Monday, July 7, 2014

One Week Old!

Abigail is one week old!  She is a sweetheart and a cuddle bug and an amazing addition to our family!

~Abigail had a busy day today!  She had her first appointment with the pediatrician, went to Mommy's work where she was passed around and loved on by many of Mommy's coworkers, and went on her first dinner date out with Mommy, Daddy, and two of Mommy's coworkers.
~She is a great sleeper!  However, she is not a big fan of the bassinet. Her first night at home was spent with Mommy in the nursery recliner.  After attempting sleep in the bassinet on the second night, we brought her into our bed where she slept for 9 consecutive hours! Whoa!  We've found success in putting her in a bouncy seat overnight.  She typically wakes up every 3-5 hours to eat and usually goes back to sleep easily.
~Abigail is still in her sleepy stage during the day.  But, when she is awake, she is very alert and has great eye control!
~Due to her very long fingernails, Abby spent her first week wearing baby mittens to prevent scratches.  She received her first manicure today.
~Abigail's eye lashes are growing longer and thicker every day!  Her eyes also appear to be more blue every day!
~She has an adorable dimple on each of her cheeks!
~We're not doing tummy time until Abigail loses her umbilical cord stump, but she is working on her head control.  When laying on Mommy/Daddy's chest, she can lift her head for several seconds and turn it from one side to another.
~Her hair, while dark, has some lighter undertones and beautiful highlights of red and blonde.
~Abigail is a champion eater!  She's doing a great job nursing!
~She is a very content baby!  She rarely cries and is easily soothed when upset.

Brennan and Gavin are transitioning wonderfully to our new addition.  Brennan is a good helper and likes to kiss her.  He has had a few questions, including why her teeth are red (referring to her gums).  Gavin has also done well with her.  He has given her a few kisses, brought her blankets and her pacifier, and appears concerned when she is crying.

We are very thankful to have the help of Grandma and Grandpa Mealy at our house during Abigail's first week!  They were a huge help!  They also took Brennan and Gavin to Cincinnati, leaving this morning, for a few days of fun.  Uncle Matt came to visit her at home.  Abigail was also able to meet Uncle Will, Aunt Adrianna, Ava, Corinne, Elise, Grammy, and Bob at home on the Fourth of July.

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