or Pack n' Play.  
~When he was about 5 weeks old, we noticed an increase in his discomfort and fussiness in the evenings.  We tried a product called Colic Calm, which seemed to temporarily help him.  After further research, we thought he might be getting an imbalance of hindmilk and foremilk.  I changed the way I feed him, which made a considerable difference.
~Taking after his brother, he has a case of cradle cap and appears to be developing eczema on his cheeks.
~He has incredibly sweet smiles, beginning around 7 weeks!  He's most likely to smile at Mommy and Daddy making silly noises and/or repeating his coos.  They can be difficult to capture on camera, though.  I find myself distracted by their adorableness, then realize that I should take pictures.  By the time I have the camera, either I'm not funny anymore or he's not amused by the camera.  If he does still smile, he likes to turn and move his head, making it challenging to capture!
~Toys are entertaining, but not humorous.  One of his favorites is his mobiles.  He enjoys watching and "talking" to them.
~We're working on getting him to drink from a bottle.  Previously, we gave him a bottle about once a week.  With my return to work approaching, we wanted to make sure he would drink more willingly since he puts up a fight when given a bottle.  We're trying a new type of bottle and giving him one daily.  He's fighting less and drinking more, so we're moving in the right direction!
~Gavin enjoys being sung to and sometimes appears to join in with long coos.

Now for a few updates on Brennan!
~He is such a sponge for information and very observant.  It's amazing what he can pick up!
~He can identify all upper case and lower case letters and numbers 0-10.  Brennan can count to 20 independently.  When Mommy/Daddy provide alternating numbers, he can count to 29.  He's doing a great job counting with one-to-one correspondence.
~It's fun to watch his imagination come to life!  Some favorites include objects becoming instruments and turning objects/bites of food/etc into letters and shapes.
~We have a decent size library and I believe he has every book memorized.  He's able to finish phrases and will likely correct you if you misread them.
~Overall, he's indifferent to having a baby brother.  He likes to tickle him, will retrieve things for him and ask where he is if he's not around.  He likes to have him as a part of our nightly "family hug" and gives him a kiss goodnight.  At times, he has asked us to "put him down" so we can do something for him and may try to get our attention when he knows we can't attend to him, such as when I'm feeding Gavin.  He pays no attention to him when he's crying.  We're doing our best to continue to give him individual attention as much as possible.  All in all, he's transitioned beautifully and is a great big brother! 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

1 Month Old

Our sweet baby Gavin is one month old!  He's such a joy and it's hard to imagine our family without him!

He had his 1 month check up today with the pediatrician.  She was impressed with his weight gain, development, and head control.  He's healthy, strong, and growing like crazy!  Current statistics:
12lb 10.5oz
23 inches
38.5 cm head circumference

Our next appointment is in one month.

Here's a glimpse at life with Gavin:

~He loves to snuggle.  We frequently refer to him as our "Snuggle Bug"
~He's a great eater (refer to his weight gain--9lb 6oz to 12lb 10.5oz in a month!).  In addition to his regular feedings, he likes to snack, especially after diaper changes.
~Gavin wakes up about every three hours overnight for a diaper change and to eat.  After a few newborn noises in his bassinet, he goes back to sleep.  He still sleeps in Mommy and Daddy's room.  We plan to move him to his nursery after our next round of overnight visitors.
~He typically wakes for the day around 8am.  During the past few days, he's taken a brief nap mid-morning, will nap again from about 1:30-4:30pm in the Pack n' Play bassinet, and will take a few cat naps in the evening.  When awake, he's very alert.  He has a fairly consistent "fussy time" in the evenings for about 30 minutes. 
~Gavin is starting to show the beginnings of smiles!  He's also beginning to coo.
~He gets a bath every few days and seems to enjoy them.
~He enjoys being talked and sung to.  We're not reading to him yet, but he hears many stories that we read to Brennan, especially during nursing sessions.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cedar Point

We spent the day at Cedar Point today in honor of "Big Brother Brennan!"  Adam bought discount tickets through work and we wanted to have a special day for him, especially since he's transitioned so well into his role of a big brother.  It was a gorgeous day and we had a lot of fun!  Brennan was a bit apprehensive at first, not wanting to ride the Merry-Go-Round.  Once in the small-kid area, he had a great time riding rides with Mommy or Daddy.  At the end of each ride, he exclaimed, "I just want more balloons/monster cars/train/submarine/etc!"  Gavin slept during almost the entire trip, but seemed to enjoy the fresh air! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Belly Button!

Gavin finally lost his umbilical cord stump overnight, leaving an adorable belly button!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Our time at the hospital

Overall, we had a positive hospital experience.  Compared to our experience with Brennan, it seemed that the medical staff did not bother us as much overnight.  Although, it likely helped that Gavin passed his three part sugar test without difficulty and we had a little more time in the evening after he was born for Mommy to receive shots and give blood samples.

