Monday, March 21, 2011

Back to the Pediatrician

We made an appointment with Brennan's pediatrician this afternoon. While the appointment was a bit frustrating, we ended up with some promising results.

He has another ear infection in his left ear. We anticipated a right ear infection, but also spotted a molar today just under his gums on the right side, which may have lead to some ear tugging. He was prescribed antibiotics again. The doctor was not interested in tubes, hoping that he would make it through the rest of flu season without needing them. We go back in a few weeks to check for residual fluid. She was pleased with his language skills, indicating that the ear infections are not impacting his hearing.

We also discussed his most recent reaction to dairy. Brennan continues to drink breastmilk and since Mommy isn't on a restricted diet, it "doesn't make sense scientifically" that Brennan could be allergic to dairy. Mommy likes her fair share of dairy (milk, cheese, and ice cream, yumm!) She suggested that we start trying different types of dairy, including milk and cheese. Even if he has a reaction, she said we could try to give it to him for a few days to see if he had the same reaction. Anxiously, we gave him an ounce of milk at dinner. He enjoyed it reaction! We'll continue to try small amounts of milk at dinner and see how he does. While we were frustrated that she didn't recommend further testing for allergies, we're excited that he was able to drink (albeit a small amount) of milk without hives, swelling, and itching!

Current stats:
25lb 12oz, clothed.

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