Tuesday, November 20, 2012

3 Months Old!

Our not-so-little Gavin is 3 months old!  He's growing and learning every day!

~I've returned to work and Gavin has joined Brennan at the babysitter's house during the day.  Despite countless attempts and numerous different types of bottles, he does not like to drink from them!  In his four days at the babysitter's house, he's drank between 2.5-4.5 ounces during the entire day!  While we're not sure how much he drinks while nursing, it's most certainly more!  The babysitter reports that he's happy during the day unless she's trying to feed him, but has started to fight her less when she tries to feed him.  He's definitely hungry when Mommy gets home from work!
~He's sleeping through the night, typically sleeping between 10-12 hours.  He has started to wake up earlier since Mommy's return to work--perhaps due to wanting to stock up on food for the day?!
~He typically cat naps in the morning and takes a longer nap in the afternoon.
~He enjoys talking and "singing", attempting to repeat the sounds others make.
~Gavin has quite a bald spot on the back of his head.  With his long, dark hair, it's pretty noticeable!
~He enjoys kicking on his activity mat, but also enjoys snuggling.
~We made two attempts at his 3 months pictures.  At our first attempt, the photographer was running late and didn't do much to engage him.  We got a cute picture, but wanted to try again to capture his adorable smile.  We tried again the next weekend.  While the second portrait studio was also running late, we were able to get another cute picture.  He didn't give any big smiles at either appointment, but we were able to capture a few adorable pictures!
~We're starting to wonder if he's going to be a thumb-sucker.  He doesn't like pacifiers and has been mouthing his fists and fingers more regularly.

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