Saturday, June 14, 2014

She's Almost Here!

We're quickly approaching Buckeye's due date and are very excited for her arrival!  Brennan and Gavin frequently give her hugs and kisses.  Brennan has a good understanding of what is to come and talks about having another baby at home and how he can help.  Although we talk about it with him, we're not sure how much Gavin understands but anticipate that he will transition to his new Big Brother status well.

Due to Buckeye measuring big and not being in the head down position yet, I had another ultrasound at 35 weeks.  Luckily, between my previous appointment and the ultrasound, Buckeye positioned herself head down!  Everything with her and Mommy looks great.  She was measuring in the 95th percentile (7lb, 8oz), but the ultrasound technician explained that the bigger the baby, the more likely the weight is overestimated. It was neat to see how much she has grown.  Buckeye was a bit camera shy, but with some effort we were able to get a good picture of her sweet face!

I've had weekly appointments since the ultrasound appointment.  Much like my pregnancies with Brennan and Gavin, I'm not making much progress on my own.  If this continues, we'll look at induction close to her due date.

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