It's hard to believe that Brennan is already one week old! I can't imagine our lives without him and the joy and love he brings. In honor of his one week birthday, we've compiled a list of just a few things we've learned about him in the past seven days:
~Diaper changes are horrible forms of torture. Yet, he will dirty a diaper within minutes of getting changed.
~Brennan has inherited his mother's long, wide yawns. Just about everything else, he gets from his father.
~He has the longest eyelashes we've ever seen on an infant.
~He has an irresistible pouty face. We're in trouble when he uses the alligator tears with the pouty face.
~The fastest way to wake Brennan up is to either change his diaper or put him in a crib/bassinet/pack n' play.
~He would much rather be given room to stretch over being swaddled.
~He enjoys listening to music and is normally very alert when it's playing
~He is the master of impressions. Some of his specialties include: Pirate, Squeak toy, Pinching the air out of a balloon, Baby bird, the Beavis and Butthead laugh, and Elvis.
~Just like when he was in the womb, hiccups are a daily occurrence.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
First Trip to the Doctor
On Monday morning, Brennan, Adam, and I went to a follow up appointment with a lactation consultant and our first appointment with the pediatrician. Both were very impressed with Brennan and how well he was doing. He is almost back to his birth weight (8 lbs 11 oz at the lactation consultant; 8 lbs 12 oz at the pediatrician). They were glad to hear about his eating habits and how often he fills his diapers. His bili numbers were good and his heart sounded great. The pediatrician was especially pleased at how alert Brennan was during his appointment. Our next appointment with the pediatrician is in one month.
Home Sweet Home
Brennan, Mommy, and Daddy have adjusted well to being at home. Our house has been taken over quickly with baby equipment, burp clothes, blankets, etc. Brennan is a very good sleeper and eater, although he has yet to sleep in his crib/bassinet/pack n' play for an extended period of time. We have found success (and sleep!) when we put him in his car seat and vibrating chair (when the vibration is on...bring on the batteries!). Of course, we don't want to make this a long-term sleeping situation, but we're going with the flow right now.
Adam returned to work on the 26th. It was a time neither of us were looking forward to, but we wanted to make sure he had time to take off during the rest of the year, if needed. Brennan and I are doing well during the day and Adam rushes to Brennan as soon as he's in the door. Adam has been a wonderful help in the evenings-cooking dinner, helping with feedings, entertaining Brennan, and changing diapers.
Adam returned to work on the 26th. It was a time neither of us were looking forward to, but we wanted to make sure he had time to take off during the rest of the year, if needed. Brennan and I are doing well during the day and Adam rushes to Brennan as soon as he's in the door. Adam has been a wonderful help in the evenings-cooking dinner, helping with feedings, entertaining Brennan, and changing diapers.
Our time at the hospital
We stayed at the hospital until Saturday around lunch time. People are right when they say you can't really get rest there. It seemed like there was a constant flow of hospital staff in and out of the room: Checking my vitals, checking Brennan's vitals, giving me medicine, taking my blood, giving me shots, taking Brennan for tests, bringing him back, etc. It wouldn't have been as bad if they didn't want to do some of these tasks in the middle of the night! Eventually, their pestering decreased and we were able to enjoy time as a family.
We also had plenty of family and friends come to visit at the hospital, which was wonderful! Everyone enjoyed meeting Brennan and getting a chance to cuddle with our little man.
Brennan also underwent an echo for one final check of his heart. Even though we had two fetal echos with regular results, we agreed with the pediatric cardiologist's recommendation to do one more check for reassurance. They were able to get a better picture and everything continues to look perfect! Brennan was also given multiple sugar tests because of his higher birth weight. Every three hours, they pricked his foot to check his blood sugar until he passed three tests in a row. It took him awhile, but he eventually passed. I hated watching them prick and squeeze his little foot and was relieved to know that they wouldn't need to continue.
Overall, our stay was good, but we were more than ready to go home!
We also had plenty of family and friends come to visit at the hospital, which was wonderful! Everyone enjoyed meeting Brennan and getting a chance to cuddle with our little man.
Brennan also underwent an echo for one final check of his heart. Even though we had two fetal echos with regular results, we agreed with the pediatric cardiologist's recommendation to do one more check for reassurance. They were able to get a better picture and everything continues to look perfect! Brennan was also given multiple sugar tests because of his higher birth weight. Every three hours, they pricked his foot to check his blood sugar until he passed three tests in a row. It took him awhile, but he eventually passed. I hated watching them prick and squeeze his little foot and was relieved to know that they wouldn't need to continue.
