Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, Brennan!

It's Brennan's 1st Birthday! The past year has been incredible; full of laughter and love. Brennan is developing into such a wonderful and amazing little man!

~Brennan is walking! He takes a few steps at a time and is walking more often each day. He's also starting to walk between Mommy and Daddy.
~He's standing more regularly and is very sturdy. He frequently pulls himself to standing on your legs, wanting to be picked up.
~He loves to talk! He continues to experiment with new sounds by coordinating his tongue, lips, and teeth.
~Brennan's vocabulary is growing! Some of the words he has independently spoken or repeated include: more, ball, cracker, Dada, Mama, up, tickle, and night night.
~Although he has known how to sign "more" for a while, he's expanded its use. It's used to indicate "want" as well as "more." He also uses it combined with pointing for objects other than food. He commonly uses it to communicate that he wants books, stuffed animals, toys to be turned on, and to leave a room. He continues to use it at meal times and is able to point to the food he wants and signs for more. He also points to the kitchen cabinet that holds his food and uses the sign! The actual sign involves tapping your fingers together. Brennan sometimes uses his fingers, but typically uses his entire hands similar to clapping, especially if he really wants something!
~He is also able to sign "all done" He's learned to sign it independently, only when eating, and usually then tries to lift his highchair tray. When you ask him if he wants more or if he's all done, you'll typically get both signs in response! The actual sign is raising your hands and turning your open palms. Brennan's version is raising his hands and opening and closing his fists.
~Brennan does a great job feeding himself. He is able to pick up small items, such as peas, and take bites of larger items, such as crackers and slices of fruit. Sometimes, after feeding himself most of his meal, he prefers to have someone feed him. He also likes to try to feed others. Current favorite foods include crackers, apples/applesauce, and bananas. He has yet to refuse any food, including olives, mustard, and dill pickles. He is also able to drink water from a straw cup and sippy cup.
~He goes to bed at 7pm and wakes up between 630am and 730am. During the week, he's up by 645 to eat and get dressed before Mommy and Daddy go to work. He takes 2 naps a day, varying in length from 1 to 2.5 hours. When he wakes in the morning, he's happy to talk and play in his bed for a few minutes. When he wakes from naps, he's not as patient and wants to get out and play immediately!
~Brennan enjoys rolling and throwing balls. He also likes to make baskets in his basketball hoops. He commonly says "ball" and points to the larger hoop.
~He received his third hair cut by Mommy and Daddy! His hair grows very quickly! Fortunately, he's very tolerant of getting his hair cut and is easily entertained by books and food.
~He's starting to have a "cheese face" when told to "say cheese" at the camera. You'll see a lot of this face in the upcoming photo album!
~Brennan thinks getting chased is hysterical!
~Peek-A-Boo is a favorite activity. He enjoys hiding and uncovering others. Just about anything can turn into a prop for peek-a-boo. He'll take objects and put them over his face and/or put them over his head and around back of his neck.
~Brennan also has a favorite bath game. He likes to stand, take his toys and throw them over the side of the tub, and reach for them to pick them up.
~When playing, Brennan will sometimes give his toys to someone and then take them back shortly after.
~In addition to giving sweet kisses, Brennan also gives precious hugs.
~He continues to enjoy exploring his world. He's finding new areas of the house to explore, including kitchen drawers and cabinets.
~Current fascinations include books, doors, balls, and clocks
~Brennan's personality is wonderful! He loves to smile, laugh, and learn!

Here's a sneak peek into Brennan's birthday!

"I want cake!"

After a few bites of icing, Brennan decided to dig right in!

I like cake!

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