Our little man is already 4 months old! He loves to talk, smile, laugh, and giggle. We love that he's such a happy boy! He's becoming very interested in toys, especially if he can put them into his mouth and/or they make noise. His latest trick is rolling onto his side! He rolled multiple times a few weeks ago, but didn't do it again until several days ago...now he's a rolling professional! He hasn't made it completely onto his stomach, but I don't think that's too far away! One morning this week, he moved around so much that he turned himself 180* in his crib! You can imagine my surprise when I saw his head where his feet normally are!
Brennan's sleeping habits are also changing. On a few occasions, he's taken a 3 hour nap during the day! He has started to wake up again once during the night several times a week. I've been feeding him and Daddy, who is better about getting him to stay asleep in his crib, puts him to sleep.
He continues to grow very quickly! We've even had a few articles of clothing that he hasn't worn because he's already grown out of them! His 4 month doctor appointment is next week and we'll have more specific stats then.
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