Friday, November 19, 2010


Brennan was diagnosed with his first, and hopefully only, ear infection today. Although his cold from last weekend lessened, his congestion and cough lingered. Last evening, we noticed that he did not appear to feel well. He had a somewhat difficult night, waking often and wanting to be held. He felt warm and had an elevated temperature overnight. This morning, he was in good spirits, although tired, and did not have a temperature. I warned the babysitter of the night's events and planned to call throughout the day to check in. Before I had a chance to call, she contacted me to let me know that his temperature was approximately 101 degrees. Adam and I immediately left work and made an appointment with the pediatrician. He noticed his ear infection and believes it was caused by his week-long cold and congestion. We received an antibiotic prescription, which he'll take for 10 days. We'll go back for a follow up to make sure everything is cleared up. Poor little guy!

He was weighed at the doctor's office (clothed): 23.1 lbs!

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