Thursday, December 29, 2011
A Full Set!
Brennan has cut his last tooth! Overall, he's handled teething well, but we're still glad to reach this milestone!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
23 Months!
We're almost at the 2 year mark!
~He's transitioning from using phrases to sentences. It's amazing to hear him express himself!
~Brennan is almost done with teething! He has one more 2-year molar to cut, and we don't think it's too far away!
~Reading books continued to be a favorite activity. When being read a book, he'll typically states the next word/phrase if you pause.
~Brennan has many foam letters and numbers that he plays with in the bathtub. One of his new favorite bath time games is holding up a letter and asking "What letter/number is that?!"
~Imaginative play is emerging more and more everyday. It's so neat to watch!
~He's improving his in rote counting of objects. He counts to thirteen, and usually continues with "fifteen, seventeen, twenty!" He has also counted backwards from 5. He can identify 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8.
~Brennan is getting better about independently saying "Thank you." If he needs reminders to say it ("What do you say?"), he'll usually respond, "Thank you, Welcome!"
~He knows to blow on his food when it's hot. Although, when others are at the table, he asks everyone to also blow on each bite.
~He frequently breaks out into tune. Favorite songs include "Baa Baa Black Sheep", "Jingle Bells", "Happy Birthday", the alphabet,"Old MacDonald", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", and "Itsy Bitsy Spider"
~He's transitioning from using phrases to sentences. It's amazing to hear him express himself!
~Brennan is almost done with teething! He has one more 2-year molar to cut, and we don't think it's too far away!
~Reading books continued to be a favorite activity. When being read a book, he'll typically states the next word/phrase if you pause.
~Brennan has many foam letters and numbers that he plays with in the bathtub. One of his new favorite bath time games is holding up a letter and asking "What letter/number is that?!"
~Imaginative play is emerging more and more everyday. It's so neat to watch!
~He's improving his in rote counting of objects. He counts to thirteen, and usually continues with "fifteen, seventeen, twenty!" He has also counted backwards from 5. He can identify 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8.
~Brennan is getting better about independently saying "Thank you." If he needs reminders to say it ("What do you say?"), he'll usually respond, "Thank you, Welcome!"
~He knows to blow on his food when it's hot. Although, when others are at the table, he asks everyone to also blow on each bite.
~He frequently breaks out into tune. Favorite songs include "Baa Baa Black Sheep", "Jingle Bells", "Happy Birthday", the alphabet,"Old MacDonald", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", and "Itsy Bitsy Spider"
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Mr. Manners
Brennan typically says "please" when asking for things. When given a reminder, such as "how do you ask for ____?" or "how do you ask nicely?" he likes to cover all of his bases and will reply "Please, welcome, and thank you!"
Monday, December 5, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
Our Thanksgiving this year was a bit more exciting than we imagined. Brennan woke up on Thanksgiving morning with a fever. We thought he might be a bit under the weather, gave him some ibuprofen and traveled over the river and through the woods to Grandpa and Grandma Swartz's house.
Once there, Brennan was a bit clingy, but played and had a good time. He didn't eat much, especially at Thanksgiving dinner. At bedtime, he had another fever. He slept in Mommy and Daddy's room and when Mommy went to bed, she noticed he was very warm and breathing rapidly. After several times of waking up unhappy, he slept in bed with Mommy and Daddy. Around 2am, Daddy woke up and noticed that Brennan was even warmer than before. His heart was racing and his breathing continued to be very rapid. We decided to take him to the Salem Emergency Room. His official temperature was 101.7 and his heart rate was 170. After a quick check of his ears and throat, we were told he had an ear infection in his right ear. Since he got sick while getting ready to go to the ER, he was given a medicine to keep him from getting sick again. He was also given an antibiotic and fever reducer. Unfortunately, the anti-nausea medication didn't work.
On Friday, Brennan seemed to be more himself, although he was very fatigued. He fell asleep before leaving Grandpa and Grandma's house, slept the entire drive home, and continued to sleep once we arrived home, a total of 4 hours!
Brennan again felt very warm when he woke up on Saturday morning and was very lethargic. We made an appointment with the pediatrician later that morning. His official temperature was 103.4 and heart rate was 150. His ears looked fine, but his throat was swollen with white spots. No official strep test, but the pediatrician did not think it was strep. He was prescribed a different antibiotic, and were told it would work better than the original prescription.
After his fever broke, we noticed a slight rash on his stomach and back which disappeared the next day. Grandma Mealy suggested that he may have Roseola. The symptoms seemed to match up and we wondered if he had Roseola and a throat infection.
Exactly a week after Thanksgiving, our happy, giggly little man returned!
Once there, Brennan was a bit clingy, but played and had a good time. He didn't eat much, especially at Thanksgiving dinner. At bedtime, he had another fever. He slept in Mommy and Daddy's room and when Mommy went to bed, she noticed he was very warm and breathing rapidly. After several times of waking up unhappy, he slept in bed with Mommy and Daddy. Around 2am, Daddy woke up and noticed that Brennan was even warmer than before. His heart was racing and his breathing continued to be very rapid. We decided to take him to the Salem Emergency Room. His official temperature was 101.7 and his heart rate was 170. After a quick check of his ears and throat, we were told he had an ear infection in his right ear. Since he got sick while getting ready to go to the ER, he was given a medicine to keep him from getting sick again. He was also given an antibiotic and fever reducer. Unfortunately, the anti-nausea medication didn't work.
On Friday, Brennan seemed to be more himself, although he was very fatigued. He fell asleep before leaving Grandpa and Grandma's house, slept the entire drive home, and continued to sleep once we arrived home, a total of 4 hours!
Brennan again felt very warm when he woke up on Saturday morning and was very lethargic. We made an appointment with the pediatrician later that morning. His official temperature was 103.4 and heart rate was 150. His ears looked fine, but his throat was swollen with white spots. No official strep test, but the pediatrician did not think it was strep. He was prescribed a different antibiotic, and were told it would work better than the original prescription.
After his fever broke, we noticed a slight rash on his stomach and back which disappeared the next day. Grandma Mealy suggested that he may have Roseola. The symptoms seemed to match up and we wondered if he had Roseola and a throat infection.
Exactly a week after Thanksgiving, our happy, giggly little man returned!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
22 Months!
~Our little chatterbox continues to amaze us with his language skills. He frequently uses new phrases and words. Some cute examples:
~~~"Here" or "Want it" when asking for or giving us an object
~~~"Say 'cuse me" and "Bless you" after burps/sneezes
~~~"Thank you, 'elcome" ..we're still working on the give and take of "thank you" and "you're welcome"
~~~"I reading a book!"
~~~"Hi guys!"
~~~"I sleepy"
~~~"I did it!"
~~~"Mommy's home!" or "Daddy's home!"
~~~"I snuggle Mommy/Daddy"
~~~"I want some more please" or "I want some _____"
~~~"I swimming!" as he kicks while laying on his belly or back in the bathtub
~~~"Right theres" or "Right here" when showing where he wants something or locating something/someone
~~~"Hmmm...Ummm..." when he doesn't know the answer to a question
Some not-so-cute toddler language examples: "Mine!", "No!", "No this!", "Na-uh" and "Stop it!"
~We've come to the conclusion that he enjoys songs and music in television shows and not the actual show. For example, he'll ask for a show, but after the opening song, it's an immediate "No this! No this, honey!"
~He continues to love all fruit, but it's becoming more difficult to get him to eat vegetables. We typically try to give him his vegetables first. Condiments for dipping also help a lot. "I dunk it!"
~Daddy and Brennan have added a new and adorable step in our bedtime routine. After reading him his books, getting snuggles, and handing Brennan over to Mommy, Brennan and Daddy play a fun game. Daddy leaves the room and closes the door. Brennan calls out, "Daaaddddy!" and Daddy pops back into the room. Repeat a few times with laughs all around!
~He's cut one 2 year molar. We think we feel another coming soon. Teething is almost over!
~He likes to count objects, especially in his books. He's not always accurate, but it's cute!
~Kisses are accompanied by "Muah!"
~You have to be on your toes when reading books. If he's not turning pages, you'll frequently hear: "Next page! (turn page) Read it!" And don't think about skipping the title page because he'll go back to it!
~~~"Here" or "Want it" when asking for or giving us an object
~~~"Say 'cuse me" and "Bless you" after burps/sneezes
~~~"Thank you, 'elcome" ..we're still working on the give and take of "thank you" and "you're welcome"
~~~"I reading a book!"
~~~"Hi guys!"
~~~"I sleepy"
~~~"I did it!"
~~~"Mommy's home!" or "Daddy's home!"
~~~"I snuggle Mommy/Daddy"
~~~"I want some more please" or "I want some _____"
~~~"I swimming!" as he kicks while laying on his belly or back in the bathtub
~~~"Right theres" or "Right here" when showing where he wants something or locating something/someone
~~~"Hmmm...Ummm..." when he doesn't know the answer to a question
Some not-so-cute toddler language examples: "Mine!", "No!", "No this!", "Na-uh" and "Stop it!"
~We've come to the conclusion that he enjoys songs and music in television shows and not the actual show. For example, he'll ask for a show, but after the opening song, it's an immediate "No this! No this, honey!"
~He continues to love all fruit, but it's becoming more difficult to get him to eat vegetables. We typically try to give him his vegetables first. Condiments for dipping also help a lot. "I dunk it!"
~Daddy and Brennan have added a new and adorable step in our bedtime routine. After reading him his books, getting snuggles, and handing Brennan over to Mommy, Brennan and Daddy play a fun game. Daddy leaves the room and closes the door. Brennan calls out, "Daaaddddy!" and Daddy pops back into the room. Repeat a few times with laughs all around!
~He's cut one 2 year molar. We think we feel another coming soon. Teething is almost over!
~He likes to count objects, especially in his books. He's not always accurate, but it's cute!
~Kisses are accompanied by "Muah!"
~You have to be on your toes when reading books. If he's not turning pages, you'll frequently hear: "Next page! (turn page) Read it!" And don't think about skipping the title page because he'll go back to it!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Our Little "Reader"
Brennan enjoys helping us "read" his books!
An added cuteness bonus, he gives a "cheese!" for the camera!
An added cuteness bonus, he gives a "cheese!" for the camera!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Our little Dr. Seuss lover dressed as The Cat in the Hat for Halloween this year!
We went trick or treating with Grandma on Saturday night in a nearby neighborhood. Mommy and Daddy joined in the festivities, dressed as Thing 1 and Thing 2. We had a great time! Brennan enjoyed walking up to houses with his candy bag wide open.
