Tuesday, July 24, 2012

36 Week Appointment

We had our 36 week appointment this afternoon.  Adam was able to go, allowing him to meet the new doctor and hear Charm's heartbeat!

Everything looks great with Charm!  He's measuring on target and his heartbeat sounds great.  Although it's still early, I'm not showing much progress and was told that I'm 1 cm dialated, long and high.  Charm is head down.  The doctor explained that, even though I was induced for Brennan, that doesn't increase my chance of being induced again.  I'm starting to feel occasional tightening/stretching, which I'm assuming are Braxton-Hicks contractions.  Although, they are hard to distinguish from his frequent stretching.  We go back again in a week for another check up!

Despite regular activities, like rolling over in bed and picking up toys, becoming more uncomfortable and difficult...I'm still loving being pregnant!  It's so neat to feel him moving around!  At the same time, I can't wait to meet him and hold him in my arms!

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