Sunday, August 19, 2012:
After a fun weekend of a family of three, we headed to the hospital for our induction at 10:00pm. Grandma Mealy arrived earlier in the day to stay with Brennan. Surprisingly, the day seemed to go by quickly as we tried to finish chores around the house and spend one-on-one time with Brennan.
After checking in, I'm given a dose of Cytotek at 11:35pm. At that time, I'm measuring 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. I turn down the offered sleeping pill, thinking I'm tired enough to fall asleep without it. I can change my mind and take it until 2:00am. Shortly after the cut off, I begin to regret my decision! The excitement, nerves, beeping of machines, and uncomfortable bed is keeping me awake!
Monday, August 20, 2012
5:30am: My vital signs are taken and I'm offered a "light breakfast." I was ecstatic, thinking I wouldn't be able to eat for the entire day! Perhaps this is an advantage of having a female OB with young children, or maybe just a new trend. Either way, I enjoyed my toast and juice.
6:30am: Time for my IV for fluids and Pitocen. I warned the nurse that I was very anxious about the IV due to having a failed attempt during intense contractions with Brennan. It turns out my anxiety was justified. Two nurses and four attempts later, the IV is finally successful. Apparently, I have "valve-ly veins" and people with fair skin typically have difficulty with IVs.
7:15am: Officially hooked up to Pitocen.
7:30am: 3cm and 50% effaced. The OB explained that I've responded beautifully to the Cytotek. Adam had stepped out to grab breakfast and wasn't present at the exam. The OB offered to break my water, but I was hesitant to do it so early and wanted to discuss it with Adam before deciding, so I declined her offer.
10:45am: 3-4cm, 50% effaced, and his head is dropping. The nurses are impressed that I'm not more uncomfortable during the contractions, asking if I have a "high pain tolerance." So far, all I can feel is slight tightening and I'm not bothered at all. Time is spent standing, swaying, talking and playing cards with Adam.
11:00am: The OB breaks my water. There is particulate meconium, which she explains is not uncommon. There will be additional staff in the room at the time of delivery to make sure there aren't any difficulties with his breathing. Also, he'll be suctioned immediately to make sure that he doesn't inhale any of the meconium. I'm measuring at 4cm.
1:05pm: 4-5cm, 70% effaced, 0 station. I'm starting to feel more of the contractions, but nothing horrible. As time passes, I have to pause our card game and breath through the contractions. We debate when would be the best time to ask for the epidural. At one point, I ask Adam, "What am I waiting for?" While the contractions are tolerable, I don't want to wait until I'm extremely uncomfortable before asking the epidural.
2:15pm: Epidural is administered. It's much stronger than I recall with Brennan's birth. My legs feel very heavy and I need assistance from the nurses to change my position as I can't control their movement.
4:00pm: 6cm. I'm turned onto each side for 30 minutes to help lower his head. I'm able to sneak in a cat nap.
5:00pm: Due to the amount of fluids I've been given through the IV, the OB drains my bladder. After a check of my progress, she asks if I'm ready to have a baby. I didn't initially realize she meant now until she said I was ready to push! The room fills with medical staff and I'm prepped for delivery. Meanwhile, we all joke and laugh with each other.
5:10ish pm: I push 3-4 times during each contraction, needing to know when to push since I can't feel any pressure. Between contractions, the joking and laughing continues. There are also comments about his hair. I feel like I'm surrounded by cheerleaders, encouraging both me and Gavin. His nose and mouth are suctioned with a tube after his head is delivered.
5:24pm: Welcome to the world, Gavin William! I'm able to help pull him out and lay him on my chest. Again, his nose and mouth are suctioned before he's encouraged to cry. He looks perfect, and just like his big brother! I'm cleaned up, Gavin is assessed, and Adam begins to announce his arrival to family and friends. He's perfect, handsome, and the answer to many prayers!
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