On Halloween night, Daddy stayed at home to pass out candy while Mommy and Brennan went trick or treating in our neighborhood. We had a good time, although Brennan insisted on carrying his loot rather than putting it in his bag. This lead to frustration, which lead to a tired and upset little cat on the walk home! Once home, he enjoyed greeting the kids that came to the door.
Over the weekend, we practiced saying "Trick or treat." At times, Brennan replied "Trick or treat, Honey!" He clammed up during the real deal, but did thank our generous neighbors for the sweet stuff!
Thanks, Grandma Mealy for making my costume!
Friday, October 21, 2011
21 Months!
~Our little man continues to be a big talker. In addition to new words, he is repeating and independently saying many phrases. His pronunciation also continues to improve. Some examples:
~~"How 'bout this one?" or "How 'bout ____?" when asking for books or toys
~~"I made a mess again"
~~"What happened?"
~~"Mommy/Daddy coming" when he wants us to follow him
~~"I coming" when coming to us when called
~~"Where's Mommy/Daddy?"
~~"What's Mommy/Daddy doing?"
~~Some of the preschool-age girls at the babysitter's play house, frequently saying "honey" while playing. Brennan has picked up on the term of endearment and uses it often. "Ok, honey!" "Up, honey!"
~~"Other one?" or "Something else" when asking for something different
~~"I dink (drink) it"
~~"Mommy/Daddy/Brennan do it!"
~~"Right there!" when telling us where he wants something (e.g., ketchup on his plate)
~~"I found it!" or "I found it, _____!"
~~"I want ___, too!" or "Mommy/Daddy have _____, too!" (e.g., "Daddy have chicken, too!")
~~"That one", "This one"
~~"Open the door!"
~His memory is like a steal trap!
~~After a small book was missing for a few days, we asked Brennan if he knew where it was. He immediately went to his room and repeated "Count book!" Sure enough, the book was between his mattress and the crib rails.
~~He has similar themed books, one about shapes and another about colors. It had been several weeks since we read either. After bringing Mommy the shapes book and reading it, he ran to his basket of books saying "Colors!" and dug through his books until he found it.
~~He recognizes coffee/sippy cups that visitors used, even if it had been weeks since he saw them. "Grandpa cup!" "Madison drink!"
~He can consistently identify 2, 5, 8, B, and Q. Earlier this week, he impressed his sitter by picking up a numbered block and correctly identifying an "8."
~He continues to be a fan of music. He enjoys singing songs, listening to music, and being sung to.
~He seems to think that all books are written by Dr. Seuss. After reading the title, he'll state "by Dr Seuss!"
~Mommy and Daddy regularly get a hug, (sloppy!) kiss, and "Wuv you!" when we leave for work and when Brennan goes to bed.
~~"How 'bout this one?" or "How 'bout ____?" when asking for books or toys
~~"I made a mess again"
~~"What happened?"
~~"Mommy/Daddy coming" when he wants us to follow him
~~"I coming" when coming to us when called
~~"Where's Mommy/Daddy?"
~~"What's Mommy/Daddy doing?"
~~Some of the preschool-age girls at the babysitter's play house, frequently saying "honey" while playing. Brennan has picked up on the term of endearment and uses it often. "Ok, honey!" "Up, honey!"
~~"Other one?" or "Something else" when asking for something different
~~"I dink (drink) it"
~~"Mommy/Daddy/Brennan do it!"
~~"Right there!" when telling us where he wants something (e.g., ketchup on his plate)
~~"I found it!" or "I found it, _____!"
~~"I want ___, too!" or "Mommy/Daddy have _____, too!" (e.g., "Daddy have chicken, too!")
~~"That one", "This one"
~~"Open the door!"
~His memory is like a steal trap!
~~After a small book was missing for a few days, we asked Brennan if he knew where it was. He immediately went to his room and repeated "Count book!" Sure enough, the book was between his mattress and the crib rails.
~~He has similar themed books, one about shapes and another about colors. It had been several weeks since we read either. After bringing Mommy the shapes book and reading it, he ran to his basket of books saying "Colors!" and dug through his books until he found it.
~~He recognizes coffee/sippy cups that visitors used, even if it had been weeks since he saw them. "Grandpa cup!" "Madison drink!"
~He can consistently identify 2, 5, 8, B, and Q. Earlier this week, he impressed his sitter by picking up a numbered block and correctly identifying an "8."
~He continues to be a fan of music. He enjoys singing songs, listening to music, and being sung to.
~He seems to think that all books are written by Dr. Seuss. After reading the title, he'll state "by Dr Seuss!"
~Mommy and Daddy regularly get a hug, (sloppy!) kiss, and "Wuv you!" when we leave for work and when Brennan goes to bed.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Color My World
Brennan enjoys naming colors in his environment. It's not uncommon for him to name colors of cars as we walk through a parking lot. He also identifies colors of his toys, objects/backgrounds in books, and articles of clothing. Sometimes, he'll name colors on television--the weather map during a rainstorm is very exciting!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Little Helper
Brennan loves to be a "helper" for Mommy and Daddy! For example, he likes to put his toys "back", hand us our towels in the bathroom, throw away trash, and put clothes in the dryer. We're hoping to find a way to continue this behavior!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
20 Months!
Our little miracle is 20 months old! He is such a blessing!
~Brennan is talking up a storm. He repeats almost everything and uses many multiple word phrases independently.
~He names many friends and family members independently.
Mama = Grandma
Papa = Grandpa
Adda = Aunt Renata
Za-son = Uncle Jason
Tomin = Tobin
Zac = Zac
Anna = Eliana
Um = Miriam
A-Deena = Aunt Adrianna
Uncle Well = Uncle Will
Vava = Ava
Kin = Corrine
Ees = Elise
Uncle Matt = Uncle Matt
Jenn = Jenn
Ma-zin = Madison
Zu-zan = Susan
Zaza = Sara
Passon = Paxton
~"Ok" is heard frequently. He'll sometimes say it after falling down. He says it most when asking for something; "Oranges? Ok!" We assume this stems from us repeating his requests, and then complying with an "ok"
~He enjoys singing the alphabet and will sing the entire song, using many approximations and mumbling of letters. When asked to identify letters from his foam bath letters, he'll consistently give the name of a letter.
~Tracy, Brennan's babysitter, has established a great routine that has eliminated his morning Mommy-itis. When we arrive in the morning, he watches a few nursery rhymes on the computer, which is in the front room. He frequently asks for "E-E" (5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed) or "Twinkle Star" (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star). Mom is old news and I barely get a goodbye wave. At times, he'll start asking for a song as soon as we pull into the driveway.
~His love of books continues and he'll easily sit through several long books (full length Dr Suess) in a row. He also likes to read them to himself. When looking at Fox in Socks, he's been heard saying: "Fox. Sock. Knox. Box"...flip a few pages..."Whose socks? Sue's socks"
~Brennan regularly asks for things by using "please" We're working on "thank you" and "you're welcome." He'll repeat "thank you" when prompted and say "el-come" when asked what you say when someone thanks you. A few days ago, he greeted me in the morning with an enthusiastic "Good morning!" when I got him out of bed. We love that he's using his manners!
~He likes to eat his food with a spoon/fork and off of a plate. When down with his meal, he's started to put his utensil on his plate and hand it (right side up!) to us. When asking for more, he'll lift his plate (right side up!) and ask for more. He continues to like dipping his food into mustard/ketchup/ranch/sauce.
~He uses his name regularly. Sometimes he'll use it when asking for something by pointing to the object and stating "Bennan!" He also uses it when giving turns for something: "Mommy bite! Daddy bite! Bennan bite!"
~He'll 'count' to 13, occasionally skipping 9 or 10. He'll usually start counting when asked or when asked "how many ____?"
~He continues to like Sesame Street characters and now also likes naming Disney characters. "Mickey Mouse", "Minnie Mouse", "Pu-to", "Voo-fy", and "Don-dald" are his favorites.
~Although he can definitely make a mess, he also likes to put his toys "back"
~He enjoys listening to music. He frequently asks for his "songs" in the car, will help to sing some nursery rhymes, and sings others independently. He can recognize many songs within the first few beats.
~Brennan is talking up a storm. He repeats almost everything and uses many multiple word phrases independently.
~He names many friends and family members independently.
Mama = Grandma
Papa = Grandpa
Adda = Aunt Renata
Za-son = Uncle Jason
Tomin = Tobin
Zac = Zac
Anna = Eliana
Um = Miriam
A-Deena = Aunt Adrianna
Uncle Well = Uncle Will
Vava = Ava
Kin = Corrine
Ees = Elise
Uncle Matt = Uncle Matt
Jenn = Jenn
Ma-zin = Madison
Zu-zan = Susan
Zaza = Sara
Passon = Paxton
~"Ok" is heard frequently. He'll sometimes say it after falling down. He says it most when asking for something; "Oranges? Ok!" We assume this stems from us repeating his requests, and then complying with an "ok"
~He enjoys singing the alphabet and will sing the entire song, using many approximations and mumbling of letters. When asked to identify letters from his foam bath letters, he'll consistently give the name of a letter.
~Tracy, Brennan's babysitter, has established a great routine that has eliminated his morning Mommy-itis. When we arrive in the morning, he watches a few nursery rhymes on the computer, which is in the front room. He frequently asks for "E-E" (5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed) or "Twinkle Star" (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star). Mom is old news and I barely get a goodbye wave. At times, he'll start asking for a song as soon as we pull into the driveway.
~His love of books continues and he'll easily sit through several long books (full length Dr Suess) in a row. He also likes to read them to himself. When looking at Fox in Socks, he's been heard saying: "Fox. Sock. Knox. Box"...flip a few pages..."Whose socks? Sue's socks"
~Brennan regularly asks for things by using "please" We're working on "thank you" and "you're welcome." He'll repeat "thank you" when prompted and say "el-come" when asked what you say when someone thanks you. A few days ago, he greeted me in the morning with an enthusiastic "Good morning!" when I got him out of bed. We love that he's using his manners!
~He likes to eat his food with a spoon/fork and off of a plate. When down with his meal, he's started to put his utensil on his plate and hand it (right side up!) to us. When asking for more, he'll lift his plate (right side up!) and ask for more. He continues to like dipping his food into mustard/ketchup/ranch/sauce.
~He uses his name regularly. Sometimes he'll use it when asking for something by pointing to the object and stating "Bennan!" He also uses it when giving turns for something: "Mommy bite! Daddy bite! Bennan bite!"
