We received great news at our appointment with the pediatric cardiologist today--everything with baby's heart looks perfect! Based on one of the angles, he was able to locate the area of concern and explained that the technicians were right to raise the red flags. With additional measurements, checking blood flow, etc., he concluded that everything looks wonderful and there is no need to be concerned. He thought it would be perfectly fine to deliver in Sandusky. If we have concerns after he's born, we can request another echo. It was wonderful to hear that everything is just as it should be! Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers during this stressful week.
We also had a weekly check up with the OB today. I'm still not making progress! My body and baby just aren't quite ready to deliver, yet! I've considered today to be our due date since my first ultrasound with the Peri at 14 weeks, based on size and development. The OB has continued to use the 21st as our due date, based on timelines...maybe that's the "real" due date?! If I'm still not progressing by next week, the OB would like to try one dose of medical intervention. If that doesn't work, it's a sign that we're still not ready. If he's still baking for another week, we'll talk about additional measures to move things along. My blood pressure continues to look good, so I'm going to continue working until I feel uncomfortable or I get the no-go from the OB.
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