Previously, Brennan would use a pacifier to help him to go sleep. He wouldn't keep it in his mouth all night, but liked it to soothe himself. We've been discussing taking it away for a while and decided that Mommy's winter break would be a good time. For several nights, I did not give him his pacifier directly when I put him in his crib, but it was nearby in his crib. He would roll over onto his belly, immediately put it in his mouth, and go to sleep. On Wednesday, the pacifier magically disappeared! During his first nap without it, he talked for a few minutes, fussed (no crying!) for even less, and then went to sleep. He's been doing great ever since! When we decided we would ditch the pacifier over my break from work, I feared that he would be sick/be teething/etc. and would want the comfort of the pacifier. Of course, he came down with a double ear infection and an illness! We suspect that it may have helped, as he wasn't able to suck on the pacifier for long when he was congested. He still has his blanket, which he hasn't paid much attention to, but he's starting to show more interest in it recently.
Brennan has mastered drinking from a straw sippy cup. He would always have a sippy cup at meals, but never consumed a significant amount because he saw it as a toy. During our Christmas visit, we asked his SLP Aunt Adrianna to teach him how to drink from a sippy cup with a straw. He caught on very quickly! Brennan now drinks up to 10oz of water a day. He's also able to bring the cup to his mouth and drink independently!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Double Whammy
Brennan saw the pediatrician today due to our suspicion of an ear infection. Diagnoses: Double ear infection and RSV. He was prescribed an antibiotic a bit stronger than the antibiotic he was given for his previous ear infection. The doctor explained that he is a "victim of circumstance"--he came down with a cold that traveled to his ears and lungs, due to no fault of our own. He is concerned that he had back-to-back ear infections and that it's only the beginning of winter. If he comes down with another cold, we're on watch for the tell-tale signs. His cough should improve by the end of the week. Despite Brennan's ailments, the doctor was impressed with his good mood and how well he has slept overnight. He's also been in good spirits during the day....95% of the time!
Current stats: 24 lbs 9 oz (clothed)
Current stats: 24 lbs 9 oz (clothed)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
First Christmas!
Christmas is always a very special time of year. This year, it was even more special! Brennan had a wonderful first Christmas, surrounded by family. We were luckily to be able to see all of Brennan's grandparents this Christmas. We exchanged gifts and Brennan is now surrounded by exciting "big boy" toys--cars, trucks, sports, and walking toys! With all of the celebrating, Brennan received presents for five consecutive days!
He did fairly well opening presents. He often started to open a present, but became distracted by toys around him and would need help from Mommy or Daddy. After a while, he appeared quite overwhelmed by all of the excitement! After present opening at his Aunt Adrianna and Uncle Will's house and at our house, he went to a quieter area and peacefully looked at books. Shortly after, he returned to investigate his new toys.
We suspect that Brennan has another ear infection. He's battled another cold for several days, including congestion and coughing. Last night, he was running a fever and was tugging/rubbing at his ears. We're hoping to get an antibiotic for him soon. If that's the issue, he's dealing with it quite well. He has his nose suctioned several times a day, is congested, and is running a fever, but is typically in good spirits. He has slept well overnight and took several hour long naps over the past few days.
Other "issues" over the Christmas weekend: Clogged kitchen sink, broken garage door spring, and a flat tire!
It was a wonderful Christmas and we are very blessed! We hope everyone had a memorable Christmas this year!

He did fairly well opening presents. He often started to open a present, but became distracted by toys around him and would need help from Mommy or Daddy. After a while, he appeared quite overwhelmed by all of the excitement! After present opening at his Aunt Adrianna and Uncle Will's house and at our house, he went to a quieter area and peacefully looked at books. Shortly after, he returned to investigate his new toys.
We suspect that Brennan has another ear infection. He's battled another cold for several days, including congestion and coughing. Last night, he was running a fever and was tugging/rubbing at his ears. We're hoping to get an antibiotic for him soon. If that's the issue, he's dealing with it quite well. He has his nose suctioned several times a day, is congested, and is running a fever, but is typically in good spirits. He has slept well overnight and took several hour long naps over the past few days.
Other "issues" over the Christmas weekend: Clogged kitchen sink, broken garage door spring, and a flat tire!
It was a wonderful Christmas and we are very blessed! We hope everyone had a memorable Christmas this year!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
11 Months Old!
Brennan is 11 months old! He's such a joy to be around! His curiosity, happiness, and laughter is amazing. He's quickly transitioning from a baby to a little man!
~Brennan points at just about everything. He frequently says "Dat?" when pointing at objects around him.
~He's transitioned from babbling to baby jargon. He speaks with great intonation, making it sound as though he is making exclamations and asking questions. He's able to make several sounds in one "word", each involving different tongue and/or lip movements. For example, a favorite word sounds remarkably similar to "tickle." He also says "Dada" and "Mama" often.
~His receptive language is also developing. He's able to understand many words, including "no" (although he may not always comply!), "eat", "book", "animal", "moon", and "night night." He appropriately responds to "clap", "splash", "kiss", "more", and "How big is Brennan?" He signs "more" independently when asking for more food.
~He enjoys opening and closing doors. When going through a door, he frequently stops crawling to open it completely before leaving a room. He also likes to open kitchen cabinets.
~Brennan is very proficient in cruising along furniture. Walking independently can't be far away!
~His diet includes more finger food. He enjoys feeding himself and getting drinks from his sippy cup. He also likes to bite food, including taking a bite from slices of fruit. He's able to feed himself with both hands, but is more proficient with his left hand.
~After taking a break, Brennan has started waving again. Although, instead of being prompted verbally and visually, he'll wave goodbye when he sees others put their coats on or when he gets his coat on.
