Brennan had his one year well-baby appointment this afternoon. He charmed the nurses and pediatrician with giggles and smiles and showed off some of his skills by waving, signing "more", and chatting. The pediatrician commented many times that he was "such a treat!" She gave him a clean bill of health, including his ears! We feared his right ear might be infected as he occasionally messes with it, but she assured us that it looked fine!
We discussed introducing dairy again at 14 months. The pediatrician recommended starting with yogurt and then introducing milk. She discussed that he should have 16-24 ounces of milk/breast milk a day. We've recently cut back on some of Brennan's bottles/nursings and are right within that range.
He received five vaccines today--ouch! The nurse that gave them was very slow, which didn't help. The poor little guy zonked out on the short ride home, but was not interested in continuing his sleep in his crib. He returned to his normal smiling, chatting, laughing, and dancing self while eating dinner. With the exception of one more at 18 months, flu shots (if he doesn't get the mist), and any "new" shots, he shouldn't need another vaccine until 5 years!
Current stats:
Weight: 24lbs 1.5 oz (up ~15lbs, 4 oz from birth!) -- 75%ile
Height: 31.5 inches (up 10.5 inches from birth!) -- 90-95%ile
Head: 47cm
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