Monday, August 2, 2010

First Vacation!

Brennan, Mommy, Grandma Mealy, and cousin Ava traveled to the UP for a week to visit my oldest sister and her family. We had a wonderful time and spent our days at local beaches and parks, picking raspberries, and exploring sand dunes. Brennan enjoyed playing with his cousins, Tobin, Zac, Eliana, and Ava, Grandma, Aunt Renata, and Uncle Jason. With all of the excitement and new experiences, Brennan's naps weren't great, but he often found rest in Grandma's comforting arms. Despite the lack of sleep, he was a trooper and enjoyed the outings and activities. He also did great during the 12-13 hour commutes and spent his time playing, sleeping, eating, and being entertained by his cousins. He also cut his third tooth during the trip! We missed Daddy, but were able to talk to him over the phone. Brennan's eyes lit up and he frantically looked around the room whenever I put the phone to his ear to hear Daddy's voice.

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