Overall, our stay was good, but we were more than ready to go home!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Brennan's Birth Story
Wednesday, January 20, 2010; Approximately midnight:
After a long night of waiting and watching the clock, we went to the hospital. As directed, we entered at the emergency entrance and explained that we were there for an induction. The four employees working at the desk looked confused...I unzipped my fleece coat to show my belly stretching the shirt I was wearing. This pregnancy wouldn't be complete without a comment about my apparently small size at the hospital, I suppose! We checked in and I was wheeled upstairs to the maternity floor. Here we go!
After we got situation in our room, the nurse explained Cytotec, the medical intervention I would be receiving. I was hooked up to two monitors, one to detect contractions and a fetal heart monitor. Before I could receive the drug, I had to pass a contraction test to make sure I wasn't having too many contractions within a certain time period. Finally, at 1:20am, I was given a 1/4 tablet of Cytotec. Sleep was rare that evening...being in a new place, sounds of monitors, monitor alarms going off, and the excitement of what was to come!
Thursday, January 21, 2010:
4:30am: I buzzed the nurse into our room to detach me from the monitors so I could use the restroom (which was obnoxious, by the way!). I was beginning to feel slight cramping and noticed other signs that labor was on it's way! Woohoo!
7:ooam: Dr. Bruner, our OB, came for his first visit. No dilation, but Brennan was in the anterior position. My cramping and contractions continued, so he chose not to give me another dose of Cytotec.
9:15am: To help move things along, Adam and I took our first of two walks around the Post-partum section of the maternity floor. We also spent our time watching tv, playing card games, and chatting.
10:15am: Dr. Bruner came back for another check. I was 1-2 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced. He explained that he'd like to break my water later in the day to help keep things moving.
1:00pm: 2 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced. Dr. Bruner broke my water, which was clear in color. My contractions were getting stronger. Sitting up in bed and rocking back and forth helped the most. After my water was broken, the intensity of the contractions continued to increase.
1:15pm: My blood was drawn and I was given an IV for fluids. The first IV attempt failed, which didn't make my contractions any more pleasant.
2:40pm: Dr. Bruner asked about my pain level and we discussed an epidural. I was afraid to get it too early, fearing that it would either not last long enough or slow things down. I was assured that it would last as long as needed. We decided to wait for a bit before we made our decision.
2:41pm: Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
3:10pm: 2 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced. Contractions are very intense. Want.Epidural.Now. The Nurse Anesthesist is called to bring the goods. Adam's mother and step father arrived. Unfortunately, I wasn't the greatest host and could barely say hello.
3:40pm: Epidural was in and working. The process was intense, with several contractions occurring in the time it took to get everything in place. I was also set up for Pitocin.
4:40pm: I love epidurals. Adam described me as a new person, able to hold a conversation and no longer a shade of bright red. I was still able to move my legs/toes, etc. but wasn't able to feel the contractions at all. I was 4 centimeters dilated. Time was spent visiting with Adam's mom and step dad and resting.
5:30pm: 6 centimeters dilated. My Pitocin was increased every 15 minutes. I was able to feel more pressure, which was becoming uncomfortable. I was told that they can increase the epidural, if I would like. The next time my Pitocin was increased, my pain meds were increased, too.
6:00ish pm: Despite increasing the epidural, I was continuing to feel pressure during my contractions, which were very close together. Adam found my nurse, who checked my progress. I was 8-9 centimeters dilated. The pressure continued and contractions were nearly on top of each other. Adam got the nurse again, who found Dr. Bruner.
6:20ish pm: Dr Bruner entered with a team of medical staff, including nurses and medical students. I was prepped for delivery. Dr. Bruner even let me have "One last hit" of my chapstick...referring to an earlier comment about how easy it is to be addicted. I accepted.
6:43pm: I've pushed 3-4 times during each contraction, resting in between. After his nose and mouth are cleaned out, I was directed to pull him out and lay him on my chest (with help from the doctor, of course). He's here!! Comments ensued about his hair and weight. It's love at first glance for Adam and me. Welcome to the world, Brennan Lee Swartz!
It was a wonderful and incredible experience. Sure, it wasn't easy, but it's called "labor" for a reason! The medical staff was great and I felt well taken care of. I even thanked Dr. Bruner shortly after Brennan was born for living up to his wonderful reputation. Adam was an incredible and invaluable "support person." He knew what I needed even before I did and would fetch me ice chips, flag down a nurse, massage my back, and speak words of encouragement without hesitation. And, best of all, we brought our precious son into the world!
