Thursday, October 30, 2014

4 Months Old!

Little Miss Abigail is 4 months old!

~Our smiley sweetie is now also a giggly gal!  Abigail has a sweet and infectious giggle!
~Abby seemed to wake up over night more often than sleep through the night during the past month.  After a diaper change and feeding, she heads back to dream land.  We're continuing to work on naps in her crib at home on the weekends.  She's napped for about an hour in her crib several times.  Morning naps are tough because we're often running errands and she'll sleep while we're out and about.
~Abigail has increased her milk intake while at the babysitter's house.  She previously drank 15 oz a day.  We're now up to 20 oz!
~She's quickly outgrowing 3-6 months clothes and fits comfortably into 6-9 month outfits.
~Abigail continues to be "Gabby Abby."  She loves to "talk" and has many sounds, pitches and volumes.
~She is very close to rolling over from her belly to her back.  One more umph and she'll be there!

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