Tuesday, September 30, 2014

3 Months!

Our little lady is 3 months old!

~Abigail is such a happy girl!  She's very smiley and content.  There are time I've had to wake her in the morning and she wakes up with a big smile!
~She is growing fast! We've commented a few times that she seems to look bigger during a day at the babysitter's.  We've packed away many clothes that are too small and will be digging into the 6-9 month clothes soon
~Abby is a good sleeper!  She has slept through the night about half of the past month.  She sometimes goes back to sleep without difficulty.  Sometimes, she ends up in tired Mommy and Daddy's bed where we can easily return her pacifier to her mouth after she looses it.  We put the boppy pillow around her head for safety.  Naps are inconsistent and are usually in a vibrating chair or Mommy's arms.  She's so snuggly and Mommy can also sneak in an afternoon snooze, it's hard to resist!  We plan to work on naps in her crib soon.
~She enjoys being around people and wants to be in the same room as us.
~Abigail is adored by her brothers.  Gavin likes to snuggle with her and try to make her talk by "coo-ing" at her.  Brennan likes talking to her, receiving smiles from her, and making comments such as, "She's so cute!"

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