Monday, May 31, 2010

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3

Brennan is continuing to test out his vocal abilities. His latest mastery...the squeal! The very loud, high pitched, squeal. He'll do it when he's happy, excited, or upset...just about any time! Check out some of his squeals--warning, you may want to turn down the volume!

Luckily, the skin care regimen recommended by the ped is working! The red spots are disappearing and his skin is becoming baby soft again. His scalp is still dry, but it's improving. The scent of the recommended shampoo reminds me of my odd reminder of a wonderful man!

While shopping at WalMart over the weekend, Brennan was his typical smiling, cooing, self. A woman in the checkout line was oohing and awwing over him, making comments about how he was so happy. Sarcastically, she said that he is probably always happy. We replied with, "He really is!"

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