Wednesday, July 30, 2014

One Month Old!

Miss Abigail is one month old!  She's such an amazing addition to our family!

~Abigail loves to snuggle!
~She's a champion nurser!  She typically eats every 3-4 hours during the day, more frequently in the evening.
~She usually has 3 awake periods during the day in the morning, early afternoon, and evening.  Each awake period can last about an hour, usually longer in the evening.  She is very alert and loves to look around when she is awake.
~Abby is a great overnight sleeper!  She goes to bed around 10/10:30 and wakes to eat between 2:00 to 4:00am.  She makes a few newborn noises in her bed before going back to sleep.  She wakes again in the morning between 7:00 to 8:00am.
~Abigail slept in our room in a vibrating chair until she was just shy of 4 weeks old.  She seemed to be uncomfortable in the chair immediately after feedings and we wondered if it was from being in a somewhat-sitting position.  She now sleeps in her crib in the nursery.  She continues to make some uncomfortable "newborn noises" after being put down, but not as many.
~A downfall of long locks--pulling your hair with your newborn grasping reflex.
~Abigail enjoys her baths and getting her hair washed.
~She is just starting to "talk" and coo.
~To prepare for Mommy's return to work, we've given Abigail a few bottles.  She did great!

Her one month appointment is next week.  We're looking forward to seeing how much she has grown!

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