Monday, March 28, 2011


One of Brennan's new favorite words is "Up!" He says it quite a bit--when standing at your legs, when wanting to get taken out of his crib, when walking around a room, and, sometimes, when you're already holding him. He says it very clearly! Sometimes he emphasizes the /p/, making a 'raspberry' noise.

In other language news, he can:
-Tell you the sound a snake makes (We need to work on more cute and cuddly animals!)
-Blow kisses when asked
-Identify his feet
-Go to the appropriate location when asked...most of the time (kitchen, Brennan's room, Mommy and Daddy's room, basement, chair (highchair), and bathroom)
-Repeat "Please", sounding more like "Blease"
-Repeat "Mama", occasionally walking around stating "My-ma-ma!"

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