Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Our little Dr. Seuss lover dressed as The Cat in the Hat for Halloween this year!

We went trick or treating with Grandma on Saturday night in a nearby neighborhood. Mommy and Daddy joined in the festivities, dressed as Thing 1 and Thing 2. We had a great time! Brennan enjoyed walking up to houses with his candy bag wide open.

On Halloween night, Daddy stayed at home to pass out candy while Mommy and Brennan went trick or treating in our neighborhood. We had a good time, although Brennan insisted on carrying his loot rather than putting it in his bag. This lead to frustration, which lead to a tired and upset little cat on the walk home! Once home, he enjoyed greeting the kids that came to the door.

Over the weekend, we practiced saying "Trick or treat." At times, Brennan replied "Trick or treat, Honey!" He clammed up during the real deal, but did thank our generous neighbors for the sweet stuff!

Thanks, Grandma Mealy for making my costume!

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