Monday, June 21, 2010

Skin Update

Brennan's skin is improving rapidly! He's back to being baby soft again!

He continues to get his antibiotic three times a day. He's not a huge fan of taking it and I think he's mainly bothered by it's cold temperature (we store it in the fridge). It also bothers his stomach, which is causing more frequent diaper changes and spit ups. I think we'll all be glad when he's done taking it on Thursday!

Last week, the pediatrician called to follow up on Brennan. He gave us the green light to start using his eczema cream again. He responded to the cream very quickly! We also apply Eucerin lotion several times a day to his entire body. His neck still gets red at times, but we think it's from wet bibs against his skin (refer to the previous statement about frequent spit ups). We've been going through several bibs a day in attempt to keep him dry.

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