Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hand Foot and Mouth

Brennan came down with a fever on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.  We were at a 1st birthday party for a friend and it seemed to hit him out of nowhere.  Throughout the weekend, his fever continued and he seemed uncomfortable, but he would perk up with ibuprofen.  We found out later in the weekend that one of his buddies at the babysitter's house had strep.  Although his fever subsided, he was in pain when eating and wasn't acting like himself.  Out of fear that he also had strep, we attempted to take him to the pediatrician and a local urgent care facility on Monday. Both were closed because of the holiday, so we decided to take him to the ER.  His strep test was negative and were told that he had a viral infection.  Mommy stayed home with Brennan on Tuesday and noticed a few spots on his hands.  We were able to get into the pediatrician quickly and he was diagnosed with Hand Foot and Mouth disease.  After a few days of ibuprofen, extra snuggles and avoiding citric foods, our happy little man returned!

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