~He'll 'count' to 13, occasionally skipping 9 or 10. He'll usually start counting when asked or when asked "how many ____?"
~He continues to like Sesame Street characters and now also likes naming Disney characters. "Mickey Mouse", "Minnie Mouse", "Pu-to", "Voo-fy", and "Don-dald" are his favorites.
~Although he can definitely make a mess, he also likes to put his toys "back"
~He enjoys listening to music. He frequently asks for his "songs" in the car, will help to sing some nursery rhymes, and sings others independently. He can recognize many songs within the first few beats.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Master Bathroom Remodel
Our major house project this summer was remodeling our master bathroom. Due to water under the floor, this home improvement project moved to the top of the list. We love our new, updated bathroom! Special thanks to Adam's Dad, who traveled to Sandusky many weekends over the summer to help.


Sunday, August 21, 2011
19 months!
19 months already?!
~Brennan is quite the talker! When asked, he'll repeat almost every word he hears. If he's being a stinker, he'll smile and giggle instead of repeating you. He's also using more words and phrases independently each day!
~While talking spontaneously, his pronunciation is becoming more an more accurate. For example, "accles" are now "apples"; "curcle" is "purple"; and "belly butt" is now "belly button"
~He says his name! At times, it sounds more like "Brenden", but it's cute either way!
~In addition to completing phrases in books, Brennan is also finishing song lyrics if we pause while singing.
~He requests many songs: "Ashes" for Ring Around the Rosey; "Twinkle" for Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; "Happy" for If You're Happy and You Know It; "Dinkie" for Skinamarink"; "A, C, C's" for the alphabet; "Baby" for Rock-A-Bye Baby; and "E, I, E, I" or "Donald" for Old McDonald.
~When he sees several of the same object, he's likely to state "More ____" or "Two ____", even if there are more than two of the object.
~When looking at people in books, he's able to label and distinguish boys and girls.
~His fascination for shoes continues. He enjoys walking in others' shoes. He'll also state the owner of the shoes: "Mommy shoes!", "Daddy shoes!"
~He's cut his last canine tooth! Farewell, swollen gums and drool! ...until his 2 year molars.
~After slipping in the tub, we think Brennan may have his first scar. Ouch!
~Mommy has returned to working full time. Mommy-itis usually strikes in the morning when I tell him I need to leave. Some mornings, he goes and plays without a second thought. Other mornings, the babysitter has to pry him off of me. I almost always get a long bear hug before I leave. He has a great time there and has a lot of fun after Mommy leaves.
~After recent visits with his grandparents on both sides, Brennan frequently talks about grandma and grandpa. When asked who he is going to see, where he is going, etc, he immediately responds, "Mama! Papa! Mama! Papa!"
~Brennan enjoys counting. He's counted to 12 several times, skipping 9. He doesn't seem to have one-to-one correspondence, but it's still impressive!
~He's mastering more colors: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, and orange. He occasionally identifies pink, grey, white, and black.
~Going to the grocery store is quite entertaining, including for other shoppers. "Bread! Apples! Nanas! Milk! Yogurt! Crackers! Cookies! Hot dogs! Pickles! Olives!"
~Brennan is quite the talker! When asked, he'll repeat almost every word he hears. If he's being a stinker, he'll smile and giggle instead of repeating you. He's also using more words and phrases independently each day!
~While talking spontaneously, his pronunciation is becoming more an more accurate. For example, "accles" are now "apples"; "curcle" is "purple"; and "belly butt" is now "belly button"
~He says his name! At times, it sounds more like "Brenden", but it's cute either way!
~In addition to completing phrases in books, Brennan is also finishing song lyrics if we pause while singing.
~He requests many songs: "Ashes" for Ring Around the Rosey; "Twinkle" for Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; "Happy" for If You're Happy and You Know It; "Dinkie" for Skinamarink"; "A, C, C's" for the alphabet; "Baby" for Rock-A-Bye Baby; and "E, I, E, I" or "Donald" for Old McDonald.
~When he sees several of the same object, he's likely to state "More ____" or "Two ____", even if there are more than two of the object.
~When looking at people in books, he's able to label and distinguish boys and girls.
~His fascination for shoes continues. He enjoys walking in others' shoes. He'll also state the owner of the shoes: "Mommy shoes!", "Daddy shoes!"
~He's cut his last canine tooth! Farewell, swollen gums and drool! ...until his 2 year molars.
~After slipping in the tub, we think Brennan may have his first scar. Ouch!
~Mommy has returned to working full time. Mommy-itis usually strikes in the morning when I tell him I need to leave. Some mornings, he goes and plays without a second thought. Other mornings, the babysitter has to pry him off of me. I almost always get a long bear hug before I leave. He has a great time there and has a lot of fun after Mommy leaves.
~After recent visits with his grandparents on both sides, Brennan frequently talks about grandma and grandpa. When asked who he is going to see, where he is going, etc, he immediately responds, "Mama! Papa! Mama! Papa!"
~Brennan enjoys counting. He's counted to 12 several times, skipping 9. He doesn't seem to have one-to-one correspondence, but it's still impressive!
~He's mastering more colors: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, and orange. He occasionally identifies pink, grey, white, and black.
~Going to the grocery store is quite entertaining, including for other shoppers. "Bread! Apples! Nanas! Milk! Yogurt! Crackers! Cookies! Hot dogs! Pickles! Olives!"
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Brennan impressed us today as he counted out loud to 10 several times! Mommy and Brennan were playing with blocks. As he removed them from the pegs, Mommy counted "one, two, three, four, five." She stopped and Brennan continued on, "six, seven, eight, nine, ten!" After Mommy/Daddy started with "one", he counted independently several times!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
18 Month Doctor Appointment
Brennan had his 18 month well baby doctor appointment today. The doctor was very pleased with his language and motor skills. He was amused with Brennan's curiosity as he investigated the examination room. Everything looks great! The doctor joked about Brennan being a future football or basketball player, based on his above average size.
His eczema is returning after Brennan is outside in high temperatures. We're starting to apply his prescription cream periodically, which is helping. Luckily, Brennan doesn't seem bothered by his dry spots.
Brennan had his follow up appointment with the ENT last week. His ears look great! We won't need to return unless he begins to have chronic ear infections again. Since his ears look fine, we wish his ENT appointment was after his appointment today. We anticipate the 90 seconds we spent with the ENT will be expensive.
He received his second Hep A vaccination today. He wasn't thrilled about it, but after some snuggles and a crocodile tear, he was happy again. With the exception of flu shots and any possible changes in vaccination age recommendations, he shouldn't need another vaccine until he is 5 years old.
Current stats:
Length: 35 inches; 90-95th percentile (Nurse: "Holy Toledo! 35 inches!")
Weight: 27 lbs, 11 oz; 75th percentile
Head: 75th percentile
His eczema is returning after Brennan is outside in high temperatures. We're starting to apply his prescription cream periodically, which is helping. Luckily, Brennan doesn't seem bothered by his dry spots.
Brennan had his follow up appointment with the ENT last week. His ears look great! We won't need to return unless he begins to have chronic ear infections again. Since his ears look fine, we wish his ENT appointment was after his appointment today. We anticipate the 90 seconds we spent with the ENT will be expensive.
He received his second Hep A vaccination today. He wasn't thrilled about it, but after some snuggles and a crocodile tear, he was happy again. With the exception of flu shots and any possible changes in vaccination age recommendations, he shouldn't need another vaccine until he is 5 years old.
Current stats:
Length: 35 inches; 90-95th percentile (Nurse: "Holy Toledo! 35 inches!")
Weight: 27 lbs, 11 oz; 75th percentile
Head: 75th percentile
Saturday, July 23, 2011
18 Month Photo Shoot
We had Brennan's 18 month professional pictures taken today. As usual, Brennan was quite a ham! We asked Brennan if he was ready when the photographer was set up. After most background and prop changes, he would go to the backdrop, sit down and exclaim, "Ready!" The photographer encountered several technical difficulties before and after the photo shoot, but Brennan was pretty patient while we waited!
The winning shot

The winning shot

Thursday, July 21, 2011
18 Months!
Brennan is 18 months old! It's hard to believe that he's already a year and a half!
~The past month has been huge for language acquisition! Out of curiosity, we made a list of words Brennan uses independently. At last count, I tallied 116 words! Words only used when repeated after we say them weren't included. If so, the list would seem endless! It's very exciting! His pronunciation is pretty accurate, although he has some trouble with consonant-vowel-consonant words. For example, "cup" is "pup" and "cat" is "tat", yet he can say words like "cracker" and "bubble" perfectly!
~Two of our favorite words are please ("peez") and love you ("of-vu"). He'll say please independently, which makes his requests hard to resist. He'll repeat love you after we say it. We look forward to the day he says it first!
~He's using some two and three word phrases. Some examples include "More please", "More please cracker", "No, Mommy", and "Me made a mess"
~When talking and not understood, Brennan will typically repeat his phrases/babbles over and over again.
~We recently started introducing colors. He has mastered purple, blue, and red. Every once in awhile, he will identify yellow and green.
~He continues to enjoy listening to and looking at books. We've found that if you pause towards the end of sentences/phrases, Brennan may finish it. We've always enjoyed reading to him, but it's becoming even more enjoyable with him joining in! Currently, he's a big fan of Dr. Seuss books and will request many by name ("Ham" for Green Eggs and Ham, "Pop on Pop" for Hop on Pop", "Eyes" for "I Can Read With My Eyes Shut", and "Tat in Dat" for "Cat in the Hat").
~He seems to really enjoy having Mommy and Daddy home at the same time. For example, at dinner, he'll state "Mommy! Daddy!" repeatedly. He also ask about the other parent when they are not around. He has developed a case of Mommy-itis when we're not at home or when we have visitors. Mommy must be in sight at all times.
~Brennan has transitioned to taking one nap a day. We considered transitioning him for a while since he wasn't consistently taking morning naps at the babysitter's house during the week. After only taking one twenty-minute nap in a four day period, we decided to try removing it from his routine. He made the transition fairly well, with a few days of crankiness after waking up from his afternoon nap. He goes to bed between 6:30-7:00pm and wakes up between 6:00-6:45am. He typically sleeps for one measly hour at 1:00pm. I've attempted to extend the nap with no luck. His mood is fine for the rest of the day, but I imagine he needs more than one hour of sleep during the day! Grandma Mealy and Aunt Adrianna have successfully put him back to sleep by telling him that nap time is not over. This technique does not work for Mommy or Daddy.
