Sunday, April 20, 2014

20 Months!

It's hard to believe that our sweet Gavin is already 20 months old!  He's such a joy and has a wonderful personality!

~His bottom canine teeth are cutting through and they seem to be taking their time.  After these, he'll only have back molars left to cut through!
~He continues to show affection towards his baby sister.  He'll give her a kiss when we ask where she is and is beginning to do the same when we refer to her by name.  He'll also give her a snuggle after his smooch.
~His language is starting to take off!  He has said several words and phrases, but rarely repeats them when asked.  Some words/phrases include: Momma, My Momma, Daddy, Here go (here you go), Chocolate, Buckle, Door, Logan (the babysitter's son), Hungry, All done, All gone, Waffle, Grandma, I did it, and Puzzle.  He continues to make many different syllables and strings of sounds.  His receptive language continues to flourish, also.
~Gavin has several cute animal noises.  Current noises include lion, kangaroo, cow, elephant, monkey, bear, and fish.
~He blows his nose into tissues.
~Gavin is quite particular about things being clean and picked up.  He'll clean off his hands and face with a paper towel and/or water after meals.  He enjoys picking up his toys and wants everything put in the correct containers. He had also become a bit upset when taken out of the bath prior to putting all of the toys away.  Gavin is also known to find small bits of food/paper/etc on the floor and will either bring them to Mommy or Daddy or throw them away in the trash.
~Gavin loves to play outside!  He was weary of the sandbox last year, but loves it this year!  He'll spend a good amount of time filling up buckets and then dumping them out.  He's learned the fun of dumping the sand on himself.  He also loves his swing.

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