Mommy had her 30 week appointment with the OB today. We're in the home stretch!
Mommy and Charm are doing great! He's measuring right on target and his heartbeat was nice and strong. Charm even kicked the doppler a few times! My glucose test came back normal. We go back in 2 weeks. After much debating over which doctor to see, I've decided to continue seeing the newer doctor. She's very personable and knowledgeable, and there's no guarantee who will be in the delivery room!
I had my first experience with pregnancy-related light headed-ness. I started experiencing it yesterday following a teeth cleaning at the dentist and attributed it to laying on my back during the appointment. I continued to feel light headed and nauseous over night and this morning and started to worry. I left work early to rest and, under the advice of my mom, loaded up on water and felt better. The OB thought my symptoms were due to being dehydrated and recommended increasing my water intake, even if I felt like I was drinking enough already. Looking back, I realized that I had two saltier-than-normal meals yesterday that may have taken a toll on me, too.
In other news, we should be getting a new car tomorrow! After an irritating week of getting mixed messages from the credit union we're using for our loan, everything should be finalized tomorrow!
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