~Brennan's love of books continues. He'll regularly ignore an area full of toys and look at his books. He's able to identify a few objects in the books, especially "moon." He's even been known to flip through pages to find the page with a picture of the moon. He also mimics others reading books, as he talks and points at items on the pages.
~We're noticing the beginning stages of separation anxiety, although it's not consistent.
~Brennan goes to bed around 7:00pm and wakes up around 6:30-7:00am. Most days, he takes an hour long nap at 9:00am and a one to two hour long nap at 1:00pm. He may also take a shorter nap around 4:00pm. He usually takes the longest naps at the babysitter's house...playing with friends must be tiring!
~Current fascinations include lights, electrical cords, doors, drawer handles, and books.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sharing Smooches
Brennan and Mommy share a few laughs between his night time nursing and going to bed. He frequently likes to initiate a game of Peek-A-Boo with his burp cloth or get tickled. Tonight, he decided to give Mommy kisses, a new found skill, and had a grand time. Here's a recap:
Mommy: "Can you give Mommy kisses?"
Brennan: Give Mommy a wide-open mouth "kiss" on the cheek
Mommy: "Oh! Thank you for the kisses!"
Brennan: Break out into belly laughs
Repeat x30
Mommy: "Can you give Mommy kisses?"
Brennan: Give Mommy a wide-open mouth "kiss" on the cheek
Mommy: "Oh! Thank you for the kisses!"
Brennan: Break out into belly laughs
Repeat x30
Meeting Santa Claus
Saturday, December 4, 2010
He Stands!
Brennan is able to stand unassisted for up to ~15 seconds! He's quite sturdy and stable when standing and is proud of himself! He also continues to pull himself to standing on just about everything!
He Speaks!
Brennan's first word: Dada!
He continues to babble and talk almost non-stop, frequently using /d/, /b/, and /t/. For about the last 2 weeks, "Dada" has been spoken regularly and sounds much different than his usual babbles. He also uses the word appropriately: As Daddy is leaving his bedroom at bedtime, in the morning while pointing at the door as if inquiring where Daddy is, and when looking around a room for Daddy. It's adorable!
He continues to babble and talk almost non-stop, frequently using /d/, /b/, and /t/. For about the last 2 weeks, "Dada" has been spoken regularly and sounds much different than his usual babbles. He also uses the word appropriately: As Daddy is leaving his bedroom at bedtime, in the morning while pointing at the door as if inquiring where Daddy is, and when looking around a room for Daddy. It's adorable!
Brennan enjoys his nightly baths. He likes to splash, play with toys, investigate the knobs and faucet, crawl, pull himself up, and have his teeth brushed. We have a non-slip bath mat, allowing him to move about safely. Of course, he doesn't enjoy baths as much if he's too tired or isn't able to move about. When playing in another room, he'll immediately stop and crawl to the bathroom as soon as he hears the water running. Last night, he tried to crawl in, fully clothed!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Round of Applause
Brennan loves to clap! He'll usually clap upon request, although he sometimes becomes shy when he has an audience. He'll also clap when you sing "If You're Happy and You Know It"!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
We have so much to be thankful for this year!
Brennan had his first Thanksgiving dinner in Cincinnati with Grandpa and Grandma Mealy, Aunt Adrianna, Uncle Will, cousins Ava, Corinne, and Elise, and extended family. He enjoyed eating turkey, sweet potato, and rolls.
While in Cincinnati, we had fun visiting friends and family. Brennan also enjoyed Grandpa's famous sweet rolls (specially made without milk and eggs), a Mealy family tradition! Grandma and Daddy also gave him his second hair cut!
Mommy, Daddy, and Brennan at Thanksgiving Dinner
Brennan had his first Thanksgiving dinner in Cincinnati with Grandpa and Grandma Mealy, Aunt Adrianna, Uncle Will, cousins Ava, Corinne, and Elise, and extended family. He enjoyed eating turkey, sweet potato, and rolls.
While in Cincinnati, we had fun visiting friends and family. Brennan also enjoyed Grandpa's famous sweet rolls (specially made without milk and eggs), a Mealy family tradition! Grandma and Daddy also gave him his second hair cut!
Mommy, Daddy, and Brennan at Thanksgiving Dinner
Sunday, November 21, 2010
10 Months Old!
We've hit double digits--Brennan is 10 months old! His personality shines every day and he's so much fun to be around!
~Brennan is on the move! He's able to crawl very quickly, especially when he's on a mission to get to something. He is able to crawl over things, including Mommy and Daddy's legs and toys. At his Aunt Adrianna's house, he easily tackled going up the step between rooms.
~He loves to pull himself up to standing. He doesn't stand independently, but pulls himself up onto objects, including toys, his crib, legs, and walls. When returning to sitting/crawling, he's able to lower himself gracefully. He previously plopped onto his bottom, but he now lowers himself and uses his hand to brace himself down.
~When standing, he's able to cruise to other objects. He'll also walk behind toys or objects, such as a laundry basket, that move when he stands behind it.
~He initiates snuggling more regularly, including laying his head on your chest when sitting on your lap and laying his head on your shoulder when you hold him.
~Brennan loves eating food and is doing a great job at feeding himself. He's mastered the pincer grasp and can effectively pick up items of food and place them into his mouth. He can also independently use a sippy cup.
~He is able to sign "more" when eating. He usually needs verbal prompting to do it, but he's able to express his wants!
~When asked, he will clap. It's very cute and he is so proud of himself!
~His receptive language is developing! He probably knows more, but we've noticed that he understands: Daddy, Mommy, Brennan, more, clap, splash, book, eat, puffs, and "O's" (Cherrios).