After a long night of waiting and watching the clock, we went to the hospital. As directed, we entered at the emergency entrance and explained that we were there for an induction. The four employees working at the desk looked confused...I unzipped my fleece coat to show my belly stretching the shirt I was wearing. This pregnancy wouldn't be complete without a comment about my apparently small size at the hospital, I suppose! We checked in and I was wheeled upstairs to the maternity floor. Here we go!
After we got situation in our room, the nurse explained Cytotec, the medical intervention I would be receiving. I was hooked up to two monitors, one to detect contractions and a fetal heart monitor. Before I could receive the drug, I had to pass a contraction test to make sure I wasn't having too many contractions within a certain time period. Finally, at 1:20am, I was given a 1/4 tablet of Cytotec. Sleep was rare that evening...being in a new place, sounds of monitors, monitor alarms going off, and the excitement of what was to come!
Thursday, January 21, 2010:
4:30am: I buzzed the nurse into our room to detach me from the monitors so I could use the restroom (which was obnoxious, by the way!). I was beginning to feel slight cramping and noticed other signs that labor was on it's way! Woohoo!
7:ooam: Dr. Bruner, our OB, came for his first visit. No dilation, but Brennan was in the anterior position. My cramping and contractions continued, so he chose not to give me another dose of Cytotec.
9:15am: To help move things along, Adam and I took our first of two walks around the Post-partum section of the maternity floor. We also spent our time watching tv, playing card games, and chatting.
10:15am: Dr. Bruner came back for another check. I was 1-2 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced. He explained that he'd like to break my water later in the day to help keep things moving.
1:00pm: 2 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced. Dr. Bruner broke my water, which was clear in color. My contractions were getting stronger. Sitting up in bed and rocking back and forth helped the most. After my water was broken, the intensity of the contractions continued to increase.
1:15pm: My blood was drawn and I was given an IV for fluids. The first IV attempt failed, which didn't make my contractions any more pleasant.
2:40pm: Dr. Bruner asked about my pain level and we discussed an epidural. I was afraid to get it too early, fearing that it would either not last long enough or slow things down. I was assured that it would last as long as needed. We decided to wait for a bit before we made our decision.
2:41pm: Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
3:10pm: 2 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced. Contractions are very intense. Want.Epidural.Now. The Nurse Anesthesist is called to bring the goods. Adam's mother and step father arrived. Unfortunately, I wasn't the greatest host and could barely say hello.
3:40pm: Epidural was in and working. The process was intense, with several contractions occurring in the time it took to get everything in place. I was also set up for Pitocin.
4:40pm: I love epidurals. Adam described me as a new person, able to hold a conversation and no longer a shade of bright red. I was still able to move my legs/toes, etc. but wasn't able to feel the contractions at all. I was 4 centimeters dilated. Time was spent visiting with Adam's mom and step dad and resting.
5:30pm: 6 centimeters dilated. My Pitocin was increased every 15 minutes. I was able to feel more pressure, which was becoming uncomfortable. I was told that they can increase the epidural, if I would like. The next time my Pitocin was increased, my pain meds were increased, too.
6:00ish pm: Despite increasing the epidural, I was continuing to feel pressure during my contractions, which were very close together. Adam found my nurse, who checked my progress. I was 8-9 centimeters dilated. The pressure continued and contractions were nearly on top of each other. Adam got the nurse again, who found Dr. Bruner.
6:20ish pm: Dr Bruner entered with a team of medical staff, including nurses and medical students. I was prepped for delivery. Dr. Bruner even let me have "One last hit" of my chapstick...referring to an earlier comment about how easy it is to be addicted. I accepted.
6:43pm: I've pushed 3-4 times during each contraction, resting in between. After his nose and mouth are cleaned out, I was directed to pull him out and lay him on my chest (with help from the doctor, of course). He's here!! Comments ensued about his hair and weight. It's love at first glance for Adam and me. Welcome to the world, Brennan Lee Swartz!
It was a wonderful and incredible experience. Sure, it wasn't easy, but it's called "labor" for a reason! The medical staff was great and I felt well taken care of. I even thanked Dr. Bruner shortly after Brennan was born for living up to his wonderful reputation. Adam was an incredible and invaluable "support person." He knew what I needed even before I did and would fetch me ice chips, flag down a nurse, massage my back, and speak words of encouragement without hesitation. And, best of all, we brought our precious son into the world!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Happy Birthday, Brennan Lee!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
He's almost here!
