Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Brennan has always been a talker. We've reached an exciting period of extreme language acquisition. It's so exciting! He'll regularly repeat the last word you say and his pronunciations are almost always spot on. In addition to labeling objects in books, he also enjoys naming items in his environment. It's not uncommon for him to go from one object to another, to another ("blocks, bubbles, milk, bread, shoes, door, car...").

Amongst all of Brennan's talking, Mommy is finding it difficult to talk to others on the telephone with him around. As soon as he hears me talking on the phone, Brennan will immediately run to me and quickly repeat "Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?" and will become upset if he isn't given the phone. As found in an experiment this evening, this behavior will occur even if Daddy is in the room when Mommy is on the telephone!

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