~Brennan is almost a full-time belly sleeper. He usually lays completely flat, but I've also spotted him with his rear in the air, too.
~When pulled up on an object, he will "dance" and bounce up and down.
~He's had quite the week with illnesses--cold, runny nose/congestion, fever, ear infection, and reaction to dairy. Hopefully, he will return to 100% soon. For now, we'll continue to build his immune system!
No Dairy for This Dude
We're expanding Brennan's diet and received the go-ahead from the pediatrician to introduce yogurt. He ate about half of a container on Friday night, the same day he wasn't feeling well and he was diagnosed with an ear infection. While eating, he frequently rubbed his eyes-a common behavior for a tired Brennan. This morning, I gave him another container. While eating, he frequently rubbed his eyes. Initially, I thought he was just tired, but he began rubbing them more frequently than typical as he continued his breakfast. I also noticed his wrists were turning red. After eating the container, his eyes were swollen, he continued to rub his eyes, and his wrists were red with small white bumps. Fortunately, he didn't appear upset by his symptoms, other than itching his eyes. Luckily, the reactions disappeared without intervention in about 10 minutes. We called the pediatrician's office and were told to stay away from dairy for the next few months. The doctor was optimistic that his symptoms went away quickly on their own. We're hoping that his reaction is a sensitivity, not an allergy.

Friday, November 19, 2010
Brennan was diagnosed with his first, and hopefully only, ear infection today. Although his cold from last weekend lessened, his congestion and cough lingered. Last evening, we noticed that he did not appear to feel well. He had a somewhat difficult night, waking often and wanting to be held. He felt warm and had an elevated temperature overnight. This morning, he was in good spirits, although tired, and did not have a temperature. I warned the babysitter of the night's events and planned to call throughout the day to check in. Before I had a chance to call, she contacted me to let me know that his temperature was approximately 101 degrees. Adam and I immediately left work and made an appointment with the pediatrician. He noticed his ear infection and believes it was caused by his week-long cold and congestion. We received an antibiotic prescription, which he'll take for 10 days. We'll go back for a follow up to make sure everything is cleared up. Poor little guy!
He was weighed at the doctor's office (clothed): 23.1 lbs!
He was weighed at the doctor's office (clothed): 23.1 lbs!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
First Illness
Brennan experienced his first illness this weekend. Primary symptoms included congestion, runny nose, and a cough. Overall, he handled his cold well and didn't seem overly bothered by his inability to breath through his nose, occasional "nose candles" (as appropriately described by Grandma Mealy), sneezing, and coughing. We spent the weekend in Brecksville with Grandma Mealy and cousins Corinne and Elise. Despite being in an unfamiliar place, he slept remarkably well. We think he's on the mend, as he was returning to his normal smiley and laughing (and nose-candle-free) self this evening!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Tackling Table Food
Brennan is beginning to feed himself! He's able to successfully feed himself fruit puffs and Cheerios. He does much better when only offered a small number of food items and ranges from using a pincher grasp to grabbing a handful and hoping one makes it in his mouth. He also enjoys eating small bites of fruit and veggies from Mommy and Daddy's meals.
Home Sweet Home
Today marks the one year anniversary of officially living in our home! What a year it has been!
To help celebrate the one year mark (ok, it was just coincidence...) my parents came for a visit and installed our custom Mealy-made curtains. They can be raised/lowered from the top and bottom and look wonderful in our family room!
To help celebrate the one year mark (ok, it was just coincidence...) my parents came for a visit and installed our custom Mealy-made curtains. They can be raised/lowered from the top and bottom and look wonderful in our family room!
Monday, October 25, 2010
9 Month Stats
Brennan had his nine month doctor appointment today.
Current stats:
Weight: 21 lbs, 14.5 oz
Height: 29.5 inches
Head circumference: 45.5 cm
The doctor and nurse were impressed with Brennan's tolerance and personality. He happily complied with all of the exams and enjoyed playing with the tongue depressor he was given. Brennan's eczema has been under control since his last appointment, but we had the discussion that he appears to have inherited Mommy's sensitive skin. For example, sometimes his sides become dry exactly where you would hold him when picking him up, nearly in the shape of hands. The doctor also commented that Brennan will be good friends with sunscreen next summer! For now, we'll continue twice daily lotion application and daily baths.
Current stats:
Weight: 21 lbs, 14.5 oz
Height: 29.5 inches
Head circumference: 45.5 cm
The doctor and nurse were impressed with Brennan's tolerance and personality. He happily complied with all of the exams and enjoyed playing with the tongue depressor he was given. Brennan's eczema has been under control since his last appointment, but we had the discussion that he appears to have inherited Mommy's sensitive skin. For example, sometimes his sides become dry exactly where you would hold him when picking him up, nearly in the shape of hands. The doctor also commented that Brennan will be good friends with sunscreen next summer! For now, we'll continue twice daily lotion application and daily baths.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
9 Months Old!
How is it that Brennan is already 9 months old?! We often find ourselves in awe when watching him play, learn, and investigate the world around him. We are so very blessed!
~He pulls himself to standing on almost everything...couches, dining room chairs, toys, bathtub, and crib railing. Since he's pulling himself up in bed, his mattress is now on the lowest setting.
~He continues to love eating! Currently, he nurses/has a bottle 6 times a day. He has a fruit for breakfast, a fruit/vegetable/grain for lunch, and a vegetable and grain for dinner. He eats a combination of homemade and store bought food. Recently, he hasn't liked the texture of homemade veggies. We plan to try different cooking/pureeing methods to see if it makes a difference. He also enjoys eating fruit puffs and Cheerios, although he hasn't mastered feeding himself. After refusing to drink from a sippy cup, we removed the valve in his cups for a few days. He's doing much better and is drinking more water with his dinner.