Gavin proved to be a good sleeper our first night at the hospital.  He was fed around 12:30am before dozing off.  Mommy woke up at 5:30am and panicked that he hadn't eaten!  Despite several attempts, Gavin didn't eat until about 10:00am, deciding that sleep was more important! 

Early Tuesday morning, we were given the option to leave later that day.  We were surprised that they would allow us to leave so soon, considering he was only about 12 hours old at the time of the offer!  We declined and stayed until early afternoon on Wednesday.  We were left alone most of the day on Tuesday, which lead to a busy morning of hearing tests, assessments with the pediatrician, and Gavin's "surgery" on Wednesday morning.

Since Gavin's heart looked typical during his 22 week ultrasound, we did not have additional tests completed as we did with Brennan.  We talked with the pediatrician about Mommy's family history of coarctation of the aorta.  Because of this history, they paid close attention to the signs and symptoms and didn't observe any!  Also, a pediatrician noticed a soft murmur on Tuesday, explaining that newborns commonly lose the murmur on their own.  Before leaving on Wednesday, the murmur was gone.

Overnight Tuesday/Wednesday, Gavin had a few episodes of choking, causing him to flail his arms and legs and gasp for air.  We immediately called for the night shift nurse, who stated, "Babies do that sometimes."  Unsatisfied with her answer, we talked to the day shift nurse and pediatrician.  They explained that babies sometimes choke on mucus and recommended using the  bulb syringe and having him sleep on a slight incline for a few days.

Brennan met his baby brother on Tuesday morning, happily sporting his "Best Brother In The Universe" shirt from Grandma Mealy!  He seemed excited to see us, but was quickly distracted by blocks in the hospital room.  He gladly posed for a picture with Gavin and gave him a sweet kiss before leaving.  He also had his chin stitches removed while at the hospital.

First Pediatrician Appointment

Gavin had his first appointment with the pediatrician when he was 4 days old.  He weighed 9lbs 3oz, up 6oz since leaving the hospital 1.5 days earlier.  Gavin wasn't thrilled with the pediatrician's assessments, but returned to being content easily.  The doctor was pleased and impressed and our next appointment is in a month.  We again discussed his choking, having a few, much shorter episodes since coming home.  He agreed that he is likely choking on mucus and explained that he should not continue to have them after a few more days.

One Week Old!

Gavin is one week old!  He's such a joy and we love him to pieces!  Although it's only been a few days, it hard to imagine our family without him!

~He's an excellent sleeper.  He typically has two awake periods during the day, late morning and early evening for about an hour each.  When awake, he's very alert and enjoys looking at his environment.
~He's an awesome eater!  He typically eats about every 3 hours and goes back to sleep easily.
~Due to his previous choking, he's sleeping in a vibrating chair (occasionally turned on) in Mommy and Daddy's room.  We're going to transition him to his bassinet soon.  He had a successful nap in his bassinet this morning.
~As they say...what goes in, must come out!  Being a champion eater--he poops.  A lot.  This leads to many diaper changes, which he does not enjoy.  He calms quickly after getting his clothes back on, snuggles, and sometimes a comforting nursing session.
~He's a very content baby!  He cries during diaper changes and when hungry if we don't get to him soon enough.  When he does cry, he has quite a set of lungs!
~He startles and jumps easily when sleeping.  With a loud big brother, he'll get over this soon enough!

Brennan has transitioned beautifully to the new family addition.  He typically ignores Gavin, but will try to give him a pacifier, tell him "It's ok, Gavin" if he's crying, has helped to burp him, and gives him a kiss goodnight.  He frequently asks to "Take him", which we try to accommodate as much as possible.  Yet, if Gavin starts to cry when Brennan is holding him, he quickly wants Mommy or Daddy to take him!  We are very impressed with his patience and seems to understand that we can't always comply with his requests immediately due to needing to do something for Gavin.  He does, however, need occasional reminders to be careful around his brother.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gavin's Birth Story

Sunday, August 19, 2012:
After a fun weekend of a family of three, we headed to the hospital for our induction at 10:00pm.  Grandma Mealy arrived earlier in the day to stay with Brennan.  Surprisingly, the day seemed to go by quickly as we tried to finish chores around the house and spend one-on-one time with Brennan.

After checking in, I'm given a dose of Cytotek at 11:35pm.  At that time, I'm measuring 2cm dilated and 50% effaced.  I turn down the offered sleeping pill, thinking I'm tired enough to fall asleep without it.  I can change my mind and take it until 2:00am.  Shortly after the cut off, I begin to regret my decision!  The excitement, nerves, beeping of machines, and uncomfortable bed is keeping me awake!

Monday, August 20, 2012
5:30am: My vital signs are taken and I'm offered a "light breakfast."  I was ecstatic, thinking I wouldn't be able to eat for the entire day!  Perhaps this is an advantage of having a female OB with young children, or maybe just a new trend.  Either way, I enjoyed my toast and juice.

