Monday, March 28, 2011

Back to the Pediatrician, Part 2

We ventured back to the pediatrician last Friday morning, just a few days after going to check his ears. He was absolutely miserable-crying, unhappy, only wanting to be held, and after having a fever on Thursday evening, we knew something was up. While his ears didn't look better, they didn't look worse. We were given a new antibiotic. It was explained that this antibiotic has done the trick for other children in a similar situation as Brennan; several ear infections and on the verge of a referral to an ENT. We discussed the possibility of breathing treatments for his wheezing and coughing, but decided to see if it cleared up in a few days. Luckily, the antibiotics appeared to kick in on Sunday afternoon as our happy and energetic little man returned! He's still coughing a bit, but it's getting better. After several heart wrenching days of seeing him so uncomfortable, it was a relief to have him back to "normal"! He's still a bit clingy. I don't think the 3 molars about to cut are helping! We go back mid-April to check his ears.

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