Baby and I had another check up with the OB this afternoon. I've been very anxious for this appointment so we could determine "the next step."
I'm still not making any progress, which was a bit discouraging to hear. The OB asked if I was willing to wait another week. I, rather quickly, responded "No." I explained that I've been considering the 13th as his due date for almost our entire pregnancy and I was worried about delaying delivery. He reviewed my information and said the most probable due date is the 21st. He continued to recommend trying medical intervention to help my body prepare for delivery.
We're heading to the hospital late tonight, where I'll be given a dose of a ripening agent. The doctor will be at the hospital early tomorrow and may give me another dose if the first was not effective. If I'm still not progressing, we'll try yet another dose on Friday evening. Finally, if I'm still not responding, we'll talk seriously about a c-section on Saturday. I inquired about Pitocin, but it's not an option unless the ripening agent works. I again thought about the option of waiting another week, but the OB explained that, if I haven't done anything on my own by this point, I only have a 20% chance of progressing within the next week.
We're very excited! Tonight, we'll work on packing last minute items, getting some rest, and taking showers before we head to the hospital. Next time we're home, hopefully we'll be showing our new house to our new son!
I'm still not making any progress, which was a bit discouraging to hear. The OB asked if I was willing to wait another week. I, rather quickly, responded "No." I explained that I've been considering the 13th as his due date for almost our entire pregnancy and I was worried about delaying delivery. He reviewed my information and said the most probable due date is the 21st. He continued to recommend trying medical intervention to help my body prepare for delivery.
We're heading to the hospital late tonight, where I'll be given a dose of a ripening agent. The doctor will be at the hospital early tomorrow and may give me another dose if the first was not effective. If I'm still not progressing, we'll try yet another dose on Friday evening. Finally, if I'm still not responding, we'll talk seriously about a c-section on Saturday. I inquired about Pitocin, but it's not an option unless the ripening agent works. I again thought about the option of waiting another week, but the OB explained that, if I haven't done anything on my own by this point, I only have a 20% chance of progressing within the next week.
We're very excited! Tonight, we'll work on packing last minute items, getting some rest, and taking showers before we head to the hospital. Next time we're home, hopefully we'll be showing our new house to our new son!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Heart of Gold
We received great news at our appointment with the pediatric cardiologist today--everything with baby's heart looks perfect! Based on one of the angles, he was able to locate the area of concern and explained that the technicians were right to raise the red flags. With additional measurements, checking blood flow, etc., he concluded that everything looks wonderful and there is no need to be concerned. He thought it would be perfectly fine to deliver in Sandusky. If we have concerns after he's born, we can request another echo. It was wonderful to hear that everything is just as it should be! Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers during this stressful week.
We also had a weekly check up with the OB today. I'm still not making progress! My body and baby just aren't quite ready to deliver, yet! I've considered today to be our due date since my first ultrasound with the Peri at 14 weeks, based on size and development. The OB has continued to use the 21st as our due date, based on timelines...maybe that's the "real" due date?! If I'm still not progressing by next week, the OB would like to try one dose of medical intervention. If that doesn't work, it's a sign that we're still not ready. If he's still baking for another week, we'll talk about additional measures to move things along. My blood pressure continues to look good, so I'm going to continue working until I feel uncomfortable or I get the no-go from the OB.
We also had a weekly check up with the OB today. I'm still not making progress! My body and baby just aren't quite ready to deliver, yet! I've considered today to be our due date since my first ultrasound with the Peri at 14 weeks, based on size and development. The OB has continued to use the 21st as our due date, based on timelines...maybe that's the "real" due date?! If I'm still not progressing by next week, the OB would like to try one dose of medical intervention. If that doesn't work, it's a sign that we're still not ready. If he's still baking for another week, we'll talk about additional measures to move things along. My blood pressure continues to look good, so I'm going to continue working until I feel uncomfortable or I get the no-go from the OB.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Upcoming appointments
We're scheduled for an appointment with the pediatric cardiologist on Jan 13. Later that afternoon, I have my weekly check up with the ob. I'm anxious for the appointments, so we can hopefully hear that everything is perfect. I'm feeling better about the entire situation and think that it's the result of the ultrasound technicians being overly cautious and unfamiliar. If not, we'll be prepared and can make sure we're in the right place for delivery with a higher level of medical support available, if needed.
