Tuesday, July 31, 2012

37 Week Appointment and Sprinkle

Charm and I had our 37 week appointment today.  There aren't too many changes to report.  I'm "definitely" 1 centimeter, but still high and not thinning.  He's still head down.  The OB asked if we were planning on an induction.  While we're not "planning" to be induced, I'm not completely opposed to it if I'm not making progress.  The induction would not occur any sooner than 39 weeks, and we'd prefer it to be as close as possible to 40 weeks if it's going to happen.  Our plan is to see how things progress and go from there.

I had a wonderful "sprinkle" (aka, small baby shower for a non-first child) over the weekend with a small handful of guests.  It was a great time, with delicious food, fun games, good conversation, and great company.  Having others around to celebrate Charm's upcoming arrival makes me even more excited!

Brennan has been able to feel Charm's hiccups and thinks they are hysterical!  He giggles every time Charm jumps!

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