6:30am: Time for my IV for fluids and Pitocen.  I warned the nurse that I was very anxious about the IV due to having a failed attempt during intense contractions with Brennan.  It turns out my anxiety was justified.  Two nurses and four attempts later, the IV is finally successful.  Apparently, I have "valve-ly veins" and people with fair skin typically have difficulty with IVs.

7:15am: Officially hooked up to Pitocen.

7:30am: 3cm and 50% effaced.  The OB explained that I've responded beautifully to the Cytotek.  Adam had stepped out to grab breakfast and wasn't present at the exam.  The OB offered to break my water, but I was hesitant to do it so early and wanted to discuss it with Adam before deciding, so I declined her offer.

10:45am: 3-4cm, 50% effaced, and his head is dropping.  The nurses are impressed that I'm not more uncomfortable during the contractions, asking if I have a "high pain tolerance."  So far, all I can feel is slight tightening and I'm not bothered at all.  Time is spent standing, swaying, talking and playing cards with Adam.

11:00am: The OB breaks my water.  There is particulate meconium, which she explains is not uncommon.  There will be additional staff in the room at the time of delivery to make sure there aren't any difficulties with his breathing.  Also, he'll be suctioned immediately to make sure that he doesn't inhale any of the meconium.  I'm measuring at 4cm.

1:05pm: 4-5cm, 70% effaced, 0 station.  I'm starting to feel more of the contractions, but nothing horrible.  As time passes, I have to pause our card game and breath through the contractions.  We debate when would be the best time to ask for the epidural.  At one point, I ask Adam, "What am I waiting for?"  While the contractions are tolerable, I don't want to wait until I'm extremely uncomfortable before asking the epidural.

2:15pm:  Epidural is administered.  It's much stronger than I recall with Brennan's birth.  My legs feel very heavy and I need assistance from the nurses to change my position as I can't control their movement.

4:00pm: 6cm.  I'm turned onto each side for 30 minutes to help lower his head.  I'm able to sneak in a cat nap.

5:00pm: Due to the amount of fluids I've been given through the IV, the OB drains my bladder.  After a check of my progress, she asks if I'm ready to have a baby.  I didn't initially realize she meant now until she said I was ready to push!  The room fills with medical staff and I'm prepped for delivery.  Meanwhile, we all joke and laugh with each other.

5:10ish pm: I push 3-4 times during each contraction, needing to know when to push since I can't feel any pressure.  Between contractions, the joking and laughing continues.  There are also comments about his hair.  I feel like I'm surrounded by cheerleaders, encouraging both me and Gavin.  His nose and mouth are suctioned with a tube after his head is delivered.

5:24pm: Welcome to the world, Gavin William!  I'm able to help pull him out and lay him on my chest.  Again, his nose and mouth are suctioned before he's encouraged to cry.  He looks perfect, and just like his big brother!  I'm cleaned up, Gavin is assessed, and Adam begins to announce his arrival to family and friends.  He's perfect, handsome, and the answer to many prayers!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Happy Birthday, Gavin William!

We are thrilled to announce the birth of Gavin William Swartz!  Gavin was born on August 20, 2012 at 5:24pm.  He weighs 9lbs 6oz and is 22 inches long!  Gavin has a head full of dark hair and he loves to snuggle!  We are absolutely smitten with him!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


After a slip in the tub, Brennan received his first (and hopefully only!) stitches.  He fell while standing to get out of the tub and hit his chin, causing a deep gash.  Surprisingly, he calmed down relatively quickly.  We quickly covered the cut, got him dressed and headed off to Urgent Care.  The Nurse Practitioner did not feel comfortable doing the stitches due to the location of the cut and his young age and sent us to the Emergency Room.

Brennan did a phenomenal job at the Emergency Room!  Other than the painful numbing shots into the wound, he remained still and content during the procedure.  He was such a big boy and we are so proud!  Before leaving, he enjoyed a blue popsicle for being so brave.

The stitches will be removed within 4-6 days, just around the time of Charm's arrival.  We were told that they could be removed by his pediatrician or at the hospital.  Again, due to his age and the location of the wound, the pediatrician's office will not remove them, explaining that they won't numb him or hold him down.  We're assuming we'll still be in the hospital with Charm, so while he's visiting his baby brother, Brennan will have his stitches removed.

While on our way to the hospital, we told Brennan that we were going where Mommy and Daddy were going to get his baby brother.  This lead Brennan to tell others at the hospital that we were at "Baby brother's house!"

39 Week Appointment and Next Steps

Charm and I had another successful appointment.  Everything continues to look good and he's measuring at 39 weeks.  I'm 2 cm and thick, but his head is lower than previous appointments.  We talked again about induction, but didn't finalize plans at the appointment.