~When told that his food may be hot, Brennan will sometimes hand his food to Mommy or Daddy to blow on it, or blow on it himself. His blowing is more like a raspberry, so be careful if he already has a mouth full of food!
~He enjoys listening to nursery rhymes and children's songs. He'll ask for Ring Around the Rosey ("Ashes") and does some of the hand movements for Itsy Bitsy Spider.
~I am loving my summer vacation with Brennan! We've enjoyed playing at home, playdates with friends, a trip to the zoo, a trip to the Memphis Kiddie Park, going on walks, and a visit with the Mealy family in Cincinnati. My break is flying by, so I'm trying to cram in as much play time as possible!
~Watching Brennan interact with others is neat! It's not uncommon for him to say "hi" to strangers in the grocery store or approach children/adults at parks and flash a smile and giggle.
~He enjoys climbing on furniture and toys, this includes standing on some toys not meant to be stood upon.
~Brennan enjoys going upstairs ("Us-sayers") but has no interest in learning how to go down stairs.
~He's much more willing to give kisses, which we love! They continue to be open mouth kisses, which can leave the recipient messy, but they are worth it!
~The past month has been huge for language acquisition! Out of curiosity, we made a list of words Brennan uses independently. At last count, I tallied 116 words! Words only used when repeated after we say them weren't included. If so, the list would seem endless! It's very exciting! His pronunciation is pretty accurate, although he has some trouble with consonant-vowel-consonant words. For example, "cup" is "pup" and "cat" is "tat", yet he can say words like "cracker" and "bubble" perfectly!
~Two of our favorite words are please ("peez") and love you ("of-vu"). He'll say please independently, which makes his requests hard to resist. He'll repeat love you after we say it. We look forward to the day he says it first!
~He's using some two and three word phrases. Some examples include "More please", "More please cracker", "No, Mommy", and "Me made a mess"
~When talking and not understood, Brennan will typically repeat his phrases/babbles over and over again.
~We recently started introducing colors. He has mastered purple, blue, and red. Every once in awhile, he will identify yellow and green.
~He continues to enjoy listening to and looking at books. We've found that if you pause towards the end of sentences/phrases, Brennan may finish it. We've always enjoyed reading to him, but it's becoming even more enjoyable with him joining in! Currently, he's a big fan of Dr. Seuss books and will request many by name ("Ham" for Green Eggs and Ham, "Pop on Pop" for Hop on Pop", "Eyes" for "I Can Read With My Eyes Shut", and "Tat in Dat" for "Cat in the Hat").
~He seems to really enjoy having Mommy and Daddy home at the same time. For example, at dinner, he'll state "Mommy! Daddy!" repeatedly. He also ask about the other parent when they are not around. He has developed a case of Mommy-itis when we're not at home or when we have visitors. Mommy must be in sight at all times.
~Brennan has transitioned to taking one nap a day. We considered transitioning him for a while since he wasn't consistently taking morning naps at the babysitter's house during the week. After only taking one twenty-minute nap in a four day period, we decided to try removing it from his routine. He made the transition fairly well, with a few days of crankiness after waking up from his afternoon nap. He goes to bed between 6:30-7:00pm and wakes up between 6:00-6:45am. He typically sleeps for one measly hour at 1:00pm. I've attempted to extend the nap with no luck. His mood is fine for the rest of the day, but I imagine he needs more than one hour of sleep during the day! Grandma Mealy and Aunt Adrianna have successfully put him back to sleep by telling him that nap time is not over. This technique does not work for Mommy or Daddy.
~When told that his food may be hot, Brennan will sometimes hand his food to Mommy or Daddy to blow on it, or blow on it himself. His blowing is more like a raspberry, so be careful if he already has a mouth full of food!
~He enjoys listening to nursery rhymes and children's songs. He'll ask for Ring Around the Rosey ("Ashes") and does some of the hand movements for Itsy Bitsy Spider.
~I am loving my summer vacation with Brennan! We've enjoyed playing at home, playdates with friends, a trip to the zoo, a trip to the Memphis Kiddie Park, going on walks, and a visit with the Mealy family in Cincinnati. My break is flying by, so I'm trying to cram in as much play time as possible!
~Watching Brennan interact with others is neat! It's not uncommon for him to say "hi" to strangers in the grocery store or approach children/adults at parks and flash a smile and giggle.
~He enjoys climbing on furniture and toys, this includes standing on some toys not meant to be stood upon.
~Brennan enjoys going upstairs ("Us-sayers") but has no interest in learning how to go down stairs.
~He's much more willing to give kisses, which we love! They continue to be open mouth kisses, which can leave the recipient messy, but they are worth it!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Brennan has always been a talker. We've reached an exciting period of extreme language acquisition. It's so exciting! He'll regularly repeat the last word you say and his pronunciations are almost always spot on. In addition to labeling objects in books, he also enjoys naming items in his environment. It's not uncommon for him to go from one object to another, to another ("blocks, bubbles, milk, bread, shoes, door, car...").
Amongst all of Brennan's talking, Mommy is finding it difficult to talk to others on the telephone with him around. As soon as he hears me talking on the phone, Brennan will immediately run to me and quickly repeat "Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?" and will become upset if he isn't given the phone. As found in an experiment this evening, this behavior will occur even if Daddy is in the room when Mommy is on the telephone!
Amongst all of Brennan's talking, Mommy is finding it difficult to talk to others on the telephone with him around. As soon as he hears me talking on the phone, Brennan will immediately run to me and quickly repeat "Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?" and will become upset if he isn't given the phone. As found in an experiment this evening, this behavior will occur even if Daddy is in the room when Mommy is on the telephone!
Friday, June 24, 2011
First This, Then That
Brennan has always benefited from routines and is able to anticipate what comes next. We've noticed that he's also verbalizing and initiating his routines. Just two examples from today:
~While in the kitchen, I asked Brennan if he wanted to go to the mailbox. He immediately stopped what he was doing, ran to me, exclaiming "Up! Up!" Before I had a chance to pick him up, he ran to the garage door, stating "Door! Door!" Seeing the mat of shoes by the door, he began saying "Shoes! Shoes!". Brennan grabbed Mommy's shoes, brought them to me, and put them on the floor. Thanks, kiddo!
~I asked Brennan if he wanted to go to Mommy and Daddy's room while I put away our laundry. Instead, he went into his bedroom and approached his changing table, pointed to the changing pad, calling out "Boop! Boop!" Thinking he had soiled his diaper, I followed him into his room and asked he if needed a new diaper. Next, Brennan exclaimed, "Book!", picked out a book from his bookshelf, and returned to his changing table. While he hadn't "booped", he was due for a fresh diaper!
~While in the kitchen, I asked Brennan if he wanted to go to the mailbox. He immediately stopped what he was doing, ran to me, exclaiming "Up! Up!" Before I had a chance to pick him up, he ran to the garage door, stating "Door! Door!" Seeing the mat of shoes by the door, he began saying "Shoes! Shoes!". Brennan grabbed Mommy's shoes, brought them to me, and put them on the floor. Thanks, kiddo!
~I asked Brennan if he wanted to go to Mommy and Daddy's room while I put away our laundry. Instead, he went into his bedroom and approached his changing table, pointed to the changing pad, calling out "Boop! Boop!" Thinking he had soiled his diaper, I followed him into his room and asked he if needed a new diaper. Next, Brennan exclaimed, "Book!", picked out a book from his bookshelf, and returned to his changing table. While he hadn't "booped", he was due for a fresh diaper!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
17 Months!
~New word in Brennan's vocabulary: "No." I'm somewhat impressed that it took this long and that "Yes" was in his vocabulary first. Now, "No, no!" and "Oh no!" are regularly heard!
~He frequently repeats words we say. He does a great job! Some recent examples are "Bue" for "blue" and "Bees"/"Bush" for "please". Daddy and Mommy (usually pronounced "Mondy" or "Monny") are heard a lot!
~He can identify his mouth, nose, eyes, ears, belly, belly button, and feet. He also likes to identify these body parts on Mommy, Daddy, and characters in his books.
~Sesame Street characters continue to be a favorite. He enjoys labeling "Elmo", "Cook-Cook" (Cookie Monster), "Osca" (Oscar), "Do Doot" (Big Bird), "Erna" (Ernie), "Dert" (Bert), "Verver" (Grover), and "Addy" (Abby). He occasionally requests to watch "Elmo" on television or the computer, but loses interest after a few minutes.
~In addition to Hop on Pop, he also asks for "Hamma" (Green Eggs and Ham).
~Current animal noises include dog ("woof woof"), elephant (raspberry), duck ("quack quack"), sheep ("baa"), lion ("raa"), snake ("ssss"), monkey ("ee ee"), and cow ("moo"). He can also identify and name fish ("ish"), goose ("goose"), moose ("moose"), cats ("dats").
~Today is Mommy's first day of summer break! I'm looking forward to extra time with Brennan, including play dates with friends and family!
~He loves to dunk or dip his food. He'll ask by stating "Do-dit" and repeatedly dunking his food in the air. Current favorite foods include all fruits, carrots, green peppers, peas, corn, cereal, pizza, chicken nuggets, crackers, yogurt, spaghetti, and cookies.
~Brennan regularly laughs at himself. It's adorable! He's quite the ham!
~He loves all things electronic. He enjoys pushing buttons on the remote ("Mote") while watching the screen change. There is no interest in the remote when the television is off or if the batteries are removed. He also enjoys pushing buttons on the computer keyboard, a forbidden activity since his random keystrokes results in bizarre things on the computer!
~Brennan goes to sleep between 6:30-6:45pm and wakes up between 5:00-6:30am. He takes two naps during the day. He does a fabulous job putting himself to sleep. After putting him in his crib, he'll turn on his music soother, lay down, grab his blankie/blanket, and say, "Night night!" Sometimes he'll also blow kisses. When awake and ready to get out, he continues to throw his blankie and blanket over the side of his crib. During a recent visit at Grandma and Grandpa Mealy's house, it was discovered that it is acceptable for Grandma to return his blanket/blankie and go back to sleep. It is not acceptable for Mommy or Daddy to return his blanket/blankie and not get him out of bed!
~While in the act or just after, Brennan will state "Boop" to let us know that he is soiling his diaper. This could be very helpful for future potty training, especially if we can teach him to tell us before he does the deed! He'll also say "boop" after passing gas.
~If he notices that someone is taking his picture, Brennan is very likely to say "Cheese!" and flash a goofy grin.
~He frequently repeats words we say. He does a great job! Some recent examples are "Bue" for "blue" and "Bees"/"Bush" for "please". Daddy and Mommy (usually pronounced "Mondy" or "Monny") are heard a lot!