~Brennan loves books! He enjoys looking at them by himself and being read to. He's able to lift flaps and turn pages. Recently, he's begun to talk quietly when looking at books by himself. We like to think that he's reading them to himself.
~When verbally prompted and sometimes modeled, he waves hello and goodbye. He also likes to give "high fives".
~He's a very proficient crawler. His speed increases every day and he's able to move around on different surfaces-carpet, tile, bathtub, and hardwood floors.
~He's wearing 12 month size clothes. We'll have more specific stats after his doctor appointment next week.
~We joke that he is a "demolition man." Usually, when he sees toys stacked, he'll quickly crawl to them and knock them over.
~He goes to bed between 7-7:30 and wakes up around 6:30. At times, he'll wake once overnight to eat. Since he's unable to gracefully return to laying from sitting, he may need help laying back down if he sat up in the middle of the night. He takes 2 naps during the day, ranging from 1-2.5 hours, at 9am and 1pm. He also takes a cat nap around 4:30.
~He's finally taken a break from teething after cutting 8 teeth in 2 months. We brush his teeth daily with a baby toothbrush. He doesn't mind brushing his bottom teeth, but will quickly shut his mouth and turn his head when we brush his top teeth.
~He continues to be very observant and loves to investigate. Although, if he's focused on a book, he doesn't notice much else around him.
~After a long day at work, nothing is better than coming home and having Brennan's face light up in a huge smile and crawl directly towards you upon your arrival!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
First Hair Cut!
Brennan had his first hair cut tonight, courtesy of Mommy and Daddy! Originally, we thought of taking him to a professional to get it cut, but decided we could do it ourselves. We wanted to keep his adorable curls, so we didn't cut off too much. The little we did trim made a big difference! Brennan behaved wonderfully! He was kept entertained through toys, fruit puffs, and a book.

Hair Cutting Entertainment

Big Boy Haircut!

Hair Cutting Entertainment
Big Boy Haircut!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Feed Me!
Brennan continues to demonstrate his love for food. Within the past week we've:
-Increased his four daytime bottles from 6 to 7 oz each
-Added lunch of either a fruit, veggie, grain, or combination
-Introduced fruit puffs
-Introduced Cheerios
He tries to feed himself puffs and Cheerios, but hasn't been successful yet.
-Increased his four daytime bottles from 6 to 7 oz each
-Added lunch of either a fruit, veggie, grain, or combination
-Introduced fruit puffs
-Introduced Cheerios
He tries to feed himself puffs and Cheerios, but hasn't been successful yet.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Crib crawling and waves
Brennan hasn't shown much interest in rolling from his back to his belly for weeks, leaving him "stuck" when laying on his back. He always sleeps on his back, so you can imagine my surprise when I saw him crawling on all fours in his crib this morning! Since he can easily pull himself up from sitting/crawling, we lowered his crib mattress another notch this evening.
He has also started imitating waves. The past few days, I've received a full-arm wave goodbye in the morning!
He has also started imitating waves. The past few days, I've received a full-arm wave goodbye in the morning!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I Did It!
Brennan's eighth tooth has started to cut through his gums. I first noticed it last night when I was putting him to bed. Jokingly, I told him "You did it! You have eight teeth! You did it!" His response sounded remarkably similar to "I did it! I did it!"
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
8 Months Old!
Brennan is 8 months old today! He's growing and learning so much. We are unbelievably blessed to have such an incredible son.
~Brennan has so much so say! His vocalizations seem to grow longer by the day. He also experiments with the pitch and volume of his voice. Some of his regular phrases include: "Hiya-Hiya-Hiya", "A-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee-daa-daa-daa-daa", "Issssh, Issssh"", "Da-da-da-da-da", "Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba", "I-did-I-did-I-did", "Ah-vvvv" and "Ya-ya-ya-ya"
~He continues to enjoy food...and a lot of it! He has a combination of homemade and store bought food, depending on the type of food and prices. He enjoys a container of fruit in the morning and a container of veggies and a grain at dinner. He drinks water out of a sippy cup at dinner, although he doesn't drink much. Sometimes, he'll smack his lips together like a fish when he's hungry and/or eating. He also nurses/drinks a bottle six times a day.
~Brennan is officially mobile! He's becoming more proficient at crawling every day and is very proud of himself! It's fun to watch him move around the room.
~He's starting to pull himself up, including on chairs and window sills. Consequently, we've lowered his crib mattress a bit, just in case he gets adventurous.
~He sleeps approximately 11 hours overnight. Bedtime is between 7-7:30pm. Saturday through Tuesday, I'm able to feed him and put him back to bed if he's still tired and he'll typically sleep until around 8:15am. Wednesday through Friday he goes to the babysitter's house. He's doing much better at taking naps. Typical nap times are 9am, 1pm, and a brief nap around 4:30pm. Length of naps vary from 1 hour to 2.5 hours. He is doing a fabulous job at putting himself to sleep, including at naptime! He talks to himself for a few minutes (if at all!) before drifting off to dreamland.
~Brennan is a teething machine. He has 7 teeth, all appearing within the last 2 months! He's handled it wonderfully and knows exactly what the Orajel and Ibuprofen bottles mean. He also enjoys sucking on his frozen teething toys. We caught a glimpse of number 8 this evening.
~While he continues to be an incredibly happy guy, Brennan will let you know what he wants (or doesn't want!) through protest.
~Nothing, and I mean nothing, get's unnoticed. Brennan wants to know what is going on around him constantly. When nursing in his room, he'll stop and stare at the door if he hears Daddy walking down the hall. Sometimes, he'll stop nursing, pull himself up to sitting, look around, and then return to eating. If playing in the family room, he'll stop and look at the doorway when he hears the garage door. He's also noticed the refrigerator kicking on when in another room.
