Our sweet baby Gavin is one month old! He's such a joy and it's hard to imagine our family without him!
He had his 1 month check up today with the pediatrician. She was impressed with his weight gain, development, and head control. He's healthy, strong, and growing like crazy! Current statistics:
12lb 10.5oz
23 inches
38.5 cm head circumference
Our next appointment is in one month.
Here's a glimpse at life with Gavin:
~He loves to snuggle. We frequently refer to him as our "Snuggle Bug"
~He's a great eater (refer to his weight gain--9lb 6oz to 12lb 10.5oz in a month!). In addition to his regular feedings, he likes to snack, especially after diaper changes.
~Gavin wakes up about every three hours overnight for a diaper change and to eat. After a few newborn noises in his bassinet, he goes back to sleep. He still sleeps in Mommy and Daddy's room. We plan to move him to his nursery after our next round of overnight visitors.
~He typically wakes for the day around 8am. During the past few days, he's taken a brief nap mid-morning, will nap again from about 1:30-4:30pm in the Pack n' Play bassinet, and will take a few cat naps in the evening. When awake, he's very alert. He has a fairly consistent "fussy time" in the evenings for about 30 minutes.
~Gavin is starting to show the beginnings of smiles! He's also beginning to coo.
~He gets a bath every few days and seems to enjoy them.
~He enjoys being talked and sung to. We're not reading to him yet, but he hears many stories that we read to Brennan, especially during nursing sessions.
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