~He can identify his mouth, nose, eyes, ears, belly, belly button, and feet. He also likes to identify these body parts on Mommy, Daddy, and characters in his books.
~Sesame Street characters continue to be a favorite. He enjoys labeling "Elmo", "Cook-Cook" (Cookie Monster), "Osca" (Oscar), "Do Doot" (Big Bird), "Erna" (Ernie), "Dert" (Bert), "Verver" (Grover), and "Addy" (Abby). He occasionally requests to watch "Elmo" on television or the computer, but loses interest after a few minutes.
~In addition to Hop on Pop, he also asks for "Hamma" (Green Eggs and Ham).
~Current animal noises include dog ("woof woof"), elephant (raspberry), duck ("quack quack"), sheep ("baa"), lion ("raa"), snake ("ssss"), monkey ("ee ee"), and cow ("moo"). He can also identify and name fish ("ish"), goose ("goose"), moose ("moose"), cats ("dats").
~Today is Mommy's first day of summer break! I'm looking forward to extra time with Brennan, including play dates with friends and family!
~He loves to dunk or dip his food. He'll ask by stating "Do-dit" and repeatedly dunking his food in the air. Current favorite foods include all fruits, carrots, green peppers, peas, corn, cereal, pizza, chicken nuggets, crackers, yogurt, spaghetti, and cookies.
~Brennan regularly laughs at himself. It's adorable! He's quite the ham!
~He loves all things electronic. He enjoys pushing buttons on the remote ("Mote") while watching the screen change. There is no interest in the remote when the television is off or if the batteries are removed. He also enjoys pushing buttons on the computer keyboard, a forbidden activity since his random keystrokes results in bizarre things on the computer!
~Brennan goes to sleep between 6:30-6:45pm and wakes up between 5:00-6:30am. He takes two naps during the day. He does a fabulous job putting himself to sleep. After putting him in his crib, he'll turn on his music soother, lay down, grab his blankie/blanket, and say, "Night night!" Sometimes he'll also blow kisses. When awake and ready to get out, he continues to throw his blankie and blanket over the side of his crib. During a recent visit at Grandma and Grandpa Mealy's house, it was discovered that it is acceptable for Grandma to return his blanket/blankie and go back to sleep. It is not acceptable for Mommy or Daddy to return his blanket/blankie and not get him out of bed!
~While in the act or just after, Brennan will state "Boop" to let us know that he is soiling his diaper. This could be very helpful for future potty training, especially if we can teach him to tell us before he does the deed! He'll also say "boop" after passing gas.
~If he notices that someone is taking his picture, Brennan is very likely to say "Cheese!" and flash a goofy grin.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Love to Label, continued
Brennan continues to enjoy labeling objects in his books, but maybe a bit too much! As with many toddlers, Brennan's sippy cup ended up on the floor during lunch. While cleaning up the kitchen, I asked him, "Where's your milk?" Brennan immediately went to the family room, picked out one of his books, turned through the pages, and pointed to a small picture of a carton of milk and exclaimed "Milk!" Impressive, kiddo, but I was referring to the cup of milk 2 feet away from you!
In other book news, Brennan has started to refer to "Hop on Pop" as "Bop Bop Pop", reciting the phrase repeatedly as he flips through the pages.
In other book news, Brennan has started to refer to "Hop on Pop" as "Bop Bop Pop", reciting the phrase repeatedly as he flips through the pages.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
16 Months!
~On your mark, get set, go! Brennan is running!
~He enjoys "helping" Mommy and Daddy get him dressed/undressed. He has been pulling his shirt over his head after we take his arms out of the sleeves for awhile. Recently, he has been trying to put his pants, shirts, socks, and shoes on. He also likes undoing the velcro on his shoes and removing his socks.
~Brennan is officially weaned. I always planned to nurse until he was 1 year. Due to his previous reaction to yogurt and the pediatrician's recommendation to postpone introducing more dairy, the weaning process was also postponed. After successfully introducing cow's milk, he was only nursing before bedtime. Mother's day was his last day of nursing. He's done a fantastic job! After reading bedtime books with Daddy, he has a little bit of snuggle time and lullabies with Mommy before going into his bed.
~When put into bed, Brennan will turn on his music soother (attached to his crib), grab his blankie and blanket, tuck them under his belly, and quickly head into dreamland.
~Typical sleeping habits: Goes to bed at 6:45pm, Wakes up at 6:30am. Naps for ~45 minutes in the morning and ~2 hours in the afternoon. He naps longer at the babysitter's house than at home. After waking, he will happily talk in his bed until he throws his blankie and blanket overboard. Then, it's game over.
~In addition to snakes, he also consistently recites noises for cows, ducks, and dogs! He recently started to make noises for elephants.
~Childproofing means nothing to our little Houdini. Brennan can easily remove two types of door locks and safety-close lids (e.g., squeeze and turn lids; push and turn lids).
~Brennan enjoys reading books after dinner. He'll regularly bring book after book to Mommy or Daddy and climb onto our lap. Once a book is done, he'll immediately pop up and retrieve another. He especially likes look-and-find books and his "Brennan's book", which has pictures of friends and family.
~He loves to eat! He frequently asks for "crackers" and "O's" His favorite meal is spaghetti and he loves all fruits. He also enjoys peas, corn, green beans, green pepper, cucumber, and carrots. He is typically served his veggies first, since he prefers fruit. We're cutting his food less (e.g., 1/4 sandwich rather than bite size pieces) and he enjoys "dunking" his food, including dunking nuggets into mustard and grilled cheese into tomato soup. When asked if he wants breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack, Brennan will stop playing, come to you, and ask "Up?!" repeatedly or go to his chair in the dining room.
~Brennan has several Sesame Street books and toys that he really enjoys. He can identify many of the characters. He also names several: "Elma/Elmo" (Elmo), "Cook-Cook" (Cookie Monster), and "Osc" (Oscar).
~He has a great attention span and will play with a toy for an extended amount of time. Although, when he's tired, his attention span diminishes and he jumps from toy to toy.
~He's beginning to identify danger. When Mommy or Daddy is at the stove, he repeatedly announces "Hot!" and also refers to Mommy's travel coffee cup as "Hot!"
~Brennan continues to prefer using his left hand, including feeding himself and turning pages in books. While there is still plenty of time for him to determine a dominate hand, we're wondering if we need to brush up on our left-handed skills!
~He's much better at navigating around obstacles when walking. Instead of not watching where he's going and attempting to walk over objects, he'll (usually) maneuver himself around or find a different route.
~Some cute new sayings: "Ashes, Ashes, Down!" (from Ring Around the Rosy)and "Ah-Oh" ("Uh-oh")
~His language skills continue to amaze us. He attempts to repeat many words that he hears and his receptive language grows everyday!
~Brennan enjoys playing with blocks. He is starting to stack them and continues to enjoy demolishing towers built by others.
~He enjoys "helping" Mommy and Daddy get him dressed/undressed. He has been pulling his shirt over his head after we take his arms out of the sleeves for awhile. Recently, he has been trying to put his pants, shirts, socks, and shoes on. He also likes undoing the velcro on his shoes and removing his socks.
~Brennan is officially weaned. I always planned to nurse until he was 1 year. Due to his previous reaction to yogurt and the pediatrician's recommendation to postpone introducing more dairy, the weaning process was also postponed. After successfully introducing cow's milk, he was only nursing before bedtime. Mother's day was his last day of nursing. He's done a fantastic job! After reading bedtime books with Daddy, he has a little bit of snuggle time and lullabies with Mommy before going into his bed.
~When put into bed, Brennan will turn on his music soother (attached to his crib), grab his blankie and blanket, tuck them under his belly, and quickly head into dreamland.
~Typical sleeping habits: Goes to bed at 6:45pm, Wakes up at 6:30am. Naps for ~45 minutes in the morning and ~2 hours in the afternoon. He naps longer at the babysitter's house than at home. After waking, he will happily talk in his bed until he throws his blankie and blanket overboard. Then, it's game over.
~In addition to snakes, he also consistently recites noises for cows, ducks, and dogs! He recently started to make noises for elephants.
~Childproofing means nothing to our little Houdini. Brennan can easily remove two types of door locks and safety-close lids (e.g., squeeze and turn lids; push and turn lids).
~Brennan enjoys reading books after dinner. He'll regularly bring book after book to Mommy or Daddy and climb onto our lap. Once a book is done, he'll immediately pop up and retrieve another. He especially likes look-and-find books and his "Brennan's book", which has pictures of friends and family.
~He loves to eat! He frequently asks for "crackers" and "O's" His favorite meal is spaghetti and he loves all fruits. He also enjoys peas, corn, green beans, green pepper, cucumber, and carrots. He is typically served his veggies first, since he prefers fruit. We're cutting his food less (e.g., 1/4 sandwich rather than bite size pieces) and he enjoys "dunking" his food, including dunking nuggets into mustard and grilled cheese into tomato soup. When asked if he wants breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack, Brennan will stop playing, come to you, and ask "Up?!" repeatedly or go to his chair in the dining room.
~Brennan has several Sesame Street books and toys that he really enjoys. He can identify many of the characters. He also names several: "Elma/Elmo" (Elmo), "Cook-Cook" (Cookie Monster), and "Osc" (Oscar).
~He has a great attention span and will play with a toy for an extended amount of time. Although, when he's tired, his attention span diminishes and he jumps from toy to toy.
~He's beginning to identify danger. When Mommy or Daddy is at the stove, he repeatedly announces "Hot!" and also refers to Mommy's travel coffee cup as "Hot!"
~Brennan continues to prefer using his left hand, including feeding himself and turning pages in books. While there is still plenty of time for him to determine a dominate hand, we're wondering if we need to brush up on our left-handed skills!
~He's much better at navigating around obstacles when walking. Instead of not watching where he's going and attempting to walk over objects, he'll (usually) maneuver himself around or find a different route.
~Some cute new sayings: "Ashes, Ashes, Down!" (from Ring Around the Rosy)and "Ah-Oh" ("Uh-oh")
~His language skills continue to amaze us. He attempts to repeat many words that he hears and his receptive language grows everyday!
~Brennan enjoys playing with blocks. He is starting to stack them and continues to enjoy demolishing towers built by others.