~We enjoy taking family walks in the evening. Brennan loves observing as we walk through the neighborhood. I'm going to miss our walks when the weather gets colder.
~Brennan's "job" is to press the garage door button when we leave/come home. He looks and reaches for it immediately when we enter the garage/walk by. He needs a little help to press the button hard enough.
~There continues to be a debate regarding who Brennan resembles more, Mommy or Daddy. Some say he looks exactly like Mommy. Others say he looks exactly like Daddy. Some say he looks like a combination of both of us. Whatever it is, he's adorable!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Pearly Whites
Brennan's seventh tooth has almost completely cut through. His first two teeth appeared mid-July and he hasn't stopped since! Even though he's handled cutting seven teeth in two months like a tough little guy, we're hoping that he gets a break soon!
Teeth tally:
3 upper
4 lower
Teeth tally:
3 upper
4 lower
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
He Crawls!
It's official, Brennan is crawling! He still scoots a bit, but he's crawling more than scooting! That's right, we have forward, intentional, mobility! We're so proud of him!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Heading to Dreamland
Brennan has been doing an excellent job of putting himself to sleep! Sometimes he heads off to dreamland without a peep. Other times, he'll talk to himself and kick his legs for a few minutes before drifting off. I love listening to him talk and often wonder what he's trying to say!
...We hope we're not jinxing ourselves and that he keeps doing such a great job!
...We hope we're not jinxing ourselves and that he keeps doing such a great job!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Closer to Crawling
While he hasn't mastered crawling yet, Brennan is getting closer and closer to cruising! He moves his arms and legs while on all fours, but not in coordination. He is also able to push himself from his stomach/crawling position to sitting and often scoots backwards. With all of his maneuvering/reaching/repositioning, he's able to turn himself around in complete circles and move from one location to another! While he's not crawling, he can get himself around!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
And Then There Were Four
Brennan's fourth tooth finally cut through today! We've been anticipating it for a while and hope he is more comfortable. He now proudly sports four bottom teeth.
Brennan's new favorite sound is /d/, including saying "da-da-da." Last night, while I was feeding Brennan before bed, Adam came into the nursery. After kissing him goodnight, he left the room. Brennan watched him carefully and stated "Da-da" just after he closed the door. Coincidence? Likely. Intentional? Perhaps. Adorable? Absolutely!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Brennan enjoys playing Peek-A-Boo. He likes all variations of the game: Mommy or Daddy removing the blanket from his head; Brennan removing the blanket from his head; Mommy or Daddy hiding behind the blanket; and, our personal favorite, Brennan ducking his head underneath the blanket!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
7 Months Old!
Today is Brennan's 7 month birthday! He continues to amaze us everyday. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful son!
~Brennan continues to be very talkative. Frequent sounds include vowels, gurgles, raspberries, /b/, and /f/. He'll occasionally say /d/ and /m/ and we're anxious to hear "Mama" and "Dada" consistently instead of in babbling. His current favorites are "Abbaaaa" and "Abaaabaaa"
~He has the most beautiful smile that lights up his entire face and his laughs are adorable! Luckily, he's such a happy little guy and we get to experience them often!
~Brennan is quite the flirt. He loves attention, especially from women!
~We have yet to find a food that he does not like. So far, he's enjoyed rice cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, avocados, peaches, bananas, pears, carrots, peas, and squash. Tonight at dinner, he enjoyed sucking on a lemon slice. Previously, he ate a grain and fruit/vegetable at dinner. Starting today, he'll get a fruit in the morning and a grain and vegetable at dinner.
~I returned to work two weeks ago (hence the lack of blog updates recently). Brennan spends his days at home with Grandma Lisa and Grandpa Bob two days a week and goes to Miss Tracy's house three days a week. I don't like spending my days away from him, but it's nice knowing that he's in good hands while Mommy and Daddy are at work. Evenings are a mad rush of play time, dinner, and a bath before his bedtime.
~Brennan sleeps 11-12 hours overnight. He goes down without a fuss and very rarely wakes up for short periods before putting himself back to sleep. Naps are still a work in progress. Some days he'll take a 2.5 hour nap in the morning. Some days he'll take a 2.5 hour nap in the afternoon. Some days he takes several 20-30 minute naps throughout the day. We're starting to see trends in times that he sleeps and are going to start building a more consistent schedule. Cues of fatigue include eye rubs (duh), yawns (of course), and attempting to bite/suck on your shoulder/leg/arm/etc.
~Brennan is very observant. Even in familiar environments, he looks around regularly. The babysitter jokes that they take a "tour" of her house every morning so he is able to look at everything. When observing, he has a famous look of awe--eyes and mouth wide open.
~Grandma Mealy recently gave Brennan a swing for our swing set. He loves it! He smiles and giggles every time! He also likes having someone swing next to him on the swing set.
~Brennan continues to enjoy books and songs. He's usually interested in chewing on the books, but also likes looking at the pictures and listening to the stories. His current favorite songs include "The Cupcake Song" and "The Wheels On The Bus." He'll usually smile when he hears them and they've even helped to stop fussing!
~As recommended by the pediatrician for his skin, Brennan gets a bath every night. He has fun playing with toys and splashing in the water. The nightly baths and occasional prescription cream applications are working wonders on his eczema!
~He has three bottom teeth. We think a fourth bottom tooth is on it's way. Some days we think we see it under the gums, but other days it disappears.