After much discussion and weighing the pros and cons, Adam and I decided that an induction on August 20 would be the best option.  While it's not waiting until our official due date of August 23 as we originally planned, we felt the pros outweighed waiting 3 days.  Some positives of an August 20th induction include: A more rested Mommy, allowing more time for Adam to spend at home, guaranteed preferred doctor at delivery, and a shared birthday with Grandpa Mealy!  We can't wait to meet our new little man! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

38 Week Appointment

Everything continues to look good with Charm!  This week's statistics:

~ 142-146 heart beats per minute
~ Head down
~ 1-2 centimeters; high and thick
~ Measuring at 39 weeks

Again, the topic of induction was discussed.  Our plan remains the same: wait until 40 weeks and see where we are naturally before committing to an induction plan.  The OB I saw today, the doctor I saw with Brennan's pregnancy and the beginning of Charm's pregnancy, explained a recent viewpoint of a prominent OB/GYN association.  The thought is that, instead of waiting for spontaneous labor, they support induction at 39-40 weeks, decreasing the likelihood that the baby will be too big to be born vaginally if s/he is overdue. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Big Boy Room Update

Brennan has done an excellent job transitioning into his new room!  After several days of sleeping on the floor, we believe he now has the idea that he's supposed to sleep on his bed.  He's fallen asleep in his bed at nap and bedtime for several consecutive days!  We've discovered that giving him a book or two to look at after our typical bedtime routine is beneficial.  He'll look at the books, recite the words, and sing for a while before heading to dreamland!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

37 Week Appointment and Sprinkle

Charm and I had our 37 week appointment today.  There aren't too many changes to report.  I'm "definitely" 1 centimeter, but still high and not thinning.  He's still head down.  The OB asked if we were planning on an induction.  While we're not "planning" to be induced, I'm not completely opposed to it if I'm not making progress.  The induction would not occur any sooner than 39 weeks, and we'd prefer it to be as close as possible to 40 weeks if it's going to happen.  Our plan is to see how things progress and go from there.

I had a wonderful "sprinkle" (aka, small baby shower for a non-first child) over the weekend with a small handful of guests.  It was a great time, with delicious food, fun games, good conversation, and great company.  Having others around to celebrate Charm's upcoming arrival makes me even more excited!

Brennan has been able to feel Charm's hiccups and thinks they are hysterical!  He giggles every time Charm jumps!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

36 Week Appointment

We had our 36 week appointment this afternoon.  Adam was able to go, allowing him to meet the new doctor and hear Charm's heartbeat!

Everything looks great with Charm!  He's measuring on target and his heartbeat sounds great.  Although it's still early, I'm not showing much progress and was told that I'm 1 cm dialated, long and high.  Charm is head down.  The doctor explained that, even though I was induced for Brennan, that doesn't increase my chance of being induced again.  I'm starting to feel occasional tightening/stretching, which I'm assuming are Braxton-Hicks contractions.  Although, they are hard to distinguish from his frequent stretching.  We go back again in a week for another check up!

Despite regular activities, like rolling over in bed and picking up toys, becoming more uncomfortable and difficult...I'm still loving being pregnant!  It's so neat to feel him moving around!  At the same time, I can't wait to meet him and hold him in my arms!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Big Boy Room!

We transitioned Brennan into his "Big Boy Room" a week ago.  Overall, the transition has gone much smoother than anticipated, complete with a fair share of trial and error.

Prior to transitioning him, we talked about his new "big boy room" frequently.  Since we remodeled the room, we had plenty of time to talk about it!  We also played in his room occasionally before switching him.  Brennan helped us move his books and bedtime friends into his room for his first overnight sleep.  We completed his regular bedtime routine and he was quiet in his room for about 10 minutes before coming out, looking terrified.  With a few extra snuggles and songs, he fell asleep for the night.

Nap time the following day wasn't as successful. After multiple escapes and returning him to his room, we attempted a variety of strategies to get him to sleep--re-tucking him in, sitting in the room with him, locking him in his room (but Mr. Houdini unlocked it within seconds!), and putting a baby gate at his door.  He was having a grand time with his new found freedom!  After about 90 minutes, we gave up as we had plans to meet my best friend in Bowling Green.  Brennan barely made it out of the neighborhood before falling asleep in the car!

We decided to keep the baby gate in his doorway, taking it down after he fell asleep.  This resulted in Brennan coming into our room immediately after waking up in the morning, stating, "I don't want to sleep in there anymore!"  After a few days of this, and his wake up time being earlier each day, we decided to keep the gate up overnight.

To encourage him to stay in his room happily, we put toys in his room after he fell asleep.  Since he is able to reach his light switch, we tried turning off his ceiling light with the pull string.  The next morning, we heard, "Please turn on the light"  The next night, we left the light pull chain and only had to give minimal reminders to turn off his light.  Another morning, after a few minutes of fussing, Brennan asked, "You want to play with me please?" while sitting in front of his toys.  He also wants his door to be open.  After closing it one night after he fell asleep, we heard him around 4:15am, getting out of bed, stating "I want it open", opening his door, and going back to bed.