Friday, May 20, 2011
ENT Appointment
After waiting two weeks for insurance clearance, and two more weeks for an open appointment time, Brennan finally had his appointment with the ENT today! We started off with hearing tests and a tympanometer reading. The woman testing his hearing was impressed with Brennan's language, including asking for "more" and identifying "blocks." Then, we met with the doctor, who took another look in Brennan's ears. He explained that Brennan's hearing is great, the fluid in his ears has cleared, and he doesn't currently have an ear infection! He also said that there was a small amount of negative pressure in one of his ears. Due to the testing results today and being infection-free for ~1.5-2 months, he didn't recommend any treatment. We return in 2 months to make sure everything still looks good!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Happy Easter!
We were fortunate to see many family members this Easter weekend. On Good Friday, we met up with Grandma and Grandpa Mealy, Aunt Adrianna, Uncle Will, and cousins Ava, Corinne, and Elise in Brecksville. On Saturday, we traveled to Salem to visit with Grandpa and Grandma Swartz and Uncle Matt. We also were able to spend some time with Adam's Aunt Betsy, Uncle Gary, and cousins John and Justin. Brennan had fun visiting with everyone. He also enjoyed repeatedly crawling up Grandpa and Grandma's stairs. The Easter Bunny brought many fun treats, including a puzzle, bubble mower, books, Sesame Street DVDs, and eggs filled with yogurt bites and chocolate covered raisins.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
15 Months!
Our sweet boy is 15 months old today!
~Brennan's walking speed is increasing! He's not running, but he definitely walks very quickly!
~His vocabulary is growing! Some commonly heard words: Mama, Dada, Daddy, Up, Down, More, All done, Cracker, Book, Hot, Hat, Blocks, Door, Juice, Home, Night night, and Out.
~Although he was once afraid of the stairs, he now loves them! He crawls up the basement stairs a few times a week and has started to ask "More" when reaching the top.
~Current favorite foods: Crackers, Cheerios, Pears, Mandarin Oranges, Berries (fresh, dried, or frozen), Spaghetti, Pickles, Olives, Corn (cooked or frozen), Peas (cooked or frozen), Tacos, Sloppy Joe, Grapes, Apples, Kiwi, Ham, Cookies, Tomato soup, Ice cream, and Yogurt. Favorite condiment: Mustard. He gets excited when we sees it and wants to watch you put it on individual bites of food. He will not eat plain cheese.
~He has cut four molars. We don't think canines are too far behind.
~Brennan is becoming more patient after waking up in bed. He will happily talk in bed in the morning. At times, he'll be heard over the monitor saying "Up?" He has also waited quietly, standing and looking at his bedroom door until someone peeks in. He's not quite as patient when hungry and watching his food be prepared.
~We returned to the pediatrician for follow up for his ear infection. The pediatrician explained that they "looked great", using only an otoscope. Having continued worries about fluid in his ears, Mommy's best friend, Jenn, examined them with her tympanometer a few days after his appointment. Sure enough, there's still fluid. We're in the process of getting a consultation appointment with a local ENT.
~Just as with "more", he is using the sign "all done" for situations other than eating. All done with his bath, all done in his bed, all done getting dressed, and all done in the car seat. No fussing, just 'all done.'
~He is able to identify his nose, belly, feet, and belly button.
~When Brennan is encouraged to dance by Mommy and Daddy, he frequently "twirls" in circles with one arm extended. We think he learned this from a friend at day care.
~Brennan's walking speed is increasing! He's not running, but he definitely walks very quickly!
~His vocabulary is growing! Some commonly heard words: Mama, Dada, Daddy, Up, Down, More, All done, Cracker, Book, Hot, Hat, Blocks, Door, Juice, Home, Night night, and Out.
~Although he was once afraid of the stairs, he now loves them! He crawls up the basement stairs a few times a week and has started to ask "More" when reaching the top.
~Current favorite foods: Crackers, Cheerios, Pears, Mandarin Oranges, Berries (fresh, dried, or frozen), Spaghetti, Pickles, Olives, Corn (cooked or frozen), Peas (cooked or frozen), Tacos, Sloppy Joe, Grapes, Apples, Kiwi, Ham, Cookies, Tomato soup, Ice cream, and Yogurt. Favorite condiment: Mustard. He gets excited when we sees it and wants to watch you put it on individual bites of food. He will not eat plain cheese.
~He has cut four molars. We don't think canines are too far behind.
~Brennan is becoming more patient after waking up in bed. He will happily talk in bed in the morning. At times, he'll be heard over the monitor saying "Up?" He has also waited quietly, standing and looking at his bedroom door until someone peeks in. He's not quite as patient when hungry and watching his food be prepared.
~We returned to the pediatrician for follow up for his ear infection. The pediatrician explained that they "looked great", using only an otoscope. Having continued worries about fluid in his ears, Mommy's best friend, Jenn, examined them with her tympanometer a few days after his appointment. Sure enough, there's still fluid. We're in the process of getting a consultation appointment with a local ENT.
~Just as with "more", he is using the sign "all done" for situations other than eating. All done with his bath, all done in his bed, all done getting dressed, and all done in the car seat. No fussing, just 'all done.'
~He is able to identify his nose, belly, feet, and belly button.
~When Brennan is encouraged to dance by Mommy and Daddy, he frequently "twirls" in circles with one arm extended. We think he learned this from a friend at day care.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
He Climbs!
Brennan has decided that stairs aren't so scary after all! As recommended by Mommy's PT friend, we increased how often he saw us traveling stairs and tried putting objects of interest out of reach. Due to a recent case of Mommy-itis, I became the object of interest. After a few times of climbing while fussing for Mommy, he'll now happily climb up the stairs independently!
Monday, March 28, 2011
One of Brennan's new favorite words is "Up!" He says it quite a bit--when standing at your legs, when wanting to get taken out of his crib, when walking around a room, and, sometimes, when you're already holding him. He says it very clearly! Sometimes he emphasizes the /p/, making a 'raspberry' noise.
In other language news, he can:
-Tell you the sound a snake makes (We need to work on more cute and cuddly animals!)
-Blow kisses when asked
-Identify his feet
-Go to the appropriate location when asked...most of the time (kitchen, Brennan's room, Mommy and Daddy's room, basement, chair (highchair), and bathroom)
-Repeat "Please", sounding more like "Blease"
-Repeat "Mama", occasionally walking around stating "My-ma-ma!"
In other language news, he can:
-Tell you the sound a snake makes (We need to work on more cute and cuddly animals!)
-Blow kisses when asked
-Identify his feet
-Go to the appropriate location when asked...most of the time (kitchen, Brennan's room, Mommy and Daddy's room, basement, chair (highchair), and bathroom)
-Repeat "Please", sounding more like "Blease"
-Repeat "Mama", occasionally walking around stating "My-ma-ma!"
Back to the Pediatrician, Part 2
We ventured back to the pediatrician last Friday morning, just a few days after going to check his ears. He was absolutely miserable-crying, unhappy, only wanting to be held, and after having a fever on Thursday evening, we knew something was up. While his ears didn't look better, they didn't look worse. We were given a new antibiotic. It was explained that this antibiotic has done the trick for other children in a similar situation as Brennan; several ear infections and on the verge of a referral to an ENT. We discussed the possibility of breathing treatments for his wheezing and coughing, but decided to see if it cleared up in a few days. Luckily, the antibiotics appeared to kick in on Sunday afternoon as our happy and energetic little man returned! He's still coughing a bit, but it's getting better. After several heart wrenching days of seeing him so uncomfortable, it was a relief to have him back to "normal"! He's still a bit clingy. I don't think the 3 molars about to cut are helping! We go back mid-April to check his ears.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Back to the Pediatrician
We made an appointment with Brennan's pediatrician this afternoon. While the appointment was a bit frustrating, we ended up with some promising results.
He has another ear infection in his left ear. We anticipated a right ear infection, but also spotted a molar today just under his gums on the right side, which may have lead to some ear tugging. He was prescribed antibiotics again. The doctor was not interested in tubes, hoping that he would make it through the rest of flu season without needing them. We go back in a few weeks to check for residual fluid. She was pleased with his language skills, indicating that the ear infections are not impacting his hearing.
We also discussed his most recent reaction to dairy. Brennan continues to drink breastmilk and since Mommy isn't on a restricted diet, it "doesn't make sense scientifically" that Brennan could be allergic to dairy. Mommy likes her fair share of dairy (milk, cheese, and ice cream, yumm!) She suggested that we start trying different types of dairy, including milk and cheese. Even if he has a reaction, she said we could try to give it to him for a few days to see if he had the same reaction. Anxiously, we gave him an ounce of milk at dinner. He enjoyed it reaction! We'll continue to try small amounts of milk at dinner and see how he does. While we were frustrated that she didn't recommend further testing for allergies, we're excited that he was able to drink (albeit a small amount) of milk without hives, swelling, and itching!
Current stats:
25lb 12oz, clothed.
He has another ear infection in his left ear. We anticipated a right ear infection, but also spotted a molar today just under his gums on the right side, which may have lead to some ear tugging. He was prescribed antibiotics again. The doctor was not interested in tubes, hoping that he would make it through the rest of flu season without needing them. We go back in a few weeks to check for residual fluid. She was pleased with his language skills, indicating that the ear infections are not impacting his hearing.
We also discussed his most recent reaction to dairy. Brennan continues to drink breastmilk and since Mommy isn't on a restricted diet, it "doesn't make sense scientifically" that Brennan could be allergic to dairy. Mommy likes her fair share of dairy (milk, cheese, and ice cream, yumm!) She suggested that we start trying different types of dairy, including milk and cheese. Even if he has a reaction, she said we could try to give it to him for a few days to see if he had the same reaction. Anxiously, we gave him an ounce of milk at dinner. He enjoyed it reaction! We'll continue to try small amounts of milk at dinner and see how he does. While we were frustrated that she didn't recommend further testing for allergies, we're excited that he was able to drink (albeit a small amount) of milk without hives, swelling, and itching!
Current stats:
25lb 12oz, clothed.
14 Months!
Happy 14 month birthday, Brennan!
~Brennan is a full-time walker. It's very, very rare for him to crawl and he's able to travel quickly!
~He continues to talk a lot, too! He imitates many of the words we say, which is adorable! Our current favorite continues to be "Hot" (Haaawwww-T). One word he doesn't imitate is "Mama" despite being able to say the sounds through babbles. When asked to say "Mama", he'll frequently replied with "Dada" and a giggle. Stinker.
~He continues to sign "more" and "all done" on a regular basis, still also using "more" as "want." At times, he'll see a toy/object that he wants that is out of reach. He'll sign "more" or approach us and sign "more" and point to the object.
~Brennan's love for books continues. He'll regularly bring us a book and crawl onto our lap. By crawl, I mean nearly dive head first into our laps!