~Especially in the last few days, Brennan is making great progress towards crawling! He's easily able to lift himself on his hands and knees and is rocking back and forth! He's also more determined to get objects that are out of reach. Previously, he would attempt to get an item, realize he couldn't reach it, and would play with something else nearby. Now, he'll do everything he can to reach what he wants! We need to crack down on baby proofing!
Close to Crawling!
Monday, August 2, 2010
First Vacation!
Brennan, Mommy, Grandma Mealy, and cousin Ava traveled to the UP for a week to visit my oldest sister and her family. We had a wonderful time and spent our days at local beaches and parks, picking raspberries, and exploring sand dunes. Brennan enjoyed playing with his cousins, Tobin, Zac, Eliana, and Ava, Grandma, Aunt Renata, and Uncle Jason. With all of the excitement and new experiences, Brennan's naps weren't great, but he often found rest in Grandma's comforting arms. Despite the lack of sleep, he was a trooper and enjoyed the outings and activities. He also did great during the 12-13 hour commutes and spent his time playing, sleeping, eating, and being entertained by his cousins. He also cut his third tooth during the trip! We missed Daddy, but were able to talk to him over the phone. Brennan's eyes lit up and he frantically looked around the room whenever I put the phone to his ear to hear Daddy's voice.
Friday, July 23, 2010
6 Month Stats
Brennan had his 6 month well-baby check up this afternoon. He charmed the nurse and doctor and enjoyed playing with the paper covering the examination table. He didn't enjoy the three vaccinations, but didn't do as bad as I imagined.
Current stats:
Height: 27 1/2 inches
Weight: 19 lbs 12 1/2 oz
We spoke with the doctor about Brennan's skin again. His neck and behind his knees are frequently red and dry. She explained that it is heat induced eczema. She gave us a cream with higher potency than our current prescription and recommended daily baths, only using soap every other day, instead of our current every-other-day routine. Hopefully, this does the trick! While his skin doesn't appear to bother him, it doesn't look comfortable!
Current stats:
Height: 27 1/2 inches
Weight: 19 lbs 12 1/2 oz
We spoke with the doctor about Brennan's skin again. His neck and behind his knees are frequently red and dry. She explained that it is heat induced eczema. She gave us a cream with higher potency than our current prescription and recommended daily baths, only using soap every other day, instead of our current every-other-day routine. Hopefully, this does the trick! While his skin doesn't appear to bother him, it doesn't look comfortable!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
6 Months Old!
Our sweet boy is 6 months old! The past month has brought many firsts. It's so wonderful to watch Brennan grow and learn! He spent the day with our good friends, Sara and Paxton. In the evening, he enjoyed swimming in his pool and spending time with Grandma Lisa, Grandpa Bob, and Uncle Matt. We sang Happy Birthday at 6:43pm and received a wonderful smile in return!
*Brennan is becoming more proficient in his sitting skills. He has his occasional "timbers" and "nose dives", but is able to maintain his balance more and more every day. He's also able to lean over to reach for objects and return to sitting.
*He loves food! So far, we've introduced rice cereal, sweet potatoes, and avocados. After getting used to their textures, he seems to enjoy his veggies!
*His first two teeth have emerged! Based on the recent return of drooling and chewing, we think another may be on its way.
*Brennan's belly laughs are adorable! He consistently laughs and smiles to different phrases and movements and has a few ticklish spots!
*All of his tummy time is paying off! He's able to lift his upper body to his waist and doesn't tire as quickly.
*His naps and sleeping habits are improving. He's sleeping 11-12 hours overnight, occasionally waking once. He takes his morning nap, usually between 1-2.5 hours, within 1.5 hours of waking up. He typically takes shorter (45-60 minute) naps in the afternoon. He's also doing very well at putting himself to sleep. He rarely cries and instead typically talks himself to sleep. Although, if there is company over, Mr. Social doesn't enjoy taking naps.
*His curiosity continues to develop. He reaches for everything and loves to observe the world around him.
*After demonstrating his ability to roll, Brennan doesn't seem to enjoy this motor skill. He rarely rolls unprompted and would rather just play with something else in his reach. Although, he rolled without encouragement this evening for Grandma while Mommy and Daddy were in another room!
*Brennan has outgrown his baby bathtub and now takes baths in the "big kid tub." Mommy or Daddy join him for safety. He loves to kick and hit the water to make it splash.
*He also enjoys "swimming" in his pool. Again, he loves to splash in the water!
*Brennan also outgrew his car seat and moved into his convertible seat. Therefore, he also had his first shopping experience sitting in the shopping cart. He loved looking at all of the colors and objects in the grocery store!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sweet Brennan's first taste of sweet potato
After several successful meals of rice cereal, we ventured into the world of vegetables tonight. First attempt, sweet potatoes! Initially, Brennan didn't seem to mind them and appeared to not notice the difference between them and his cereal. Eventually, there were a few funny faces and gags. Despite these reactions, he continued to open his mouth for more!
First bite of sweet potato

Hold on...these taste funny...

First bite of sweet potato
Hold on...these taste funny...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Christmas in July
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The First Supper
Brennan had his first meal of rice cereal this evening! He did great and seemed to enjoy his first "food." Mommy and Daddy both had a turn in feeding him. He opened his mouth wide every time he saw the spoon, slurped up as much as he could, and even tried to get his hands into the bowl of food!
First bite

Open wide!

Can I just eat it out of the bowl?

I like food!
First bite
Open wide!
Can I just eat it out of the bowl?
I like food!
Monday, July 5, 2010
He Sits!
It's as if Brennan woke up this morning and decided that today would be the day that he sits independently! He's been working on sitting recently, but would quickly topple over. Not today! He did great and was very proud of himself! We joke that he looks a bit like a surfer as he tries to keep his balance. While he can sit without it, he does better if he has the slight support of the Boppy pillow and we're not confident enough to leave him unsupervised, yet...but he's sitting! Great job, Brennan!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
He Rolls!
