Thursday, January 28, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Brennan, Mommy, and Daddy have adjusted well to being at home. Our house has been taken over quickly with baby equipment, burp clothes, blankets, etc. Brennan is a very good sleeper and eater, although he has yet to sleep in his crib/bassinet/pack n' play for an extended period of time. We have found success (and sleep!) when we put him in his car seat and vibrating chair (when the vibration is on...bring on the batteries!). Of course, we don't want to make this a long-term sleeping situation, but we're going with the flow right now.

Adam returned to work on the 26th. It was a time neither of us were looking forward to, but we wanted to make sure he had time to take off during the rest of the year, if needed. Brennan and I are doing well during the day and Adam rushes to Brennan as soon as he's in the door. Adam has been a wonderful help in the evenings-cooking dinner, helping with feedings, entertaining Brennan, and changing diapers.

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