According to my submitted proposed dates for my maternity leave, yesterday was my last day of work for a few weeks. I talked to my boss about taking next week "day by day." Since I'm not making much progress, I would much rather continue to work and have more time off after he arrives. I won't make any decisions about going in until each morning--taking into account how I feel and the weather. If I go in, I'll stick to paperwork in my office, rather than my usual work in the school buildings. I won't be working on Wednesday due to our appointments.
According to my submitted proposed dates for my maternity leave, yesterday was my last day of work for a few weeks. I talked to my boss about taking next week "day by day." Since I'm not making much progress, I would much rather continue to work and have more time off after he arrives. I won't make any decisions about going in until each morning--taking into account how I feel and the weather. If I go in, I'll stick to paperwork in my office, rather than my usual work in the school buildings. I won't be working on Wednesday due to our appointments.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Back to the Pediatric Cardiologist...
This afternoon, Adam and I went to the ob's office for another check-up and ultrasound. Everything with baby looks good, although the ultrasound technician is concerned about a portion of his heart. Despite several explanations, we're still a bit fuzzy about what is the cause of concern. It's not easy to process medical terminology when you're hearing that something might not be perfect with your child.
Basically, they are concerned about a bulge in the arch where the pulminary artery meets the aorta. The techician called in another technician that is more familiar with the heart, who also examined it for a while. Everything else with his heart looks fine, including blood flow and the chambers. They explained multiple times that they don't frequently perform ultrasounds this late in pregnancy and that they can't normally get such a high quality picture (apparently, I'm thinner than most of their other patients...), so everything may be perfectly normal and they aren't used to seeing such details. After continuing to examine it and take measurements, they recommended that we go back to the pediatric cardiologist that we saw earlier to verify that everything is fine with his little heart. Best case scenerio, everything is fine and the cardiologist can comment about how the technicians are wrong. Worst case scenerio, something is wrong. If so, we'll definitely deliver in Toledo rather than Sandusky. I'm supposed to hear back from the ob's office tomorrow once they are able to speak with my regular ob and schedule an appointment with the pediatric cardiologist in the next few days. While this is definitely worrisome, I'm trying to stay optimistic by remembering the multiple ultrasounds we've already had, including three total with a peri and pediatric cardiologist, where everything looked perfect with his heart.
Onto better news, everything else looks great with our little guy! His estimated weight is 7 lbs 5 oz and has a head full of hair and ready-to-pinch chubby cheeks. He was a bit camera shy today, as he kept his hand in front of his face. I'm still between 0 and 1 centimeters and continue to soften. The midwife explained that his head is "right there". My blood pressure is still good and his heart rate was in the 130's during the ultrasound.
I go back to my regular ob next Wednesday and will keep everyone informed about our appointment with the cardiologist. Part of me just wants to take our bags with us to Toledo and have him right then! I'm so anxious to finally meet him!

Basically, they are concerned about a bulge in the arch where the pulminary artery meets the aorta. The techician called in another technician that is more familiar with the heart, who also examined it for a while. Everything else with his heart looks fine, including blood flow and the chambers. They explained multiple times that they don't frequently perform ultrasounds this late in pregnancy and that they can't normally get such a high quality picture (apparently, I'm thinner than most of their other patients...), so everything may be perfectly normal and they aren't used to seeing such details. After continuing to examine it and take measurements, they recommended that we go back to the pediatric cardiologist that we saw earlier to verify that everything is fine with his little heart. Best case scenerio, everything is fine and the cardiologist can comment about how the technicians are wrong. Worst case scenerio, something is wrong. If so, we'll definitely deliver in Toledo rather than Sandusky. I'm supposed to hear back from the ob's office tomorrow once they are able to speak with my regular ob and schedule an appointment with the pediatric cardiologist in the next few days. While this is definitely worrisome, I'm trying to stay optimistic by remembering the multiple ultrasounds we've already had, including three total with a peri and pediatric cardiologist, where everything looked perfect with his heart.
Onto better news, everything else looks great with our little guy! His estimated weight is 7 lbs 5 oz and has a head full of hair and ready-to-pinch chubby cheeks. He was a bit camera shy today, as he kept his hand in front of his face. I'm still between 0 and 1 centimeters and continue to soften. The midwife explained that his head is "right there". My blood pressure is still good and his heart rate was in the 130's during the ultrasound.
I go back to my regular ob next Wednesday and will keep everyone informed about our appointment with the cardiologist. Part of me just wants to take our bags with us to Toledo and have him right then! I'm so anxious to finally meet him!
Our handsome little man
Chubby cheeks
Puckering up for a kiss, perhaps?
Enough with the pictures, already!
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