Brennan is mastering the skill of rolling! A few days ago, he independently rolled from his stomach to his back. Despite my carrying on, he only did it once on his own. This afternoon, he rolled from his back to his stomach! We were both very proud and excited! He continued to roll over and over again...sometimes with a little help and other times independently!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Practice Makes Perfect
Recently, Brennan has been kicking quite a bit. When laying down, he'll raise both of his legs at his hips 90* and slam them down onto the floor/mattress/changing pad. He'll do it when he's excited or upset, more likely the latter. The optimist in me thinks he's practicing for future extra curricular activities: karate, soccer, swimming, etc. The pessimist in me thinks he's practicing for future temper tantrums.
New Neighbors
Over the weekend, we helped Adam's mom, step-dad, and brother move into a townhouse in Huron, about 15 minutes away from our house. They moved from Salem, about 2 hours away. We're all happy to be living closer together! ...but why is it that the weather is always near record high temperatures on moving days?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Skin Update
Brennan's skin is improving rapidly! He's back to being baby soft again!
He continues to get his antibiotic three times a day. He's not a huge fan of taking it and I think he's mainly bothered by it's cold temperature (we store it in the fridge). It also bothers his stomach, which is causing more frequent diaper changes and spit ups. I think we'll all be glad when he's done taking it on Thursday!
Last week, the pediatrician called to follow up on Brennan. He gave us the green light to start using his eczema cream again. He responded to the cream very quickly! We also apply Eucerin lotion several times a day to his entire body. His neck still gets red at times, but we think it's from wet bibs against his skin (refer to the previous statement about frequent spit ups). We've been going through several bibs a day in attempt to keep him dry.
He continues to get his antibiotic three times a day. He's not a huge fan of taking it and I think he's mainly bothered by it's cold temperature (we store it in the fridge). It also bothers his stomach, which is causing more frequent diaper changes and spit ups. I think we'll all be glad when he's done taking it on Thursday!
Last week, the pediatrician called to follow up on Brennan. He gave us the green light to start using his eczema cream again. He responded to the cream very quickly! We also apply Eucerin lotion several times a day to his entire body. His neck still gets red at times, but we think it's from wet bibs against his skin (refer to the previous statement about frequent spit ups). We've been going through several bibs a day in attempt to keep him dry.
5 Months Old!
Our beautiful boy is 5 months old! He's learning new things every day! He has a wonderful personality and loves to learn about his surroundings. We now understand what it means to see the world through the eyes of child! He becomes so excited and thrilled about little's amazing!
*Brennan has mastered the skill of reaching for and picking up his toys and other objects. He's also become quite "grabby"--reaching for mouths, glasses, shirts, etc.
*He enjoys blowing raspberries, especially at the dinner table. This should make eating cereal and other food interesting!
*He likes to lick his lips and stick out his tongue.
*Brennan appears very interested in moving when laying on his stomach. He's very good about holding up his head and pushing up with his arms. But, when he moves his legs, he lowers his upper body and pushes his head into the floor...ouch!
*He continues to be very social, including smiling, laughing, and talking regularly. Many people that meet him ask if he is always so happy...yes, he is!
*We're continuing our sleep training and having Brennan put himself to sleep at night. He's getting better! Sometimes he cries for about 20 minutes, sometimes he talks himself to sleep, sometimes he cries for less than 5 minutes, and sometimes we don't hear a peep out of him! He continues to get up once during the night, usually around 3am, and is typically very good about going back to sleep on his own after eating. He rarely makes a sound after I put him back down!
*Brennan often tries to put his toes in his mouth, especially during diaper changes.
*He continues to enjoy sitting and standing and will regularly pull himself into one of these positions.
*In addition to grabbing at items, he's also repeatedly squeezing and scratching at objects, including some of his toys, burp clothes, our hands, and his highchair tray
*Brennan is becoming more interested in books. Previously, he would look around his room or at us when we read books. Now, he looks very intently at the illustrations and appears to be excited about some of the pictures.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sensitive Skin and Sleep
Due to another issue with Brennan's sensitive skin, we made a trip the pediatrician yesterday afternoon. Over the last few days, his skin was very red in his creases (behind his knees, in his elbows, in his cute leg rolls, etc). Then, his entire body was very dry and attempts to moisturize with lotion appeared to be very painful. The doctor explained that Brennan has a minor case of staph infection related to his eczema and was prescribed an antibiotic. In just one day, his skin appears to be getting better. Although, the eczema on his cheeks returned very quickly during our break from his prescription cream. Poor little guy!
While at the doctor, Brennan was weighed. He's a whopping 18lbs 3oz!
Over the weekend, we started having Brennan put himself to sleep at night. Since then, the duration of his cries and whimpers have decreased slightly. The first night he cried for 27 minutes. Tonight, night 4, he fell asleep after approximately 15 minutes. He's woken up overnight each night, but after eating he is typically able to go back to sleep rather easily independently. We'll work on more consistent naps when I'm off of work for the summer.
While at the doctor, Brennan was weighed. He's a whopping 18lbs 3oz!
Over the weekend, we started having Brennan put himself to sleep at night. Since then, the duration of his cries and whimpers have decreased slightly. The first night he cried for 27 minutes. Tonight, night 4, he fell asleep after approximately 15 minutes. He's woken up overnight each night, but after eating he is typically able to go back to sleep rather easily independently. We'll work on more consistent naps when I'm off of work for the summer.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Standing Tall
Brennan loves to stand, with a little help, of course, and is quite proficient at this new skill! He's also sitting with some support, but if you're holding his hands while he's sitting, he'll pull himself up into a standing position! He is very proud of himself and enjoys the new views!
