Saturday, August 18, 2012

39 Week Appointment and Next Steps

Charm and I had another successful appointment.  Everything continues to look good and he's measuring at 39 weeks.  I'm 2 cm and thick, but his head is lower than previous appointments.  We talked again about induction, but didn't finalize plans at the appointment.

After much discussion and weighing the pros and cons, Adam and I decided that an induction on August 20 would be the best option.  While it's not waiting until our official due date of August 23 as we originally planned, we felt the pros outweighed waiting 3 days.  Some positives of an August 20th induction include: A more rested Mommy, allowing more time for Adam to spend at home, guaranteed preferred doctor at delivery, and a shared birthday with Grandpa Mealy!  We can't wait to meet our new little man! 

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