He's getting better each day and we're so proud of him!  Usually, he falls asleep quickly and rarely asks for us to come back to his room to tuck him in or sing another song.  He frequently falls asleep on the floor, taking all of his bedtime friends, pillow, and blankets with him.  We return him to his bed overnight--that's a long time to sleep on a hardwood floor!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

34 Week Appointment

Mommy and Charm had our 34 week appointment today.  Everything with both of us looks great!  I'm measuring on target and his heartbeat sounds good.  We go back in 2 weeks and, after that, will begin our weekly appointments.

Charm is becoming more active.  Although it may not always be comfortable, I love feeling him!  At times, he enjoys pushing himself into my ribs.  He starting to show some "stinker" behavior.  He'll be moving and as soon as Mommy calls Daddy over to see/feel, Charm stops.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Mr. Imagination

Watching Brennan's imagination run wild while he plays is so fun!  Some recent examples:

~A line of books quickly becomes a "book train track"
~Just about any object can become an instrument; typically a drum, trumpet, bassoon, trumpet, violin, keyboard, or guitar.
~After meeting Daddy for lunch in Elyria, he occasionally pretends that he is taking our order at a restaurant.
Brennan: "Do you want cheese hamburger/french fries/fruit/ketchup/hot dog/etc?"
Mommy/Daddy: "Yes, please"
Brennan: "Ok!" (scribble on a piece of paper)
~While playing in his sandbox and/or water table, he likes to make food.  He typically makes coffee, chocolate cookies, or birthday cake.

In other news...
~He is able to count to 20, but consistently skips 16

~He enjoys listening to his "Pirate music" CD from the television show Jake and the Neverland Pirates and sings along when it's playing in the car.  He also frequently sings nursery rhymes throughout the day.

~He usually has great manners and we're hoping they continue, especially his enthusiasm when using them.  Instead of a simple thank you, he'll usually exclaim, "Oh! Thank you!"  He's also doing a great job using "please" ("Please open this?" "Pick me up please") and "you're welcome".  Burps and sneezes are usually followed by a giggle, an "Excuse me!", and "I had a burp/sneeze".  Passing gas is either ignored or followed by a giggle.  He also apologizes, sometimes without prompting.

~He enjoys coloring, an activity that will occupy him for up to an hour if Mommy/Daddy participates.  He likes to dictate what Mommy/Daddy should color and gives occasional praise ("Good job!") when it's finished.

~When asked questions, he occasionally states, "I dunno", even when he knows the answer.  When asked again, he'll usually provide the answer. 

More updates on Charm after our next appointment in a few days!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

32 Week Appointment

Everything is looking great with Charm and Mommy.  His heartbeat is strong and he's head down.  Charm is moving and stretching frequently--I love it!  We go back again in 2 weeks.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

30 Week Appointment

Mommy had her 30 week appointment with the OB today.  We're in the home stretch!

Mommy and Charm are doing great!  He's measuring right on target and his heartbeat was nice and strong.  Charm even kicked the doppler a few times!  My glucose test came back normal.  We go back in 2 weeks.  After much debating over which doctor to see, I've decided to continue seeing the newer doctor.  She's very personable and knowledgeable, and there's no guarantee who will be in the delivery room!

I had my first experience with pregnancy-related light headed-ness.  I started experiencing it yesterday following a teeth cleaning at the dentist and attributed it to laying on my back during the appointment.  I continued to feel light headed and nauseous over night and this morning and started to worry.  I left work early to rest and, under the advice of my mom, loaded up on water and felt better.  The OB thought my symptoms were due to being dehydrated and recommended increasing my water intake, even if I felt like I was drinking enough already.  Looking back, I realized that I had two saltier-than-normal meals yesterday that may have taken a toll on me, too.

In other news, we should be getting a new car tomorrow!  After an irritating week of getting mixed messages from the credit union we're using for our loan, everything should be finalized tomorrow! 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Future Musician

Brennan loves music!  He enjoys listening to music, watching kid song videos, and singing songs.  He's also a fan of playing musical instruments and playing "rock and roll music".  We regularly have family bands.  He'll bring Mommy, Daddy, and whomever else is around his drum, guitar, keyboard, or other instruments.  After a few songs, he'll switch the instrument assignments ("You want to play the guitar?!").  He's also been known to use his arms, legs, Mommy/Daddy's arms, and other objects as guitars.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I feel like I haven't posted many updates recently, so here's a collection of random updates!

~Brennan is talking up a storm!  He speaks in sentences and says some of the funniest things!

~After talking about replacing our Chrysler Sebring for over a year, we finally took the plunge!  We'll be the proud owners of a 2012 Dodge Journey this week!

~Baby Charm continues to grow big and strong!  He has active days and quiet days.  Over the weekend, I had my glucose test and rhogam shot.  We're officially in the third trimester!  I can't wait to meet him!

~One of Brennan's favorite bath time activities is playing with his foam numbers and letters.  He's able to identify all of them, even if they are upside down, sideways, or backwards.  It's quite impressive!  We also like to talk about what words start with each letter.

