Monday, October 25, 2010

9 Month Stats

Brennan had his nine month doctor appointment today.

Current stats:
Weight: 21 lbs, 14.5 oz
Height: 29.5 inches
Head circumference: 45.5 cm

The doctor and nurse were impressed with Brennan's tolerance and personality. He happily complied with all of the exams and enjoyed playing with the tongue depressor he was given. Brennan's eczema has been under control since his last appointment, but we had the discussion that he appears to have inherited Mommy's sensitive skin. For example, sometimes his sides become dry exactly where you would hold him when picking him up, nearly in the shape of hands. The doctor also commented that Brennan will be good friends with sunscreen next summer! For now, we'll continue twice daily lotion application and daily baths.

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