~Living in a ranch, Brennan doesn't see us travel up and down stairs often. The babysitter also lives in a ranch, so he doesn't observe stairs there, either. We'll take him to the basement when we're doing laundry. When putting him at the base of the stairs, he becomes scared and will turn around and tightly hang onto Mommy/Daddy's legs. It doesn't help that our basement steps are narrow, steep, and dark! Mommy's PT friend suggested providing more opportunities for him to see us travel up and down stairs and putting objects of interest a few stairs up. She wasn't concerned about him not tackling stairs yet. We've seen him climb a stair at his Aunt and Uncle's house without hesitation, so we know he can do it!
~Bring on the food! Brennan loves to eat! Current favorites include: Grapes, Crasins, Dried blueberries, Bananas, Pears, Peas, Spaghetti, Sloppy-Joe's, Carrots, Crackers, and Multi-Grain Cheerios. He's not a huge fan of Avocados, Broccoli, or Lima beans.
~Brennan has cut one top molar. Poor little guy's gums are quite swollen and we're anticipating the arrival of more teeth soon.
~His sleeping habits have become "like clockwork" for the babysitter during the week: 45 minutes in the morning, 2-2.5 hours in the afternoon. Weekends are more difficult with errands, traveling, etc. but he followed his "clockwork" schedule yesterday! He goes to bed at 6:45-7:00pm and wakes up around 6:45am.
~He likes to show affection to kids, especially younger children. A 2 month old baby started at the babysitter's last week. She was there when we arrived in the mornings, sleeping in her car seat in the front room. Upon arriving, Brennan immediately looked for her, pointing to her and wanting to see her. The babysitter explained that he will occasionally approach her and lay his head next to her, as if he's snuggling with her. He also attempted to give some friends hugs and kisses during recent play dates.
~Brennan can point to his nose and is able to blow kisses--so cute!
~Brennan is a full-time walker. It's very, very rare for him to crawl and he's able to travel quickly!
~He continues to talk a lot, too! He imitates many of the words we say, which is adorable! Our current favorite continues to be "Hot" (Haaawwww-T). One word he doesn't imitate is "Mama" despite being able to say the sounds through babbles. When asked to say "Mama", he'll frequently replied with "Dada" and a giggle. Stinker.
~He continues to sign "more" and "all done" on a regular basis, still also using "more" as "want." At times, he'll see a toy/object that he wants that is out of reach. He'll sign "more" or approach us and sign "more" and point to the object.
~Brennan's love for books continues. He'll regularly bring us a book and crawl onto our lap. By crawl, I mean nearly dive head first into our laps!
~Living in a ranch, Brennan doesn't see us travel up and down stairs often. The babysitter also lives in a ranch, so he doesn't observe stairs there, either. We'll take him to the basement when we're doing laundry. When putting him at the base of the stairs, he becomes scared and will turn around and tightly hang onto Mommy/Daddy's legs. It doesn't help that our basement steps are narrow, steep, and dark! Mommy's PT friend suggested providing more opportunities for him to see us travel up and down stairs and putting objects of interest a few stairs up. She wasn't concerned about him not tackling stairs yet. We've seen him climb a stair at his Aunt and Uncle's house without hesitation, so we know he can do it!
~Bring on the food! Brennan loves to eat! Current favorites include: Grapes, Crasins, Dried blueberries, Bananas, Pears, Peas, Spaghetti, Sloppy-Joe's, Carrots, Crackers, and Multi-Grain Cheerios. He's not a huge fan of Avocados, Broccoli, or Lima beans.
~Brennan has cut one top molar. Poor little guy's gums are quite swollen and we're anticipating the arrival of more teeth soon.
~His sleeping habits have become "like clockwork" for the babysitter during the week: 45 minutes in the morning, 2-2.5 hours in the afternoon. Weekends are more difficult with errands, traveling, etc. but he followed his "clockwork" schedule yesterday! He goes to bed at 6:45-7:00pm and wakes up around 6:45am.
~He likes to show affection to kids, especially younger children. A 2 month old baby started at the babysitter's last week. She was there when we arrived in the mornings, sleeping in her car seat in the front room. Upon arriving, Brennan immediately looked for her, pointing to her and wanting to see her. The babysitter explained that he will occasionally approach her and lay his head next to her, as if he's snuggling with her. He also attempted to give some friends hugs and kisses during recent play dates.
~Brennan can point to his nose and is able to blow kisses--so cute!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Today was Dairy-Day. As recommended by the pediatrician, Brennan has not had dairy due to his previous reaction. The ped recommended waiting until 14 months and starting again with yogurt. We decided to give it to him at lunch, giving us enough time before a nap to watch for any possible reactions.
He ate the first few bites without any problem and ate it in between bites of other food. Then, he started turning his head and trying to push the spoon away. Shortly after that, he began itching the back of his neck. Sure enough, it was red and covered with white bumps, which we're assuming are hives. His eyes watered/teared a bit, which we've noticed happening occasionally and wondered if he has seasonal allergies. We made it through about a quarter of the baby-sized yogurt before stopping and we applied some cream to help with the itch. He continued itching for 20-25 minutes.
We're planning to call the pediatrician to ask for recommendations of next steps. We'd also like them to check his ears again. My best friend, who is an Audiologist, checked them over the weekend, noting that they didn't look bad, but didn't look "shiny". After waking up with a yucky nose this morning, it wouldn't hurt to look again.
Positive: Didn't seem to have as severe of a reaction (Last reaction: Swollen, itchy eyes and hives on his wrists) and it went away relatively quickly.
Negative: Had a reaction.
Poor guy, yucky nose, painful molars, and a dairy reaction!
He ate the first few bites without any problem and ate it in between bites of other food. Then, he started turning his head and trying to push the spoon away. Shortly after that, he began itching the back of his neck. Sure enough, it was red and covered with white bumps, which we're assuming are hives. His eyes watered/teared a bit, which we've noticed happening occasionally and wondered if he has seasonal allergies. We made it through about a quarter of the baby-sized yogurt before stopping and we applied some cream to help with the itch. He continued itching for 20-25 minutes.
We're planning to call the pediatrician to ask for recommendations of next steps. We'd also like them to check his ears again. My best friend, who is an Audiologist, checked them over the weekend, noting that they didn't look bad, but didn't look "shiny". After waking up with a yucky nose this morning, it wouldn't hurt to look again.
Positive: Didn't seem to have as severe of a reaction (Last reaction: Swollen, itchy eyes and hives on his wrists) and it went away relatively quickly.
Negative: Had a reaction.
Poor guy, yucky nose, painful molars, and a dairy reaction!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Love to Label
Brennan's receptive vocabulary continues to flourish. He frequently points to objects, in his environment or in books, stating "Dat?" He's also able to recognize several objects, either in books or around him, and will point to and/or retrieve them when asked. Some examples include: Moon, Ball, Elmo, Cat, Dog, Blocks, Door, Farm, Truck, Remote, and Toothbrush.
Monday, February 21, 2011
13 Months!
Brennan is 13 months old today! Originally, we didn't plan to give monthly posts after 1 year, but there are too many fun updates that we want to share and document!
~He loves to walk and rarely crawls anymore! He's pretty sturdy and can walk from room to room, turn corners, and turn himself around. Sometimes, he'll walk around on his knees.
~Just over the past few days, he's learned to stand up without pulling himself up on something. Instead, he lifts his bottom in the air and pushes himself off the ground with his hands or squats and lifts himself with his legs and hands.
~Brennan loves listening to books! He'll commonly bring us books, stating a phrase very similar to "Read this" and will crawl onto our laps. Occasionally, he'll only make it through about 75% of the book before crawling off to retrieve another. He still likes to turn the pages.
~His language skills continue to amaze us! He's demonstrating understanding of more words, even words that aren't spoken regularly. His expressive vocabulary is also flourishing! Some of his newest words include: Balloon, Oranges, All done, Hot, and Duck.
~Brennan had his first 24-36 hour stomach bug, which he kindly shared with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Quinn, Grandpa Quinn, and Uncle Matt.
~After a long break from teething, a new tooth (upper left) was spotted yesterday!
~He continues to have a sweet and wonderful personality, but he's starting to be a bit dramatic at times!
~Brennan gives the best hugs and kisses! Sometimes you'll get a hug or snuggle when you ask for a kiss. He still gives open mouth kisses and usually kisses your cheek. Recently, he's started to give mouth to mouth kisses with his hands on your cheeks!
~He likes to try to pull items apart, even if it's one object that doesn't separate. This can lead to funny faces, as he's very determined!
~Brennan's belly laughs are wonderful! He has quite the array of laughs, which crack us up! Luckily, we get to hear them often!
~He loves to walk and rarely crawls anymore! He's pretty sturdy and can walk from room to room, turn corners, and turn himself around. Sometimes, he'll walk around on his knees.
~Just over the past few days, he's learned to stand up without pulling himself up on something. Instead, he lifts his bottom in the air and pushes himself off the ground with his hands or squats and lifts himself with his legs and hands.
~Brennan loves listening to books! He'll commonly bring us books, stating a phrase very similar to "Read this" and will crawl onto our laps. Occasionally, he'll only make it through about 75% of the book before crawling off to retrieve another. He still likes to turn the pages.
~His language skills continue to amaze us! He's demonstrating understanding of more words, even words that aren't spoken regularly. His expressive vocabulary is also flourishing! Some of his newest words include: Balloon, Oranges, All done, Hot, and Duck.
~Brennan had his first 24-36 hour stomach bug, which he kindly shared with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Quinn, Grandpa Quinn, and Uncle Matt.
~After a long break from teething, a new tooth (upper left) was spotted yesterday!
~He continues to have a sweet and wonderful personality, but he's starting to be a bit dramatic at times!
~Brennan gives the best hugs and kisses! Sometimes you'll get a hug or snuggle when you ask for a kiss. He still gives open mouth kisses and usually kisses your cheek. Recently, he's started to give mouth to mouth kisses with his hands on your cheeks!
~He likes to try to pull items apart, even if it's one object that doesn't separate. This can lead to funny faces, as he's very determined!
~Brennan's belly laughs are wonderful! He has quite the array of laughs, which crack us up! Luckily, we get to hear them often!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Watch List
We've suspected that Brennan has had an ear infection for a few days. He had a fever a few days ago, occasionally played with his ears, was congested, and was a bit irritable. We debated if he had a virus, was teething, or had an ear infection. After an increase in symptoms this morning, we decided to make an appointment with the pediatrician. Our suspicions were confirmed. Right ear infection and bronchiolitis. We weren't anticipating the bronchiolitis, but he became more congested and "raspy" today, leading to the diagnosis.