~Charm will be using the current nursery and we've been working on Brennan's "big boy room."  At one point, it was down to the studs and now we only have to nail the baseboards!  Mommy has been pretty limited in what she's able to do, so the credit goes to Daddy, Grandpa Swartz, Uncle Matt, and family friends.

Hand Foot and Mouth

Brennan came down with a fever on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.  We were at a 1st birthday party for a friend and it seemed to hit him out of nowhere.  Throughout the weekend, his fever continued and he seemed uncomfortable, but he would perk up with ibuprofen.  We found out later in the weekend that one of his buddies at the babysitter's house had strep.  Although his fever subsided, he was in pain when eating and wasn't acting like himself.  Out of fear that he also had strep, we attempted to take him to the pediatrician and a local urgent care facility on Monday. Both were closed because of the holiday, so we decided to take him to the ER.  His strep test was negative and were told that he had a viral infection.  Mommy stayed home with Brennan on Tuesday and noticed a few spots on his hands.  We were able to get into the pediatrician quickly and he was diagnosed with Hand Foot and Mouth disease.  After a few days of ibuprofen, extra snuggles and avoiding citric foods, our happy little man returned!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

27 Week Appt!

I had another appointment at the OB office today.  I saw the new, fresh out of her residency, OB instead of my regular doctor.  I got a call yesterday from the OB nurse, explaining that they were asking for girls around the middle of their pregnancy to meet the new doctor.  Since my pregnancy has been progressing normally and this was a 'typical' appointment, I agreed to meet her.  She was very nice, personable, and knowledgeable.  She also had a MUCH shorter wait time than my regular OB who was running "very late" today.  I go back in 3 weeks.  Since the new doctor had a later appointment time open, I'll see her again.  I'll probably stick with my regular doctor, but it was nice to meet another doctor in the practice!  After my next appointment in 3 weeks, I start my every-other-week appointments.

Charm looks great!  His heartbeat was strong, in the 150s.

We've decided on a name for our little man, but are currently in the "waiting period" before sharing it!

Brennan appears to understand more about his baby brother.  He gives the baby kisses and knows there is a baby in Mommy's belly.  Although, sometimes, he'll say that the baby in his belly or Daddy's belly.  We're making progress on his "big boy room"!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's a BOY!!

We're having another boy!  We're so excited!

Our much anticipated ultrasound was this afternoon!  Everything with Charm looks perfect and he was described by the ultrasound technician to be "textbook pretty" and have a "big-ish head."  His heartbeat was 157 bpm.  He's measuring in the 72nd percentile.  She retrieved Brennan's ultrasound information and said that he was in the 90th percentile!  We got a clear picture, proving that Charm is, in fact, a boy--So much so that the technician promised to pay for college tuition if Charm is actually a girl!  I was surprised to see just how much movement I'm not yet feeling.  After awhile, he became a snuggler, making it difficult to get a clear picture of his face.

Charm's heart looks wonderful.  The OB is going to review the ultrasound pictures again, but doesn't anticipate any difficulties based on the information the technician provided.  If, after his second review, he thinks everything is normal, we may not need to see the pediatric cardiologist.

Brennan seems excited that he's having a little brother.  When previously asked, he would usually say that the baby is a boy.  When asked today what baby's name should be, his response was "Boy baby!"  We've been waiting for the results of today's ultrasound to discuss names--it's an exciting but daunting task!


Baby feet!

Our sweet boy's face!

Our snuggling little man!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mr. Compassion

I absolutely love Brennan's compassion and concern for others! A few recent examples:
-After Daddy coughed, Brennan responded "Are you okay, Daddy? Are you okay, Mommy?"
-He frequently shares his toys and food, commonly with a "Here you go!" After being given a cookie by Grandma on the way home from Virgina, he made sure that everyone else in the car also had a cookie before keeping one for himself.
-Brennan frequently wants to "help" others.
Brennan: "Where's Daddy?"
Mommy: "He's at work."
Brennan: "I want to help him!"

He's going to be such a great big brother!

Easter Vacation

Brennan and Mommy traveled to Virginia during Easter weekend for a Hahne family reunion. Daddy stayed home to save vacation days for Charm's arrival and the remainder of the calendar year. It was wonderful being able to visit with extended family that I haven't seen for several years! Our weekend was packed with big family meals and gatherings, a trip to Mt. Vernon, a baptism for the newest addition to the family, and an Easter egg hunt. Brennan had a fun time playing with his extended family. There were a total of 15 kids, ages 9 and under! I quickly remembered that Brennan relies heavily on his routine. The late nights, busy days, and over excitement lead to some cranky moments and increased Mommy-itis, but overall, we had a great time!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Daddy's Turn

Adam felt Charm move for the first time last night! His eyes lit up when he felt the kick!

I'm able to feel movement more often, I love it!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

19 week OB appointment

I had another check up with the OB this afternoon. According to the doctor, I'm having "textbook pregnancy" and I'm measuring perfectly. Charm's heartbeat was 138 beats per minute. This is considerably lower than the last appointment, but the doctor assured me that this is normal.

