Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Top of the Charts!

Brennan had his 4 month appointment this afternoon. He's growing like a champ! Current stats:
Weight: 17lb 6oz (90%tile)
Height: 26 3/4 inches (95%tile)
Head: 42cm

The doctor diagnosed his red, dry skin as eczema. We were given a prescription cream and handfuls of lotion samples. His dry skin doesn't seem to bother him much, with the exception of the side of his face that he appears to scratch, at times. The doctor also thinks that he's recovering from a slight case of RSV. Brennan had a persistent cough for a while, but it has improved recently.

He received three more vaccines today-one oral and two injections. The nurse wasn't very speedy and Brennan wasn't very happy. He screamed like we've never heard before! Luckily, he calmed down almost immediately after Daddy picked him up.

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