He was prescribed an antibiotic for his ear infection. The pediatrician explained that he's on the "watch list" due to the number of infections he's had this winter. He does not think that tubes are necessary at this point. He suggested waiting to see how he does during the rest of winter. If he continues to have ear infections, we may have to discuss tubes in the future. Additionally, since tubes are only effective for 6-12 months, he didn't think the timing would be optimal since we're nearing the end of cold season. The pediatrician was pleased with Brennan's language skills, indicating that he does not have hearing loss due to the infections. He was also pleased with Brennan's tolerance during the examination.
Current stats:
25 lbs 7 oz (clothed)
He was prescribed an antibiotic for his ear infection. The pediatrician explained that he's on the "watch list" due to the number of infections he's had this winter. He does not think that tubes are necessary at this point. He suggested waiting to see how he does during the rest of winter. If he continues to have ear infections, we may have to discuss tubes in the future. Additionally, since tubes are only effective for 6-12 months, he didn't think the timing would be optimal since we're nearing the end of cold season. The pediatrician was pleased with Brennan's language skills, indicating that he does not have hearing loss due to the infections. He was also pleased with Brennan's tolerance during the examination.
Current stats:
25 lbs 7 oz (clothed)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
Brennan enjoyed celebrating his second Valentine's Day with Mommy and Daddy. He helped Daddy pick out a beautiful bouquet of flowers and balloon for Mommy. He enjoyed a special Valentine's Day dinner, including red watermelon, heart shaped toast, and a heart shaped cookie for dessert! Brennan was fascinated with the balloon and had a great time playing with it after dinner!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Walking, Walking!
Brennan is walking more and more! He's starting to walk more than crawl and is able to travel quite a distance before falling! He can change directions, turn himself around, and hold objects while walking. Unfortunately, he's not always aware of his surroundings, and occasionally trips over toys on the floor! We're so proud of him!
(We apologize for the direction of the videos...they show in slow motion if we change it! We'll start taking them differently next time!)
(We apologize for the direction of the videos...they show in slow motion if we change it! We'll start taking them differently next time!)
Brennan's love of books continues. He frequently "reads" books to himself, babbling along as he turns the pages. He also brings us books to read to him!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Dancing the Day Away
Brennan enjoys dancing! He'll frequently turn on his musical toys and begin to "dance" to the tunes.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
1 Year Appointment
Brennan had his one year well-baby appointment this afternoon. He charmed the nurses and pediatrician with giggles and smiles and showed off some of his skills by waving, signing "more", and chatting. The pediatrician commented many times that he was "such a treat!" She gave him a clean bill of health, including his ears! We feared his right ear might be infected as he occasionally messes with it, but she assured us that it looked fine!
We discussed introducing dairy again at 14 months. The pediatrician recommended starting with yogurt and then introducing milk. She discussed that he should have 16-24 ounces of milk/breast milk a day. We've recently cut back on some of Brennan's bottles/nursings and are right within that range.
He received five vaccines today--ouch! The nurse that gave them was very slow, which didn't help. The poor little guy zonked out on the short ride home, but was not interested in continuing his sleep in his crib. He returned to his normal smiling, chatting, laughing, and dancing self while eating dinner. With the exception of one more at 18 months, flu shots (if he doesn't get the mist), and any "new" shots, he shouldn't need another vaccine until 5 years!
Current stats:
Weight: 24lbs 1.5 oz (up ~15lbs, 4 oz from birth!) -- 75%ile
Height: 31.5 inches (up 10.5 inches from birth!) -- 90-95%ile
Head: 47cm
We discussed introducing dairy again at 14 months. The pediatrician recommended starting with yogurt and then introducing milk. She discussed that he should have 16-24 ounces of milk/breast milk a day. We've recently cut back on some of Brennan's bottles/nursings and are right within that range.
He received five vaccines today--ouch! The nurse that gave them was very slow, which didn't help. The poor little guy zonked out on the short ride home, but was not interested in continuing his sleep in his crib. He returned to his normal smiling, chatting, laughing, and dancing self while eating dinner. With the exception of one more at 18 months, flu shots (if he doesn't get the mist), and any "new" shots, he shouldn't need another vaccine until 5 years!
Current stats:
Weight: 24lbs 1.5 oz (up ~15lbs, 4 oz from birth!) -- 75%ile
Height: 31.5 inches (up 10.5 inches from birth!) -- 90-95%ile
Head: 47cm
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Mr. Photogenic, Yet Again!
Brennan had his 1 year photographs taken today. He did a great job! We tried a few times to get a picture of him standing independently, but he would start walking away as the photographer tried to snap the picture! He would stand still long enough for a photo when we included props!
One of the winning shots! (We don't have this picture in our possession yet, please excuse the Sear's logo)

Another winning shot!

One of the winning shots! (We don't have this picture in our possession yet, please excuse the Sear's logo)

Another winning shot!

Our Toddling Toddler!
We tried to capture a decent video of Brennan walking today. Enjoy!
Yes, that's right, I called him a TODDLER!
Yes, that's right, I called him a TODDLER!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Happy 1st Birthday, Brennan!
It's Brennan's 1st Birthday! The past year has been incredible; full of laughter and love. Brennan is developing into such a wonderful and amazing little man!
~Brennan is walking! He takes a few steps at a time and is walking more often each day. He's also starting to walk between Mommy and Daddy.
~He's standing more regularly and is very sturdy. He frequently pulls himself to standing on your legs, wanting to be picked up.
~He loves to talk! He continues to experiment with new sounds by coordinating his tongue, lips, and teeth.
~Brennan's vocabulary is growing! Some of the words he has independently spoken or repeated include: more, ball, cracker, Dada, Mama, up, tickle, and night night.
~Although he has known how to sign "more" for a while, he's expanded its use. It's used to indicate "want" as well as "more." He also uses it combined with pointing for objects other than food. He commonly uses it to communicate that he wants books, stuffed animals, toys to be turned on, and to leave a room. He continues to use it at meal times and is able to point to the food he wants and signs for more. He also points to the kitchen cabinet that holds his food and uses the sign! The actual sign involves tapping your fingers together. Brennan sometimes uses his fingers, but typically uses his entire hands similar to clapping, especially if he really wants something!
~He is also able to sign "all done" He's learned to sign it independently, only when eating, and usually then tries to lift his highchair tray. When you ask him if he wants more or if he's all done, you'll typically get both signs in response! The actual sign is raising your hands and turning your open palms. Brennan's version is raising his hands and opening and closing his fists.
~Brennan does a great job feeding himself. He is able to pick up small items, such as peas, and take bites of larger items, such as crackers and slices of fruit. Sometimes, after feeding himself most of his meal, he prefers to have someone feed him. He also likes to try to feed others. Current favorite foods include crackers, apples/applesauce, and bananas. He has yet to refuse any food, including olives, mustard, and dill pickles. He is also able to drink water from a straw cup and sippy cup.
~He goes to bed at 7pm and wakes up between 630am and 730am. During the week, he's up by 645 to eat and get dressed before Mommy and Daddy go to work. He takes 2 naps a day, varying in length from 1 to 2.5 hours. When he wakes in the morning, he's happy to talk and play in his bed for a few minutes. When he wakes from naps, he's not as patient and wants to get out and play immediately!
~Brennan enjoys rolling and throwing balls. He also likes to make baskets in his basketball hoops. He commonly says "ball" and points to the larger hoop.
~He received his third hair cut by Mommy and Daddy! His hair grows very quickly! Fortunately, he's very tolerant of getting his hair cut and is easily entertained by books and food.
~He's starting to have a "cheese face" when told to "say cheese" at the camera. You'll see a lot of this face in the upcoming photo album!
~Brennan thinks getting chased is hysterical!
~Peek-A-Boo is a favorite activity. He enjoys hiding and uncovering others. Just about anything can turn into a prop for peek-a-boo. He'll take objects and put them over his face and/or put them over his head and around back of his neck.
~Brennan also has a favorite bath game. He likes to stand, take his toys and throw them over the side of the tub, and reach for them to pick them up.
~When playing, Brennan will sometimes give his toys to someone and then take them back shortly after.
~In addition to giving sweet kisses, Brennan also gives precious hugs.
~He continues to enjoy exploring his world. He's finding new areas of the house to explore, including kitchen drawers and cabinets.
~Current fascinations include books, doors, balls, and clocks
~Brennan's personality is wonderful! He loves to smile, laugh, and learn!
Here's a sneak peek into Brennan's birthday!
"I want cake!"
After a few bites of icing, Brennan decided to dig right in!
I like cake!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
He Walks!
Brennan is walking!
He is very proficient at crawling, leading us to think that he didn't have much motivation to walk. Over the past few days, Brennan has shown more interest in walking with an adult holding one or both of his hands. Even more exciting, he's taken several independent and unprompted steps a few times each day! Typically, he'll walk about three or four steps before falling, but he's pretty stable! Crawling remains his preferred mode of transportation, but we don't think it will be long before walking will take over! We're so proud of him!
He is very proficient at crawling, leading us to think that he didn't have much motivation to walk. Over the past few days, Brennan has shown more interest in walking with an adult holding one or both of his hands. Even more exciting, he's taken several independent and unprompted steps a few times each day! Typically, he'll walk about three or four steps before falling, but he's pretty stable! Crawling remains his preferred mode of transportation, but we don't think it will be long before walking will take over! We're so proud of him!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
First Birthday Party!
We celebrated Brennan's first birthday with family and friends today! Guests traveled from near and far to celebrate at his shape themed party. Brennan enjoyed spending time with everyone and playing with his new toys. There was plenty of food of various shapes for all to feast upon--round sandwiches with triangle lunch meat; round, square, and rectangle crackers; square cheese; and oval bread, just to name a few! Brennan enjoyed eating his (dairy free) cake, made with love by Grandma Mealy, and became a ham for his audience watching him eat it. A great time was had by all as we celebrated Brennan's first birthday!

Friday, January 7, 2011
Double Whammy, Part 2
Daddy took Brennan to the pediatrician this afternoon for his flu booster shot. The pediatrician didn't schedule a follow-up from his previous ear infection. Since we've noticed him occasionally pulling at his ears recently, Adam asked if one of the doctors could check them while he was there. Unfortunately, Brennan's double ear infection did not clear up, despite the stronger antibiotic. We were prescribed yet another antibiotic and his ears will be checked at his one year appointment later this month. We're hoping this will do the trick! If not, we may need to have a discussion about tubes.
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