My next appointment is in 4 weeks and we'll also have an ultrasound. I can't wait to see Charm again! I have a hunch that Charm is a boy, but I've also had a few dreams that it's a girl. Only a few more weeks until we know!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bubbles and Letters

I'm beginning to feel Charm move! I love it! Unlike Brennan's first movements, which felt like flutters, Charm's feel more like bubbles. I usually feel them during or shortly after eating. I'm anxious to feel them more often, and for Daddy and Brennan to feel Charm!

Brennan continues to love identifying numbers and letters in his environment. Sometimes while taking bites of his food, he'll exclaim "That's a ___!" With a little imagination, you can see the letter. Also, while taking walks and passing speed limit signs, he'll say "D-E-P-S 2-5!" (reading top to bottom, right to left, then left to right).

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Look Again!

Despite our prayers and hopes for another baby, we were a bit surprised to learn about Charm's arrival!

We were in the midst of doctor appointments with the OB and Peri. At our first appointment with the Peri, multiple blood tests were ordered to determine if I needed additional medications other than Folgard and the combination vitamin and DHA supplement. He recommended waiting to conceive until after our appointment the next month so the medication could build up in my body. As with our previous pregnancies, I was charting my body temperature every morning to help determine my cycles (Fascinating information for a data lovin' gal, like myself!). I didn't input my temperatures into my online calendar for a few days. When I had the opportunity to input the information and review the chart, I realized we were off in our timing (or, as it turned out, we had great timing!).

Knowing that a pregnancy was possible, we decided that I would take a pregnancy test the day of the follow up appointment with the Peri. Fortunately, the appointment was around the time that a test would be reliable and we wanted to be able to inform the Peri as soon as possible.

The morning of the appointment, I took a test. Sure enough, a faint line appeared! I was shocked! I took it to Adam, who was still sleeping. Saying nothing, I handed him the test. In the dim room and his groggy state, he wasn't able to see the line. After commenting that it wasn't a positive test, I immediately flipped on the light and exclaimed, "Look again!" We were both in shock, but unbelievably excited! Charm is meant to be!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

OB appointment

I had a follow up appointment with my OB this afternoon. Everything looks great! I'm measuring "perfectly" for 15 weeks. Charm's heartbeat was in the 160s and jumped into the 170s when s/he was moving. I'm not feeling movement yet, but the OB explained that the scratching noise we heard on the doppler was movement. Despite feeling rounder every day, the doctor joked, "I thought you were pregnant?!" when looking at my stomach.

Due to a family history of aortic coarctation, we were referred to a pediatric cardiologist when I was ~25 weeks pregnant with Brennan. I asked about being referred again and the doctor agreed that he will send me again later. We'll use the ultrasound through the ob's office as a "screener." This ultrasound will be in 8 weeks. My next ob appointment is in 4 weeks.

I'm feeling great! Still fatigued, but getting much better. Occasional bizarre dreams seem to be the only other symptom...and an expanding waistline!

We've been talking to Brennan more about being a big brother. His response varies daily. Sometimes, he'll reply "I no big brother" or if we ask if he wants a baby at home, he'll answer "No thanks!" Other days, he's more receptive to the idea. Just the other day, we were talking about how he could sing to the baby. He smiled and sweetly began singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." Mid-way through, he stopped and asked "How about Bob the Builder?" and then asked "Baby like Toy Story?!" We think he may be confused between being a big brother and wearing his big brother shirt. Sometimes when asked about being a big brother, he'll look at his shirt. He enjoys being read his "I'm a Big Brother" book.

Brennan continues to amaze and amuse us every day. He loves identifying numbers and letters. While playing with his foam letters in the bathtub yesterday, he inquired "What sound does ____ say?", imitating the preschool age girls at the babysitter's house. He also enjoys counting objects. With the exception of skipping a few teen numbers, he can count to 20.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We're Having Another Baby!

We are thrilled to announce that we are having another baby! Our new addition is due August 23, 2012, and we couldn't be more excited!

We've encountered quite the journey to get to this point. A journey we never imagined we would experience. In July and September 2011, we sent babies to heaven far too early. Not a day goes by that we don't think about our angel babies.

Due to our losses, I had several appointments with my OB/GYN and Maternal Fetal Specialist. We wanted answers. We wanted solutions. We wanted a baby. Multiple vials of blood later, it was confirmed that MTHFR is my only diagnosis. We knew about this diagnosis prior to conceiving Brennan and treated it with extra folic acid. Because of my diagnosis and two losses, I'm now on Citra Natal (prenatal vitamin and DHA supplement), Folgard, and baby aspirin. I was also prescribed progesterone for the first trimester.

At our initial pregnancy appointment at the OB's office, we were able to see our little miracle with an ultrasound (heartbeat 188 bpm). A beautiful, healthy baby! (Yes, just one!) I heard the heartbeat again (160-165 bpm) at my first appointment with the OB at almost 11 weeks. Hearing a baby's heartbeat is always an amazing sound..and also a sound of relief for a worrying Mommy!

