Friday, June 20, 2014

21 & 22 Months!

Our dearest Gavin, please forgive me that I am combining these posts!  Third trimester fatigue, working full time, and keeping up with you and your brother has postponed your 21 month post.  We love you!

~Gavin continues to be such a snuggle bug!  He loves to snuggle, give kisses and hugs, and sit on our laps.  Our babysitter recently said that she and her husband have commented that he is the sweetest kid she has ever watched!
~In preparation for their baby sister's arrival, the boys are now sharing a room, referred to as the "big boy room".  He's done a great job in his "big boy bed!"  Our original idea was that they would share a room at bedtime and Gavin could continue to nap in the crib since Brennan is not consistently napping.  After seeing the panicked look on his face after taking him into the nursery to read a book before bedtime, we decided that he was done with the crib and officially a big boy bed sleeper!  The boys love sharing a room and we frequently hear giggles from both after putting them to bed.  He wakes up content and will happily look at books or play with stuff animals in his bed.
~Gavin is not a fan of being groomed--hair cuts and nail trimmings require much distraction and speed.
~He continues to be a great helper!  He loves to throw things away and put his dishes in the sink after meals.  He does a great job picking up his toys and helping his brother clean up.  He gets a kick out of putting clothes in the dryer.  He delivers things to others with pride, even tempting objects such as sweets!
~Gavin can be quite particular about things.  He will pick up tiny objects from the floor and throw them away.  He doesn't like food on his fingers. Don't even think about leaving the trash can lid open.  As soon as you are done with the vacuum and/or broom, he'll go to the closet door where it belongs to let you know where to put it away.
~Gavin has cut his bottom two canine teeth and 3 of his two year molars.  We're almost done with teething!  Overall, he does a great job with cutting teeth, but he can get picky about what he eats and a little dramatic at times.
~We're continuing to work on his expressive language.  It baffles us that he will consistently make animals noises, getting verbal praise in return, but won't say "cookie" (a word he previously said frequently) even when being tempted with a cookie after he says it!  Some words he consistently says: "Yuck", especially when getting his diaper changed;"Thanks" ("Danks") after getting something; and "Mom" for Mommy or more.  He very frequently says "I did it!" after doing something independently.   He makes many different sounds and will frequently repeat the same sequence of sounds when pointing at something.
~Gavin loves to be outside!  He especially enjoys climbing the ladder (with a spotter nearby, just in case), throwing balls, and playing in the sandbox.

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