Friday, May 2, 2014

31 Week Appointment

I had my 31 week OB appointment today!  It's hard to believe we're getting so close!

My blood pressure looks great.  The doctor commented that Buckeye is very active!  I'm measuring at 33 weeks, so we may have another big baby!  She's currently "oblique" or laying diagonally, rather than head down.  The doctor assured me that she has plenty of time to move into the correct position.  She would like me to have another ultrasound in a month to check on Buckeye's size and position. 

I'm feeling good.  Fatigue and heartburn are my biggest complaints.  I was having difficulty staying comfortable on our super-plush bed.  Daddy saved the day by finding a memory foam mattress pad that helps a lot.  Heartburn comes and goes, depending on the day.

My next appointment is in 2 weeks.  I'll start the weekly appointments, and have the follow up ultrasound 2 weeks after that!

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