Saturday, October 11, 2014

Help Me Grow Update

We've had one official Help Me Grow home visit with Gavin's Early Intervention Specialist.  Gavin warmed up to her relatively quickly.  She was impressed with his attention span and commented that he is "smart as a whip."  She also commented that he seems to have a bit of a stubborn side as he would act as though he didn't hear her/us talking to him.  She has created a picture board for us to use.  He hasn't used it independently yet, but will retrieve specific pictures when asked.

Gavin has recently made great gains in his expressive language!  He is much more willing to repeat words.  He has added several animal noises to his collection.  He is also using more words and a few word phrases.  Some recent additions: "Mommy!  Look this!", "Nain!" (train), "Hup!" (hoop), "Mommy! Done!", "A bus!" and "Mark! Go!" (on your marks, get set, go).  Definitely steps in the right direction!

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