He has also been a "Hokey Pokey" baby several nights this week. "Hokey Pokey" as in, he turns himself around in his crib! It's always a surprise to see him turned around 180* in the morning!
In other news, we're having new carpet installed in our house today! Most of the flooring in our house is either tile or hardwood, with the exception of our living room and hallway. The current carpet is white, has random stains, shows everything, and has an occasional odor of wet dog. We also have plans for curtains and new wall color. We'll have before and after pictures once the room is complete!
He has also been a "Hokey Pokey" baby several nights this week. "Hokey Pokey" as in, he turns himself around in his crib! It's always a surprise to see him turned around 180* in the morning!
In other news, we're having new carpet installed in our house today! Most of the flooring in our house is either tile or hardwood, with the exception of our living room and hallway. The current carpet is white, has random stains, shows everything, and has an occasional odor of wet dog. We also have plans for curtains and new wall color. We'll have before and after pictures once the room is complete!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3
Brennan is continuing to test out his vocal abilities. His latest mastery...the squeal! The very loud, high pitched, squeal. He'll do it when he's happy, excited, or upset...just about any time! Check out some of his squeals--warning, you may want to turn down the volume!
Luckily, the skin care regimen recommended by the ped is working! The red spots are disappearing and his skin is becoming baby soft again. His scalp is still dry, but it's improving. The scent of the recommended shampoo reminds me of my odd reminder of a wonderful man!
While shopping at WalMart over the weekend, Brennan was his typical smiling, cooing, self. A woman in the checkout line was oohing and awwing over him, making comments about how he was so happy. Sarcastically, she said that he is probably always happy. We replied with, "He really is!"
Luckily, the skin care regimen recommended by the ped is working! The red spots are disappearing and his skin is becoming baby soft again. His scalp is still dry, but it's improving. The scent of the recommended shampoo reminds me of my odd reminder of a wonderful man!
While shopping at WalMart over the weekend, Brennan was his typical smiling, cooing, self. A woman in the checkout line was oohing and awwing over him, making comments about how he was so happy. Sarcastically, she said that he is probably always happy. We replied with, "He really is!"
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Top of the Charts!
Brennan had his 4 month appointment this afternoon. He's growing like a champ! Current stats:
Weight: 17lb 6oz (90%tile)
Height: 26 3/4 inches (95%tile)
Head: 42cm
The doctor diagnosed his red, dry skin as eczema. We were given a prescription cream and handfuls of lotion samples. His dry skin doesn't seem to bother him much, with the exception of the side of his face that he appears to scratch, at times. The doctor also thinks that he's recovering from a slight case of RSV. Brennan had a persistent cough for a while, but it has improved recently.
He received three more vaccines today-one oral and two injections. The nurse wasn't very speedy and Brennan wasn't very happy. He screamed like we've never heard before! Luckily, he calmed down almost immediately after Daddy picked him up.
Weight: 17lb 6oz (90%tile)
Height: 26 3/4 inches (95%tile)
Head: 42cm
The doctor diagnosed his red, dry skin as eczema. We were given a prescription cream and handfuls of lotion samples. His dry skin doesn't seem to bother him much, with the exception of the side of his face that he appears to scratch, at times. The doctor also thinks that he's recovering from a slight case of RSV. Brennan had a persistent cough for a while, but it has improved recently.
He received three more vaccines today-one oral and two injections. The nurse wasn't very speedy and Brennan wasn't very happy. He screamed like we've never heard before! Luckily, he calmed down almost immediately after Daddy picked him up.
Friday, May 21, 2010
4 Months Old!
Our little man is already 4 months old! He loves to talk, smile, laugh, and giggle. We love that he's such a happy boy! He's becoming very interested in toys, especially if he can put them into his mouth and/or they make noise. His latest trick is rolling onto his side! He rolled multiple times a few weeks ago, but didn't do it again until several days he's a rolling professional! He hasn't made it completely onto his stomach, but I don't think that's too far away! One morning this week, he moved around so much that he turned himself 180* in his crib! You can imagine my surprise when I saw his head where his feet normally are!
Brennan's sleeping habits are also changing. On a few occasions, he's taken a 3 hour nap during the day! He has started to wake up again once during the night several times a week. I've been feeding him and Daddy, who is better about getting him to stay asleep in his crib, puts him to sleep.
He continues to grow very quickly! We've even had a few articles of clothing that he hasn't worn because he's already grown out of them! His 4 month doctor appointment is next week and we'll have more specific stats then.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
So Much To Say!
Brennan is a very talkative little boy! He loves talking, including making noises of various pitches, gurgling, and saying "A-goo-goo". He's also starting to "sing" back to us. I frequently sing to him while he nurses. During the past few mornings, he's stopped eating to "sing along." It's adorable!
Enjoy the videos of Brennan's gurgles and giggles!
Enjoy the videos of Brennan's gurgles and giggles!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Baptism and Bon Voyage
Brennan was baptized this morning in a beautiful and private ceremony. He did wonderfully, appearing to know the importance of the occasion. The ceremony was in the same church where we were married, making it even more special.

Later in the afternoon, we celebrated my Mom's retirement with a fun party at a nearby park. The grandkids, including Brennan, performed a cheer to present my parents with an Alaskan cruise for their retirements! It's something they've wanted to do for years!
Later in the afternoon, we celebrated my Mom's retirement with a fun party at a nearby park. The grandkids, including Brennan, performed a cheer to present my parents with an Alaskan cruise for their retirements! It's something they've wanted to do for years!
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