Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2 Year Check Up

Brennan had his two year well-baby check up today. He spent most of the appointment investigating the room, climbing onto chairs, chatting, and looking at books/magazines. The pediatrician was pleased with his development, commenting that he is excelling in his milestones. He was particularly pleased with his language, commenting that he has the "best language I've heard from a two year old boy in a long time!"

Unfortunately, Brennan has another ear infection. After a recent cold, we wondered if it was a possibility. Luckily, his mood wasn't impacted and he likes to take medicine!

We got the green light to slowly introduce peanut butter. We tried a bit on a cracker the night of his appointment and he loved it! Appropriately, and coincidentally, it was National Peanut Butter Day! We've tried it again a few more times with no noticeable reactions!

Current stats:
Height: 38 inches (97th percentile)
Weight: 30.4 lbs (75th percentile)

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