Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's a BOY!!

We're having another boy!  We're so excited!

Our much anticipated ultrasound was this afternoon!  Everything with Charm looks perfect and he was described by the ultrasound technician to be "textbook pretty" and have a "big-ish head."  His heartbeat was 157 bpm.  He's measuring in the 72nd percentile.  She retrieved Brennan's ultrasound information and said that he was in the 90th percentile!  We got a clear picture, proving that Charm is, in fact, a boy--So much so that the technician promised to pay for college tuition if Charm is actually a girl!  I was surprised to see just how much movement I'm not yet feeling.  After awhile, he became a snuggler, making it difficult to get a clear picture of his face.

Charm's heart looks wonderful.  The OB is going to review the ultrasound pictures again, but doesn't anticipate any difficulties based on the information the technician provided.  If, after his second review, he thinks everything is normal, we may not need to see the pediatric cardiologist.

Brennan seems excited that he's having a little brother.  When previously asked, he would usually say that the baby is a boy.  When asked today what baby's name should be, his response was "Boy baby!"  We've been waiting for the results of today's ultrasound to discuss names--it's an exciting but daunting task!


Baby feet!

Our sweet boy's face!

Our snuggling little man!

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