Brennan is 11 months old! He's such a joy to be around! His curiosity, happiness, and laughter is amazing. He's quickly transitioning from a baby to a little man!
~Brennan points at just about everything. He frequently says "Dat?" when pointing at objects around him.
~He's transitioned from babbling to baby jargon. He speaks with great intonation, making it sound as though he is making exclamations and asking questions. He's able to make several sounds in one "word", each involving different tongue and/or lip movements. For example, a favorite word sounds remarkably similar to "tickle." He also says "Dada" and "Mama" often.
~His receptive language is also developing. He's able to understand many words, including "no" (although he may not always comply!), "eat", "book", "animal", "moon", and "night night." He appropriately responds to "clap", "splash", "kiss", "more", and "How big is Brennan?" He signs "more" independently when asking for more food.
~He enjoys opening and closing doors. When going through a door, he frequently stops crawling to open it completely before leaving a room. He also likes to open kitchen cabinets.
~Brennan is very proficient in cruising along furniture. Walking independently can't be far away!
~His diet includes more finger food. He enjoys feeding himself and getting drinks from his sippy cup. He also likes to bite food, including taking a bite from slices of fruit. He's able to feed himself with both hands, but is more proficient with his left hand.
~After taking a break, Brennan has started waving again. Although, instead of being prompted verbally and visually, he'll wave goodbye when he sees others put their coats on or when he gets his coat on.
~Brennan's love of books continues. He'll regularly ignore an area full of toys and look at his books. He's able to identify a few objects in the books, especially "moon." He's even been known to flip through pages to find the page with a picture of the moon. He also mimics others reading books, as he talks and points at items on the pages.
~We're noticing the beginning stages of separation anxiety, although it's not consistent.
~Brennan goes to bed around 7:00pm and wakes up around 6:30-7:00am. Most days, he takes an hour long nap at 9:00am and a one to two hour long nap at 1:00pm. He may also take a shorter nap around 4:00pm. He usually takes the longest naps at the babysitter's house...playing with friends must be tiring!
~Current fascinations include lights, electrical cords, doors, drawer handles, and books.
This sounds a lot like T&Z at his age! :-)