Monday, June 16, 2014

Potty Practice

Gavin has shown some interest in the toilet in the last few days, so we thought we'd give it a go and see what happens.  He loves it!  He'll run to the bathroom when you ask if he wants to sit on the potty.  Then, he'll lift the lid and position the potty seat.  Once sitting, he'll give a little push and clap after he goes.  He'll do this several times, clapping each time as he flashes a huge grin.  It's adorable to see how proud he is of himself!  After we take him off of the seat, he'll independently flush the potty, take the potty seat off, close the lid, and go to the sink to wash his hands. Earlier today he peed and pooped on the potty!  After he finished, he retrieved some toilet paper and attempted to wipe himself.

He still has plenty of wet and dirty diapers and doesn't seem bothered by them, so we're not anticipating that he will be potty trained soon.  But, practice never hurts!


 Personal cheerleader

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