We initially told family and close friends of baby's arrival at Brennan's birthday party. One of his presents from Mommy and Daddy was a "I'm a Big Brother" book. He didn't pay much attention to it, but Grandma Mealy caught on, asking "Is this an announcement?!"

Since my appointment with the OB, I've started telling co-workers about our exciting news. It's been fun telling others and I've been through the full range of emotions: breaking down into tears to being down right giddy.

I can't complain about pregnancy symptoms so far. I had fatigue that seemed to peek around 8 weeks. Adam sent me to bed at 8:30 and I didn't put up a fight most nights.

As with Brennan, we've come up with a nickname for our baby. We've decided on Charm. As in "third time's a charm" and "good luck charm." This baby is a miracle and we can't wait to meet him/her!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Family Hug

Over the past few nights, we've started a new step in Brennan's bed time routine. Per his request, we have a "family hug"...or three or four! Then, with a giggle and a "muah!", he gently pushes Mommy and Daddy's heads together for a smooch!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

2 Year Portraits!

We had Brennan's 2 year portraits taken today. Despite our best efforts, we fell victim to the cuteness and deals of Portrait Innovations and have a lot of pictures! It was hard to narrow them down. Who can resist such incredible cuteness?!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2 Year Check Up

Brennan had his two year well-baby check up today. He spent most of the appointment investigating the room, climbing onto chairs, chatting, and looking at books/magazines. The pediatrician was pleased with his development, commenting that he is excelling in his milestones. He was particularly pleased with his language, commenting that he has the "best language I've heard from a two year old boy in a long time!"

Unfortunately, Brennan has another ear infection. After a recent cold, we wondered if it was a possibility. Luckily, his mood wasn't impacted and he likes to take medicine!

We got the green light to slowly introduce peanut butter. We tried a bit on a cracker the night of his appointment and he loved it! Appropriately, and coincidentally, it was National Peanut Butter Day! We've tried it again a few more times with no noticeable reactions!

Current stats:
Height: 38 inches (97th percentile)
Weight: 30.4 lbs (75th percentile)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

2 Years Old!

Brennan is 2 years old! It's seems like just yesterday, we were bringing home our new baby. He's quickly transformed into a wonderful, amazing young man!

-His love of books and reading continues. Occasionally, one can hear him "reading" some of his favorite books to himself, having memorized all of the words.
-He's showing more interest in movies and television, but doesn't last long when watching shows, usually attending for about 5 minutes. Current favorite show requests are Sesame Street, Super Why, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Toy Story ("Woody, Buzz, Jesse, Dinosaur, and Mr. Potato Head movie")
-He can identify many numbers (0-9) and letters. It's neat to see him identify letters and numbers in his environment!
-His pronunciation of words is improving every day! What was once "ba-ghetti" is now "spaghetti" and "hippo-anna-potamus" is now "hippopotamus." He still has some cute mispronunciations. One of our current favorites is "Snuffy-atticus" for the Sesame Street character, "Snuffaluffagus", aka "Snuffy"
-We also hear more sentences every day. Some recent examples include "My turn in Daddy's chair", "I want more ______, please", "(toy) fell down!", "I neeeeeed ______", correcting Mommy and Daddy when they don't say "please" or "you're welcome" fast enough, and "I said please!" when not receiving his request fast enough.
-He's showing more interest in dress himself. He can put his shirts over his head and put his legs in his pants. He can also completely remove his pajamas.

-We celebrated Brennan's birthday with a Dr. Seuss themed party. He had a great time spending the day with friends and family. This was the first time he seemed to "understand" presents. After opening a gift and briefly investigating it, he moved onto the next gift. This is far different from just a few weeks ago at Christmas where he only wanted to play with the first gift and needed much encouragement to open another present.
-Our wonderful friends Jenn, Madison, Susan, and Scott came from Cincinnati to celebrate on his actual birthday weekend. When being told that he is two years old, Brennan responded "No, no, I one first!" or "No, no, I one!"

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas 2011

Our Christmas was wonderful--full of family, food, and celebration!

Grandma and Grandpa Mealy spent Christmas weekend with us in Sandusky. We hosted lunch on Christmas Eve with Grandma and Grandpa Mealy, Grandma and Grandpa Swartz, Uncle Matt, Aunt Adrianna, Uncle Will, Ava, Corinne, and Elise.

We spent Christmas day at home with Grandma and Grandpa Mealy, and later with Grammy and Uncle Matt. Brennan enjoyed having so many visitors and loves his new toys!

The following weekend, we traveled to Cincinnati to celebrate Christmas (and Mommy and Daddy's 6th wedding anniversary!) with the entire Mealy clan. The house was full of laughter with all 8 grandchildren, 7 years and younger! We were also able to meet up with our great friends, Jenn, Susan, Scott, and Miss Madison.

Mommy, Brennan, and Daddy on Christmas Day