Friday, July 23, 2010

6 Month Stats

Brennan had his 6 month well-baby check up this afternoon. He charmed the nurse and doctor and enjoyed playing with the paper covering the examination table. He didn't enjoy the three vaccinations, but didn't do as bad as I imagined.

Current stats:
Height: 27 1/2 inches
Weight: 19 lbs 12 1/2 oz

We spoke with the doctor about Brennan's skin again. His neck and behind his knees are frequently red and dry. She explained that it is heat induced eczema. She gave us a cream with higher potency than our current prescription and recommended daily baths, only using soap every other day, instead of our current every-other-day routine. Hopefully, this does the trick! While his skin doesn't appear to bother him, it doesn't look comfortable!

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