Wednesday, August 8, 2012

38 Week Appointment

Everything continues to look good with Charm!  This week's statistics:

~ 142-146 heart beats per minute
~ Head down
~ 1-2 centimeters; high and thick
~ Measuring at 39 weeks

Again, the topic of induction was discussed.  Our plan remains the same: wait until 40 weeks and see where we are naturally before committing to an induction plan.  The OB I saw today, the doctor I saw with Brennan's pregnancy and the beginning of Charm's pregnancy, explained a recent viewpoint of a prominent OB/GYN association.  The thought is that, instead of waiting for spontaneous labor, they support induction at 39-40 weeks, decreasing the likelihood that the baby will be too big to be born vaginally if s/he is overdue. 

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